It's losing in red states that cheat. Get rid of the cheating and we win without throwing Blacks, minorities and gays under the bus.
It's losing in red states that cheat. Get rid of the cheating and we win without throwing Blacks, minorities and gays under the bus.
Excuse me while I go and snicker. Nancy serves the people or her rich donors? But yeah, whatever. Like I said, partisan nonsense. Unsubscribing.
No, I don't care if you care. I'm informing you of the consequences of being an ass.
I'm no ass. I'm telling the truth. A truth you don't want to believe.
No the bottom line is that it wasn't enough (and it was 3 million more voters for Hillary, not 1 million). Actually, many red state voters WOULD vote for a Democrat who sided with them on the issues they care most about - and oppose plutocracy.
You are right, 3 million, my bad. A white racist redneck would never vote for a dem even if they supported their racist views. The fact that you don't care about who is effected by those views says a lot about you.
Why do you think Republicans run on all these lies they tell pretending they're for workers, for higher taxes on the rich, against 'the swamp', instead of telling the truth that they have the opposite positions?
Because those racist lies fund the plutocracy. Without those lies there is no plutocracy.
No, they only partly win by cheating. They win more by being the only candidate in the race giving the voters what they want on the issues they care most about and having unlimited money allowed from the wealthy donors they serve to tell voters that.
They only win by cheating. They convince people like you that it's the dems fault why they won. The only thing racist whites care about is sticking it to Blacks, Muslims, Mexicans and Gays. Those are the only issues they care about.
No, I'm doing exactly what they don't want - taking away their getting free wins by pandering to voters, You are doing exactly what they want - demanding they get to keep power.
That's ridiculous. They have instilled blue dog dems into the party for decades. You want to continue that because it only effects minorities.
You have a greatly exaggerated idea of the role cheating plays, as big as it is (gerrymandering, voter suppression, and more). But how do you propose, exactly, to get rid of the cheating?
No you under estimate the role of cheating. Its exactly what they want you do to. Hold them accountable for cheating.
Gerrymandering is done by the states, and Republicans control 2/3 of all the states totally. Not only are you nowhere near changing it - they are wanting to get those gerrymandered districts to be used for PRESIDENTIAL elections, FURTHER giving them a
cheating advantage, and there's nothing you can do to stop them - it's the states' right to decide. If they had done that in 2012, Romney would have won.
You think by throwing minorities and gays under the bus it will stop the cheating?
The courts are the only limit on Gerrymandering - and guess who now owns the courts, because YOUR approach let Republicans win so much and appoint the judges?
Funny, they steal the election and it's my fault? We haven't even attempted my approach. Again, blue dog dems have been in the party for decades, so your approach hasn't worked and it never will.
Voter suppression - again, see the courts, and be aware that for decades Republicans have been stacking the courts with judges who will APPROVE their cheating and now they control the Supreme Court.
Don't tell me about stacking the deck. The entire judicial system supports institutional racism and blue dog dems haven't done any thing to stop it.
So how are you going to prevent this 'cheating' other than scolding them in a post? You can't.
YOU don't want to. You rather see Blacks, gays and other minorities murdered. We must first acknowledge that cheating exist before we can move forward with holding those who cheat accountable.
So your plan is just to lose elections and let them destroy the country while you say they cheated. Great.
We won the last election twice. Unless you don't consider President Obama a dem or his Presidency wasn't legit. Racist white people put the republicans in office because they hated President Obama. He could have done more for this country had he not have to compromise with the racist right and blue dog dems.
Here's the thing, dems have morals. They get rid of their pedophiles so I wouldn't have to make that choice. We would never nominate a progressive pedophile so your theory is moot.
Democrats' morals aren't so much about that (look how we ignored rape and abuse allegations against Bill Clinton). Democrats' morals are on the policies - we want people to get healthcare, not take it away and give the money to the rich.
'ahhhh, here we go. YOU are a social conservative democrat. No wonder why your adamant about institutional racism. You agree with it.
I'm done here.
we tried that
those idiots voted with the republicans most of the time
Learn a little history: the racist south voted for Democrats for a century. The issue is, what issues are they going to vote on? Race? Gays? Guns? Or 'draining the swamp'?
Because of people like you, Republicans get to have it both ways without any competition, and they rule the south. You can't stop the cheating. We CAN win by doing what I said.
we tried that
Now your spouting racist right wing talking points.
Just as I suspected............your a winger. Only a racist right winger would want to vote for social conservative views.
'ahhhh, here we go. YOU are a social conservative democrat. No wonder why your adamant about institutional racism. You agree with it.
No, you are the best friend of the Republicans, and fighting for them to keep winning. And a liar.
I'm done here.
If only.
I strongly support better policies for minorities and gays. YOU ARE NOT protecting them AT ALL by letting Republicans win those elections. You are HARMING them.
