I’m not afraid of the boogy man!

I’m not afraid of the boogy man. I know he is not real.

And if he were a wall would not stop him anyway....

Are you afraid?

So when illegals who have been deported numerous times, or arrested and released, murder Americans, you're okay with it right?

Walls Don't Divide Us, Hypocrisy Does
In 2006, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer, and others supported the Secure Fence Act of 2006. This bill called for hundreds of miles of fencing to separate the U.S.-Mexico border. Now they oppose Trump’s proposed border wall.

I’m not afraid of the boogy man. I know he is not real.

And if he were a wall would not stop him anyway....

Are you afraid?

So when illegals engage in child trafficking, you're okay with it right?

Chuck Schumer in 2009: Illegal Immigration is wrong, plain and simple
I’m not afraid of the boogy man. I know he is not real.

And if he were a wall would not stop him anyway....

Are you afraid?

So when illegals engage in drug trafficking and gang violence, you're okay with it, right?

Barack Obama in 2006 "We cannot allow people to pour into the U.S undocumented and unchecked"
The Big Bad Law & Order Party is afraid of 6 Dudes on a Watch-List ... :rofl2:

Those Pussies ... the Republican Party will never be looked at as the Party of Protection.

They can now go assume their appropriate place in history ... UNDER MAMMY'S SKIRT

Barack Obama in 2006 "We cannot allow people to pour into the U.S undocumented and unchecked"
Maybe, we will see. IN the end, I expect Rump gets 2.5 Billion for repairs on existing walls or for new walls we can all agree are needed.

Barack Obama in 2006 "We cannot allow people to pour into the U.S undocumented and unchecked"
we have nothing to fear but fear its self

That’s a great quote

What I want to know is why are Blacks, Latinos, Women and Children the only ones who get hurt by "illegal immigration"?

Why aren't white men hurt?

The cop who was recently murdered by an illegal living in Sanctuary California wasn't white? STFU you low IQ race hustling dumb fuck.

Sgt. Brandon Mendoza, who was recently murdered by an illegal living in Sanctuary California wasn't white? STFU you low IQ race hustling dumb fuck.

Billy Wayne Funderburgh and his wife Natalee of Bastrop, who was recently killed by an illegal driving drunk weren't white? STFU you low IQ race hustling dumb fuck.

Joshua Wilkerson who was brutally beaten with a closet rod, strangled, tortured, doused with gasoline, and set on fire by Hermilio Moralez, an illegal immigrant classmate wasn't white? STFU you low IQ race hustling dumb fuck.

Felicia Ruiz who was stabbed over 25 times by Jesus Gerado Salazar, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela wasn't white? STFU you low IQ race hustling dumb fuck.

Grant Ronnebeck who was shot and killed oby Apolinar Altamirano, an illegal immigrant from Mexico wasn't white? STFU you low IQ race hustling dumb fuck.

This fucking race hustling moron thinks that Latino is a race. :laugh:
This is all going to come to a screeching halt soon.. just as it did with that drunk Joe McCarthy.. The Republicans will turn on him like a tidal wave.

Another stupid prediction that will never come true from a low IQ partisan asshat. :laugh:
A wall would not stop the crime... you are a fool.

So no walls at all and Sanctuary cities and States will? You are the fool.

Do you know how many illegally come in via a port of entry in the back of a truck or a boat compared to coming in across the land border?

Do you? Do you know how many would come through without any walls? Dunce.
Apparently JPP leftists like dead cops, raped women and drugs flooding our streets all for democrat votes

That is the only thing one can surmise based on their weak, hypocritical and false claims.

Barack Obama in 2006 "We cannot allow people to pour into the U.S undocumented and unchecked"
News Flash: Barack Obama isn't President.

YOUR BOY, had The HOUSE, The SENATE and The PRESIDENCY for TWO Mother Fucking Years

Take off your skirt and Try on some Man Pants and stop begging and whining for The Democrats to bail your Bitch Ass Out ... Again.