I'm making BP a Strong Buy...


Will have no effect whatsoever. Wait for BP to begin drilling the relief well, then execute the executives, and after that all Republican candidates for office who called for offshore drilling. That should be all Republican congressman and senators, governers and candidates for president who should die. The American people should settle for no less than the complete and total annihilation of the evil conservative movement that is destroying our nation from the inside out.
some states have limits on punitive damages....I have no idea how LA, MS or FL handle it.....

You're hoping, aren't you, that the little guy gets screwed in all this? You should definitely be shot with all the executives of BP and the Republicans who enabled them as well. All Republican officeholders in America should be executed for a century, and any replacement party should have all executives and all members executed as well. All conservatives deserve to die because of this, you included. May you be greeted with the hell your god would give you, you Christian asshole.
Who cares? It will have little effect either way. BTW, damo is talking about four stupid skimmer ships. Does he actually think four ships can keep the spill at bay?

Again, he has been listening to stupid right wing talk shows and taking his talking points from them. And the government HAS approved those ships, as if it will make any difference at all.
Damo thinks that they are indicative of the failure to do everything necessary to mitigate the disaster before the oil reaches our shores. These (I believe it is sixteen arms) arms can sort through a lot of water each day mitigating the end result. Costner's ships need to be employed too, as well as the straw, and other cleanup strategies that help to clean up and mitigate the environmental impact.

And this isn't just "armchair quarterbacking"... It just isn't that hard to have somebody selecting products to use in different areas right now that will work well together. Such as the absorbent booms that the company in New England says they can produce 90,000 feet of per day, with the hay and further out one group of ships with arms, while in another area, the recycled carpet bits after the booms with Costner's machines on ships out further...

Whatever turns out the best results can become the standard.

Instead we have almost nothing going out, uncoordinated and crappy leadership.

Today, Obama is going to attempt to jump in front of a parade and tell everybody he's "leading"... it seems he's finally been convinced by his committees on "Whose ass to kick"...