Excuse me while I go and snicker. Nancy serves the people or her rich donors? But yeah, whatever. Like I said, partisan nonsense. Unsubscribing.
You're an idiot, a liar and the best friend of the right wing.
You're the one wanting the social conservative views in power, AND for plutocracy win, by helping Republicans.
then why do you pretend the republican party cheating is not real?
tell me what you know about the republican party cheating in elections?
I bet you know next to nothing about it
then why do you pretend the republican party cheating is not real?
if you cared you would KNOW about this cheating
you seem to think the republicans do it just for fun
They do it because it fucking works and they never get more than a slap on the hand for it.
tell me what you know about the republican party cheating in elections?
I bet you know next to nothing about it
What I said is that the cheating is an important part of the reasons they win, but not the biggest. That is NOT saying "it's not real". If I say Hispanics are a big part of the US but not the biggest, is that saying "they're not real"?
Why are you being an asshole? I already said Republicans cheat every which way - Gerrymandering, voter suppression, and much more. I've little doubt I know a hell of a lot more about their cheating than you do.
He want's to go back to the Clinton days where blue dog dems dominated.
They voted on the 3 strikes law and put millions of Blacks in prisons. Clinton had to pass racist tough on crime legislation because the house and senate was controlled by republicans, and the dems were stacked with blue dogs.
Today's dems realized those mistakes and blue dog dems are losing elections to much liberal dems. Most of them lost in the 2010 midterms during President Obama's term.
He can try to change the label from conservative dem to a social conservative dem, it doesn't matter. They are all racist and want the same racist outcome
He want's to go back to the Clinton days where blue dog dems dominated.
They voted on the 3 strikes law and put millions of Blacks in prisons. Clinton had to pass racist tough on crime legislation because the house and senate was controlled by republicans, and the dems were stacked with blue dogs.
Today's dems realized those mistakes and blue dog dems are losing elections to much liberal dems. Most of them lost to more liberal dems in the 2010 midterms during President Obama's term.
He can try to change the label from conservative dem to a social conservative dem, it doesn't matter. They are all racist and want the same racist outcome
inform us about what you know about the republican party election cheating
those blue dogs are not in line with the Democratic party platform
they will be the ones that con struct the next party after the republican party bleeds out after they have stabbed themselves to death.
NEVER again should we allow them into the party if they refuse to vote the plantform.
if they dont support the platform they get no money from the rest of us.
Let's take one example: Florida 2000.
Jeb Bush, governor of Florida, promised he brother he'd win the state. And he worked with the Secretary of State, Katherine Harris, to implement all kinds of measures to cheat.
For example, years before, the Republican legislature passed a law to supposedly prevent fraudulent voting. What they actually did was to use that law as cover to pass measures to remove tens of thousands of voters fro the roles falsely claiming they were duplicate voters, by loosely matching the names. So 'Bill Johnson, Jr.' in one city and 'William Johnson' in another city would be called duplicates and removed.
This affected minority voters far more than white voters because they share last names a lot more than white voters. So the next effect was to reduce the number of minority voters by tens of thousands.
The company they initially hired for this wasn't removing enough - so they replaced them with Choicepoint, who they paid a lot more. Even Choicepoint then wrote the Repbublicans a letter warning them that the loose name matching was catching many false matches. The Republicans responded by ordering them to loosen the matching MORE.
Another way they cheated was that some states restore felons' voting rights after they serve their sentences, and some don't. Florida doesn't. But thousands of Florida residents were felons from other states who had their rights restored and moved to Florida. Jeb Bush had Harris take them off the voting lists illegally.
These disenfranchised voters faced having to go to court and pay a lot to get back their right to vote, and, most of them poor, few did that. The courts repeatedly ordered Bush to stop doing this and he continued doing it.
In exchange for her service to Jeb, Kathering Harris was supported in a Senate run the next election, which she lost when she was revealed as crazy.
It wasn't all Republican cheating - there was also Democratic incompetence and accidents. One particular example was the infamous butterfly ballot in one Democratic county in which thousands of voters unintentionally meant to vote for Gore but instead voted for Ralph Nader.
Another critical issue costing Democrats thousands of votes is that the voting machines could be set to return ballots with mistakes to be fixed, or not return them and just not count them. In white precincts the machines were set to fix them and the rate of votes tossed about was 1%-2%. In black precincts the machines were set to invalidate the ballots and the rate of votes not counted was from several percent to over 10%.
I haven't even gotten to the role of the Supreme Court which blocked the statewide recount the state Supreme Court ordered that would have found Al Gore won, as we later learned when the media consortium completed its own recount, on the legally specious grounds of a phone 'equal protection' concerns - one so flimsy and false that it said that its legal argument could not be used again in any other election.
You can read more about this from the top investigative reported on the topic, Greg Palast, whom I've met repeatedly and gotten to talk to on this.
What the hell do YOU know?