Eugh. I'm just gonna turn off signatures. Between you, WM and 3d reading this forum is like being jabbed in the eyes with sporks.

What's wrong with Scarlett Johannson, you epic fag? I can totally understand why people protested my last sig, but with Scarlett, you get T&A, no embarrassment, and... oh, yeah, she's fucking gorgeous!!

Not sure what Watermark's sig is at the moment, will have to czech..
If I want to look at pictures of Scarlet Johannson, I will do that.

If I want to debate politics on a forum, I would like to do that without fifty sig pics that make a thread take 5 minutes to scroll through.
What's wrong with Scarlett Johannson, you epic fag? I can totally understand why people protested my last sig, but with Scarlett, you get T&A, no embarrassment, and... oh, yeah, she's fucking gorgeous!!


Yo! Dude, what’s the deal with having to post girly pics? I don’t get it. Any of us can see eye candy whenever we want on our own time. Some of my female peers at work are way hot; I don’t need to scroll through your sig ten time a day. This Scarlett gal is fine to look at for 5 seconds, but honestly she looks like she’s 17 years old, and that beach blond look is like a dime a dozen; at least here. Get a girlfriend and Give it up, man! :clink:
Well I just did, but I actually like seeing some people's sig's (Read: Not WM, 3d, or Grind) because they are thoughtful quotes.
Yo! Dude, what’s the deal with having to post girly pics? I don’t get it. Any of us can see eye candy whenever we want on our own time. Some of my female peers at work are way hot; I don’t need to scroll through your sig ten time a day. This Scarlett gal is fine to look at for 5 seconds, but honestly she looks like she’s 17 years old, and that beach blond look is like a dime a dozen; at least here. Get a girlfriend and Give it up, man! :clink:

A rare moment of agreement between myself and Cypress.

Mark your calendars.
€ r ı π ∂;512335 said:
if i wanted to read quotes i would google quotes :/

Well take some of that restlessness and irritability and put it to work. Try coming up with Scarlett Johanssen wallpaper. Go find a bunch of shots (on Google) and try making wallpaper out of it for your computer background, All you would have to do is stare at your desktop all day.

You know....

Something productive!
Yo! Dude, what’s the deal with having to post girly pics? I don’t get it. Any of us can see eye candy whenever we want on our own time. Some of my female peers at work are way hot; I don’t need to scroll through your sig ten time a day. This Scarlett gal is fine to look at for 5 seconds, but honestly she looks like she’s 17 years old, and that beach blond look is like a dime a dozen; at least here. Get a girlfriend and Give it up, man! :clink:

Yeah, no one cares what you have to say, Cypress...
€ r ı π ∂;511713 said:

It must suck to be a liberal like you. I was busy as hell for the past 4 days, finishing a project before I took off for the lake, then off to the mountains....
well im young and I go to school here, I can't help it that I live in the commie wealth of massachusetts

southernman, I don't believe in taxes and I love guns. What more do you need?