I'm going to Graceland

I never liked him, either and people always looked at me like I had two heads when I say it!

He always had a creepy fixation with teenage girls. I've read a few books about him. He liked them young and malleable and when they grew up and wised up, he dumped them, or vice versa. He liked being babied, too.

Remember when his relationship with Priscilla was touted as a love story for the ages, instead of a grown man being a creepy predator and moving a teenager into his house. And with her parents' permission, to compound the nastiness.
He always had a creepy fixation with teenage girls. I've read a few books about him. He liked them young and malleable and when they grew up and wised up, he dumped them, or vice versa. He liked being babied, too.

Remember when his relationship with Priscilla was touted as a love story for the ages, instead of a grown man being a creepy predator and moving a teenager into his house. And with her parents' permission, to compound the nastiness.
I know, those were the days, people hated Jerry Lee Lewis for his pervie ways, but Elvis got a pass!
And their greatness was then eclipsed by the true talents writing and performing thier OWN music.

It's not really a crime for the job of writing and singing to be separated. Some people are good writers and not great performers and vice versa. The music field is the only field where you're declared "fake" if the jobs are separated, which is kind of ridiculous.

What does annoy me is when a singer gets all of the credit for the song and the writer gets nothing. IMHO, a singer is just an instrument, and crediting it to the singer instead of the writer makes as much sense as crediting it to the trumpetist or the guitarist. Like people refer to it as "Britney Spear's" song when all she did was sing. There have been exceptions - in the song "Dream On" Christian Falk did everything besides sing, which was a task given to Robyn, and it was credited to him. Of course the youtube comments are full of people complaining about how it's credited to Falk instead of Robyn, b/c, after all, Robyn did the singing. And, of course, for the American release it was credited to Robyn, because Americans are proles.
If you are going on vacation somewhere they sell souvenirs, just remember that I collect watches...
Well I have returned from my pilgrimage to Graceland and, as expected, I see a lot of snarky comments about the King but that's ok. To those of his critics, no shit he was a flawed human being. He went from being a dirt poor kid raised in a shot gun house to being a multimillionare by the time he was 22 (and back in the 50's a million meant a lot more then it does now, that's for sure.) how well do you think you could have handled that?

To appreciate Elvis you have consider him in the context of his time and in context to Memphis and the Delta region.

Yea, Elvis married a 15 yo girl but in the 50's in the south, that was hardly an uncommon thing.

As for his music, ok Elvis didn't write his own songs. He did, however, produce them all and he must have been doing something right cause most of those songs you would have never of heard of had not Elvis performed them. He was more then just a guy fronting a mike too, he was a consumate performer and singer. To that affect, he still sells millions of albums a year even though he's been dead for 33 years. If Elvis was alive he'd be the first billionaire entertainer and he first artist to sell over a billion albums. So if a man has a body of work that would sell over a billion albums, well he's gotta be doing something right.

So the critics can say what they want to. It don't mean shit. Elvis is the King of Rock n Roll.
Klaat's right too. Want to see Elvis at his best go see the 68 Special. I'd have to say the one thing Elvis did that marred and damaged his image and musical legacy was his movie contract. He spent 6 long years making movies that sucked and that he hated and when that hated contract was over he fired the Colonel, went on TV in 68 and showed he was still the King.
A lot of ya'll just don't get it. Grind called me the whitest guy on the board which was an odd thing for some pasty assed white college kid from New England who's never been anyhwere to say.

The pilgrimage to Graceland aint just about Elvis. Elvis was the King and as the King he was a symbol of something far bigger and greater then just himself. Paul Simon gets it, listen to his song again and listen closely. Elvis got it and because he had the talent and he got it, it made him famous.

Man I'm failing here to put it into words, ya'll just got to take it in it's whole. Drive down the Mississippi to the Delta. Go the Memphis, stay awhile, go to BB Kings, go to Rendevous, go to Mudd Island and go pay homage to the King. You won't regret it!
A lot of ya'll just don't get it. Grind called me the whitest guy on the board which was an odd thing for some pasty assed white college kid from New England who's never been anyhwere to say.

The pilgrimage to Graceland aint just about Elvis. Elvis was the King and as the King he was a symbol of something far bigger and greater then just himself. Paul Simon gets it, listen to his song again and listen closely. Elvis got it and because he had the talent and he got it, it made him famous.

Man I'm failing here to put it into words, ya'll just got to take it in it's whole. Drive down the Mississippi to the Delta. Go the Memphis, stay awhile, go to BB Kings, go to Rendevous, go to Mudd Island and go pay homage to the King. You won't regret it!

I hear ya, Mott.

If you get the chance, cruise into Silky O'Sullivan's at 3rd and Beale and check out Barbara Blue. She can sing and they have some damn good ribs.

I would also be remiss if I did not suggest you try Gus's for fried chicken.