I'm amazed that Tom Brady has spent...

you guys are so jealous it's kinda sad :)
You are so right I am soooo jealous of the first loser. Favored by 12 points at game time, 14 two weeks ago and never led by more than 4. And what makes it even more funny is that it is a New England team beaten by a New York team. That has got to wicked chap your ass huh? Great regular season NO FOLLOW THROUGH.
Wow sorta like Dewey Beats Truman huh? They could right a epilogue and call it 19-0 the year that never was. How the Miami Dolphins are still the best team in football history.

Rofl. Patriots fans are slashing wrists after reading that.
I didn't keep up with all the pregame hype over the last week but I just saw the footage of Tom Brady laughing at Plaxico Buress' prediction that the Giants were going to win 23-17. He got all cocky and said "We're only going to score 17 points? O.K.!" Well Tommy Boy looks like Plaxico can't predict his way out of a wet paper bag cause you could only score 14 points! 5 sacks! The last was the best. He got drilled in the chest with less than 30 seconds to go. No one took the Giants defense seriously. Kept thinking they were fluking their way to the Super Bowl. My only disappointment was that the Defense was not named the MVP of the game because they kept NE off balance all night and kept the Giants in the game. This is probably one of the top 5 Superbowls played. Great game.
I didn't keep up with all the pregame hype over the last week but I just saw the footage of Tom Brady laughing at Plaxico Buress' prediction that the Giants were going to win 23-17. He got all cocky and said "We're only going to score 17 points? O.K.!" Well Tommy Boy looks like Plaxico can't predict his way out of a wet paper bag cause you could only score 14 points! 5 sacks! The last was the best. He got drilled in the chest with less than 30 seconds to go. No one took the Giants defense seriously. Kept thinking they were fluking their way to the Super Bowl. My only disappointment was that the Defense was not named the MVP of the game because they kept NE off balance all night and kept the Giants in the game. This is probably one of the top 5 Superbowls played. Great game.

yeah, too bad Brady got so cocky.... makes me feel so bad for the Patcheatiots.
Bill Belichick just left the field. No handshake, nothing. He didn't even stay for the last play.

What a total ass! All his cheating didn't net him a win so he's just going to cry in the shower room? Is that the Boston way?

Actually Belichick did shake Tom's hand but he still ran his sorry ass off the field with one second left.

I'm actually in Boston right now and there were a lot of really really pissed off people in this city last night. I loved it but kept my mouth shut for safety reasons. The office here is like a morgue today.
Actually Belichick did shake Tom's hand but he still ran his sorry ass off the field with one second left.

I'm actually in Boston right now and there were a lot of really really pissed off people in this city last night. I loved it but kept my mouth shut for safety reasons. The office here is like a morgue today.
Everybody here is whispering, but it is because of all the hangovers.
There ain't enough drugs in the world to make Moss forget this loss.

Not so sure about that.... he seemed to forget what happened almost immediately. Calling the Giants secondary ordinary after it pretty much shut down the Pats passing game? What an arrogant little shit. Two reasons I didn't want the Pats to win.... belicheat and moss.
Overall this season Moss was pretty Non-Moss like all season. He was a team player and he was as humble as someone like Moss can be. I was impressed by his behavior. He did set tie the TD reception record but that is only becasue Rice didn't play a full season that year. He just wants to be on a team where everyone is on the same winning page. Just looks like they lost the 19th chapter of the Book
Overall this season Moss was pretty Non-Moss like all season. He was a team player and he was as humble as someone like Moss can be. I was impressed by his behavior. He did set tie the TD reception record but that is only becasue Rice didn't play a full season that year. He just wants to be on a team where everyone is on the same winning page. Just looks like they lost the 19th chapter of the Book

Moss is a great teammate.... when winning.... when getting the ball thrown his way... when he is in the spotlight. His play with the Raiders shows what a pathetic excuse for a teammate he really is. You don't quit on your team. Yeah, there are plenty of players who don't go 100% on every play. But very few blatantly quit like he did.
Moss is a great teammate.... when winning.... when getting the ball thrown his way... when he is in the spotlight. His play with the Raiders shows what a pathetic excuse for a teammate he really is. You don't quit on your team. Yeah, there are plenty of players who don't go 100% on every play. But very few blatantly quit like he did.
I can't see how ANY player can play for Al Davis. That guy says just win baby but he means just lose. My best friend is a Raider fan and prays before sleep everynight that Davis dies.
I can't see how ANY player can play for Al Davis. That guy says just win baby but he means just lose. My best friend is a Raider fan and prays before sleep everynight that Davis dies.

Well you can tell him that my prayers counter his. As a Chiefs fan (yes, we had a bad year) I pray that Davis lives forever.

That said, back to Moss. Had it just been the Raiders performance (or lack thereof) I might be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. But we can also look to his performance in Minnesota when he went from superstar rookie to mediocre at the end of his tenure there. He quit because he was whining about not getting the ball and thus he pouted, slacked off, got the ball less as a result, then the spiral continued downward from there.
Fact 7, they still lost the Superbowl and I get to hear about how they "almost" were 19-0... And how they were the "closest" to it in ever...

Fact 8, Belichick is still a whining loserboy who cried his way off the field and was unable to display even the most minute signs of sportsmanship. The after-game handshake.

Fact 9, the past is the best way to predict the future actions of a group of people. If they were cheaters before, it is far more likely that they will continue being it. That they were so bad at it that they were the only ones caught at it then they are stupid cheaters, that they weren't "caught" this year only means that they got better at it...


Fact 10, I'm having fun trashing a team that almost went 19-0 (That I fully expected to win this game by a mile and without "cheating"). I just gotta say it again...



First Bucky Dent, now Eli Manning. heheheheheheheeeee!