I'm amazed that Tom Brady has spent...


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so much time getting up tonight...

This is a great Superbowl game if you like defensive games...

I do.
Wow, that is some amazing football....

And the NE Patriots are still haven't gone 19-0....

Man, I am so glad that five years down the road I will hear that the Patriots just missed going totally undefeated!
Bill Belichick just left the field. No handshake, nothing. He didn't even stay for the last play.

What a total ass! All his cheating didn't net him a win so he's just going to cry in the shower room? Is that the Boston way?
Bill Belichick just left the field. No handshake, nothing. He didn't even stay for the last play.

What a total ass! All his cheating didn't net him a win so he's just going to cry in the shower room? Is that the Boston way?

oh stfu.... you damn well know we didn't cheat our way to 18-1. don't be jealous.
oh stfu.... you damn well know we didn't cheat our way to 18-1. don't be jealous.
So your defense is "they didn't cheat" when they were fined for cheating? Come on, Grind. You are smarter than that. His cheating ass is a crybaby whiner loserboy.

How does it feel to have a total jackass as the coach of your whiney, crybaby, cheating team? Can't even shake a hand.

FYI, a lot of teams in the NFL videotape signals, that's why the coaches cover their mouths.

Fact 2- Their is no evidence of the Patriots cheating during this nearly perfect season

Fact 3- The Patriots have still won 3 championships in the last 7 years.

Fact 4- 18-1 record isn't too shabby...

Fact 5- It was the last play of the game, and I'm pretty sure Bellichick wouldn't cry, he has no emotions. The Patriots are still the greatest football team in the world. They just couldn't win 19 in a row.

Fact 7, they still lost the Superbowl and I get to hear about how they "almost" were 19-0... And how they were the "closest" to it in ever...

Fact 8, Belichick is still a whining loserboy who cried his way off the field and was unable to display even the most minute signs of sportsmanship. The after-game handshake.

Fact 9, the past is the best way to predict the future actions of a group of people. If they were cheaters before, it is far more likely that they will continue being it. That they were so bad at it that they were the only ones caught at it then they are stupid cheaters, that they weren't "caught" this year only means that they got better at it...


Fact 10, I'm having fun trashing a team that almost went 19-0 (That I fully expected to win this game by a mile and without "cheating"). I just gotta say it again...


Miami Dolphins are still the greatest team to EVER play the game cause they won their Super Bowl. 18-1 is still NOT GOOD ENOUGH. To be the best team ever you HAVE to go undefeated for the season AND win the Super Bowl. No Super Bowl your just ANOTHER LOSER. Hahahahahhaha I love it. Brady doesn't get to hold another Lobardi Trophy. Yeah Giants!
Bellicheck showed exactly how much of a classless arrogant ass he is. To leave the field before the game was over just because he felt the need to go cry simply because he pissed away a perfect season... what a wuss. While I would have liked to see Seau get a ring, there is a great amount of pleasure to be taken in the fact that Moss did not get one.

Brothers winning back to back Super Bowls.... pretty cool for the Manning family.
Miami Dolphins are still the greatest team to EVER play the game cause they won their Super Bowl. 18-1 is still NOT GOOD ENOUGH. To be the best team ever you HAVE to go undefeated for the season AND win the Super Bowl. No Super Bowl your just ANOTHER LOSER. Hahahahahhaha I love it. Brady doesn't get to hold another Lobardi Trophy. Yeah Giants!

yep.... Pats are just the number one loser for the year.
ok the reason he stormed off the field is because there was one second on the clock and the mob had already descended on the field. Kind of showy and bad etiquette don't you think? At least down the ball.
ok the reason he stormed off the field is because there was one second on the clock and the mob had already descended on the field. Kind of showy and bad etiquette don't you think? At least down the ball.

Personally, I was hoping that the Giants would go for a score. That would have been classic.
ok the reason he stormed off the field is because there was one second on the clock and the mob had already descended on the field. Kind of showy and bad etiquette don't you think? At least down the ball.
Weak excuse. Their entire team had left. Some of them scampered back because they knew that there would have to be a play. He left because he couldn't stand being a big fat loser. Nice example of good sportsmanship. I'd prefer having my kids see a naked Janet boob than a naked boob like Belichick.