I'm making BP a Strong Buy...


Staff member
In my personal portfolio. Next week the spill will be more under control and some cleanup will begin to happen, once some of that red tape is cut we'll have a lot more than just people giving birds showers. (It's nearly criminal that it's taken this long to get some real cleanup effort going in the water.)

Anyway, with some good news coming their stock will be nearing bottom and turning a corner.
In my personal portfolio. Next week the spill will be more under control and some cleanup will begin to happen, once some of that red tape is cut we'll have a lot more than just people giving birds showers. (It's nearly criminal that it's taken this long to get some real cleanup effort going in the water.)

Anyway, with some good news coming their stock will be nearing bottom and turning a corner.

Yes, it does approach the criminal that it's taken BP this long to get their act together. BILLIONS of dollars in profits last year, yet the best they can manage at this point is a few hundred people picking up tar balls on beaches?
Yes, it does approach the criminal that it's taken BP this long to get their act together. BILLIONS of dollars in profits last year, yet the best they can manage at this point is a few hundred people picking up tar balls on beaches?
Why are you so deliberately disingenuous? The red tape must be cut by the Administration first. Quit being such a silly apologist, there's no excuse for this type of political hackery.
Why are you so deliberately disingenuous? The red tape must be cut by the Administration first. Quit being such a silly apologist, there's no excuse for this type of political hackery.

The only people being disingenuous are the people who for years whined about Government getting out of Big Business' way, yet who NOW are whining that the Government isn't doing enough fast enough to clean up the mess that Big Business made.

You see in the news last week that the pathetic, blurry pictures of the spill source that BP used to calculate how much oil was pumping into the Gulf wasn't the ONLY camera they had down there?

Oh yeah they had a nice handy HD picture that scientists could have used to much more accurately judge how big the leak is. BP and all you anti-Obama whiners want the Government to take the fall, but BP couldn't even be counted on to give Obama a CLEAR picture of what's happening on the bottom until 50+ days into the disaster.

Yeah, the whole reason this disaster is so big is because Obama is doing nothing about the red tape.
The only people being disingenuous are the people who for years whined about Government getting out of Big Business' way, yet who NOW are whining that the Government isn't doing enough fast enough to clean up the mess that Big Business made.

You see in the news last week that the pathetic, blurry pictures of the spill source that BP used to calculate how much oil was pumping into the Gulf wasn't the ONLY camera they had down there?

Oh yeah they had a nice handy HD picture that scientists could have used to much more accurately judge how big the leak is. BP and all you anti-Obama whiners want the Government to take the fall, but BP couldn't even be counted on to give Obama a CLEAR picture of what's happening on the bottom until 50+ days into the disaster.

Yeah, the whole reason this disaster is so big is because Obama is doing nothing about the red tape.
Wrong. We're still asking them to get out of the way. Let them use the arms from the Dutch, let them use the hay, let them use every idea to start the clean up, because right now, nothing is getting done while the government still stands in the way.
Wrong. We're still asking them to get out of the way. Let them use the arms from the Dutch, let them use the hay, let them use every idea to start the clean up, because right now, nothing is getting done while the government still stands in the way.

Alright...let me ask you. Seriously.

What do you think the Government would/could do if BP just ignored the red tape and hauled in the boom arms and all the cleanup equipment we've been hearing they want to deploy?

Do you think this administration would risk the public relations disaster that would occur if the media covered them setting up some kind of blockade to keep BP and the cleanup equipment out?

No. Senators could posture and bloviate. the press could howl about how BP is violating US law, but what ULTIMATELY would be the fallout of BP just doing what they need to?

Popular support?

The public getting behind a corporation doing whats right for a change instead of what the lawyers say?

My point is there's nothing stopping BP from doing just that right now...
What red tape? Are you just mouthing off buzzwords you heard on some right wing talkshow?
No, the Dutch arms are not being used because they only clean out 95%, instead the government allows them to use nothing at all. The hay... same. So forth. Instead of doing something the government is standing in the way. Thanks Obama, good job.
Alright...let me ask you. Seriously.

What do you think the Government would/could do if BP just ignored the red tape and hauled in the boom arms and all the cleanup equipment we've been hearing they want to deploy?

Do you think this administration would risk the public relations disaster that would occur if the media covered them setting up some kind of blockade to keep BP and the cleanup equipment out?

No. Senators could posture and bloviate. the press could howl about how BP is violating US law, but what ULTIMATELY would be the fallout of BP just doing what they need to?

Popular support?

The public getting behind a corporation doing whats right for a change instead of what the lawyers say?

My point is there's nothing stopping BP from doing just that right now...
1. The government needs to request the arms, the Dutch company has said they are still waiting.
2. The government would definitely add to the violations if they were even able to get the arms without the government first requesting it, as they still need to do.
No, the Dutch arms are not being used because they only clean out 95%, instead the government allows them to use nothing at all. The hay... same. So forth. Instead of doing something the government is standing in the way. Thanks Obama, good job.

That's what wrong with conservatives...you are all Capitalists when times are good and Socialists when times are bad.

BP can spill it, but they sure don't want to clean it up.
That's what wrong with conservatives...you are all Capitalists when times are good and Socialists when times are bad.

BP can spill it, but they sure don't want to clean it up.
Again. BP can attach the arms to their ships only after the US government requests the arms. Until then there's nothing for them to attach. Until the government approves the hay, no hay to use, the guns aren't there for them. We want the government to cut the red tape so that BP CAN begin some of that clean up now. Removing nothing, that's the Obama plan.
Again. BP can attach the arms to their ships only after the US government requests the arms. Until then there's nothing for them to attach. Until the government approves the hay, no hay to use, the guns aren't there for them. We want the government to cut the red tape so that BP CAN begin some of that clean up now. Removing nothing, that's the Obama plan.

One thing confuses me...

I don't remember anyone saying that the Government requested BP try the "Top Hat" or the "Top Kill" procedure. BP attempted both remedies on their own.

Why could they attempt those procedures, but no others?
That's what wrong with conservatives...you are all Capitalists when times are good and Socialists when times are bad.

BP can spill it, but they sure don't want to clean it up.

not true

BP is in fact cleaning it up and has in fact expended millions of dollars so far doing just that

your liberal lies don't fly...its funny how you love government regulations, yet now are whining that said regulations should just be ignored

fact is, obama could by pass those regulations, he has not....but hacks like you will never hold obama at fault, so it must be someone else
One thing confuses me...

I don't remember anyone saying that the Government requested BP try the "Top Hat" or the "Top Kill" procedure. BP attempted both remedies on their own.

Why could they attempt those procedures, but no others?
That's just your ignorance. The government approved each plan, and held off the top kill for a week before they'd allow it.
not true

BP is in fact cleaning it up and has in fact expended millions of dollars so far doing just that

your liberal lies don't fly...its funny how you love government regulations, yet now are whining that said regulations should just be ignored

fact is, obama could by pass those regulations, he has not....but hacks like you will never hold obama at fault, so it must be someone else

According to Damo, BP can't do anything until they get the OK from the Government, so one of you is lying...I'll let the two of you decide who.
According to Damo, BP can't do anything until they get the OK from the Government, so one of you is lying...I'll let the two of you decide who.
That's because you can't read. The approval for each of their plans came from the government, and in fact the top kill attempt was held off for a week before they gave final approval.
That's just your ignorance. The government approved each plan, and held off the top kill for a week before they'd allow it.

Then that's the reason why Obama is so hesitant to allow BP to try anything without the proper assurances.

The first two plans BP had for fixing their disaster were RESOUNDING SUCCESSES!