I'm making BP a Strong Buy...

That's because you can't read. The approval for each of their plans came from the government, and in fact the top kill attempt was held off for a week before they gave final approval.

Top Kill was tried weeks ago. Yurtlsie claims BP is still cleaning up the oil, but you said they are currently doing nothing.

You said that was Obama's plan...doing nothing.
Then that's the reason why Obama is so hesitant to allow BP to try anything without the proper assurances.

The first two plans BP had for fixing their disaster were RESOUNDING SUCCESSES!
And? The arms are tried and true they clean 95% of the oil out of the water, it isn't a plan they need to approve, it's red tape they need to cut so somebody can use it to begin cleaning the water.
Top Kill was tried weeks ago. Yurtlsie claims BP is still cleaning up the oil, but you said they are currently doing nothing.

You said that was Obama's plan...doing nothing.
So far it is. They stand in the way of what is known to work because it isn't perfect enough. They offer nothing, and stand in the way of all ideas. They hold off implementation until it may be too late...

Top kill may have worked if they had done it a week before when the oil was coming out at a lower rate. But we'll never know, because Obama has done nothing but wait, stand in the way, avoid responsibility and point fingers. Cut the red tape, let people get those arms in the water. Let's speed up the process of cleanup rather than stand in the way.
Top Kill was tried weeks ago. Yurtlsie claims BP is still cleaning up the oil, but you said they are currently doing nothing.

You said that was Obama's plan...doing nothing.

liar...damo never said that, he never claimed BP was doing nothing

i see onceler must be blowing in your ear...the sexy yurtsie nickname....as i told him, i'm not gay, but if you get your rocks off by using that name, your choice pervert
what a dishonest fuck...you're the king of name calling....

Didn't read the whole thread again, eh Yurtsie?

Damo and I were having a perfectly reasonable discussion...until you decided there weren't enough insults being tossed around.
Didn't read the whole thread again, eh Yurtsie?

Damo and I were having a perfectly reasonable discussion...until you decided there weren't enough insults being tossed around.


yeah...you really say that in a non insulting manner...you think its an insult and bothers me, thats why you say it

dishonest fuck
Except 95% clean isn't good enough.

And according to this article:


The US Coast Guard requested the arms on May 18th.
And their use is yet to be approved, the company tells us they are awaiting that approval before the arms are put to use. Can you catch up? I've pointed this out several times, this is a portion of the red tape that needs to be removed and that can be with a stroke of a Presidential pen. It's a regulation, easy moved out of the way with a Presidential executive order...
Back on topic of the thread, Damo, I am not sure if BP stock is a good buy right now, but I see your thinking on this. They are a large company with deep pockets, and they will probably survive this, meaning their stocks will probably go back up eventually.

I am taking a different approach, I am currently looking for property foreclosures in the area.
I bought and sold bp last week at a loss. The spill is hitting home now. Thick oil is in barataria bay. This is a place where I had a fishing trip for the ages. About 6 of us after bartending all night take a buddies 23 ft boat out. Take some acid, were catching trout 2 at a time. Must have caught 60. We coined such song as take me down to speckled trout city, and we don't have to take our scales off to have a good time.
do you know how they are limited? it isn't a bright line cap....
Not particularly, punitive damages though, from what I understand cannot bankrupt a company... The judge will cut the damages if the jury would give such awards...
StanChart makes case for PetroChina-BP deal


Who cares? It will have little effect either way. BTW, damo is talking about four stupid skimmer ships. Does he actually think four ships can keep the spill at bay?

Again, he has been listening to stupid right wing talk shows and taking his talking points from them. And the government HAS approved those ships, as if it will make any difference at all.
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