I'm Black Now

You aren't entitled anything, because of baby trolling rants. Well, besides maybe a piece of humble pie, or a flaming bag of shit on your doorstep.
I just took a DNA test and...I'm black.

Some shit is gunna change around here!

Stop appropriating my culture, it offends me and my people.

The Plan: I'm founding my own branch of the NAACP where I live (West Klansville, MI) and I will also have a soul food kitchen on the premises. Because I believe in diversity I will hire a white boy to bus the tables...for minimum wage of course because his privilege hasn't allowed him to learn the value of hard work.

If you crackas have a problem with it you can suck it, we're all stuck with this for 10 days.

Nope, you’re not black.

And even with your new name, you’re just as fucking stupid as you were before. Plus, you didn’t need a DNA test to prove your stupidity. Your posts are sufficient.
Nope, you’re not black.

And even with your new name, you’re just as fucking stupid as you were before. Plus, you didn’t need a DNA test to prove your stupidity. Your posts are sufficient.

When the race war comes I'll kill you in the middle.
Why do you hate my kind? I had no choice, your people enslaved me. Pay the money already cracka.

Who said I hated your "kind"? Why would you suggest I pay Kacper? Since my "people enslaved" you, wouldn't you want me to pay you instead, Mr. Black?
Stop right now white devil. Pay me. Reparations bitch. Apologize:

Now you want me to pay both of you? Again, aren't my taxes enough to support you two? I could sure live better if I didn't have to pay taxes to support the two of you!