I’m not afraid of the boogy man!

Maybe, we will see. IN the end, I expect Rump gets 2.5 Billion for repairs on existing walls or for new walls we can all agree are needed.

that is a whole lot different than "no new money"

Last week you were at $0 then $1.5 billion now $2.5 billion

Seems like you are inching closer and closer to Trump's $5 billion.

He should have really fucked Nancy and Chuck over last night and asked for $10 billion
What I want to know is why are Blacks, Latinos, Women and Children the only ones who get hurt by "illegal immigration"?

Why aren't white men hurt?
I’m not afraid of the boogy man. I know he is not real.

And if he were a wall would not stop him anyway....

Are you afraid?

This is all going to come to a screeching halt soon.. just as it did with that drunk Joe McCarthy.. The Republicans will turn on him like a tidal wave.

Shep Smith and Chris Wallace of Fox News fact checked Trump's speech. He lied about everything.

Maybe, we will see. IN the end, I expect Rump gets 2.5 Billion for repairs on existing walls or for new walls we can all agree are needed.

Don't say "we all"......I don't think a wall is needed AT ALL...….in fact, immigration isn't even an issue in my book.

It's all scare tactics! I too, believe the dems will give into hate and racism about this wall and immigration altogether

Immigration is NOT a problem in this country. there is no need for a wall, repair of a wall, etc.

Spend that money on education and healthcare.
This is all going to come to a screeching halt soon.. just as it did with that drunk Joe McCarthy.. The Republicans will turn on him like a tidal wave.

Shep Smith and Chris Wallace of Fox News fact checked Trump's speech. He lied about everything.

WOw, that was on Fox?
ALL rape is unacceptable

are you suggesting we kill all males?

some females commit rape

should we all just kill ourselves

So you are OK with illegals coming across the border and raping women as long as you think they vote for the democrat party?

Cool beans. That is what I thought
I don't believe you otherwise you would support a wall.

Unless you can tell me how a drone is supposed to keep them from coming across? Does the drone follow them until they can be apprehended?

A wall would not stop the crime... you are a fool.

Do you know how many illegally come in via a port of entry in the back of a truck or a boat compared to coming in across the land border?
A wall would not stop the crime... you are a fool.

Do you know how many illegally come in via a port of entry in the back of a truck or a boat compared to coming in across the land border?

I didn't say that a wall will stop all crime. That is just silly. I am saying that it will prevent crime from illegal aliens who are already breaking our laws. You are aware of that correct?

I think we should stop them everywhere they come. A wall works, otherwise nobody would build walls or fences. Didn't you once say you live in a gated community. I guess because you think gates don't work?

I would go even further in changing our immigrations laws

1) Build the wall
2) Make it clear that it is illegal for any one who is here illegally to receive any government funded benefits.
3) Illegal aliens cannot be permitted to attend public schools
4) Any employer found to hire an illegal alien will be fined $10,000/day per illegal alien

Put those in place and it will dry up. The ones that are here will self deport.
What I want to know is why are Blacks, Latinos, Women and Children the only ones who get hurt by "illegal immigration"?

Why aren't white men hurt?
I didn't say that a wall will stop all crime. That is just silly. I am saying that it will prevent crime from illegal aliens who are already breaking our laws. You are aware of that correct?

I think we should stop them everywhere they come. A wall works, otherwise nobody would build walls or fences. Didn't you once say you live in a gated community. I guess because you think gates don't work?

I would go even further in changing our immigrations laws

1) Build the wall
2) Make it clear that it is illegal for any one who is here illegally to receive any government funded benefits.
3) Illegal aliens cannot be permitted to attend public schools
4) Any employer found to hire an illegal alien will be fined $10,000/day per illegal alien

Put those in place and it will dry up. The ones that are here will self deport.

A wall would be like 3470th on the list of effective uses of a billion dollars in the immigration issue.
A wall would not stop the crime... you are a fool.

Do you know how many illegally come in via a port of entry in the back of a truck or a boat compared to coming in across the land border?

Most come from Canada, Russia and Europe in plain site...…..but those aren't the illegals they want to fill the prisons with.