imagine no religion

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
a bigotted and fairly ignorant comment....

religion is responsible for many great things....doesn't mean that its adherents are perfect....that is like saying, imagine no science because some people have used science for if no religion would make perfect world....
having no religion would make the world a whole lot better off. People would think rationally, and work on making this life better for everyone rather than being concerned with make believe heavenly rewards.
I hope for the day when no one alive believes in God. Religion is dangerous, and should be considered child abuse. Religion deserves no respect, for it has caused only harm to the world, and I shall give it none.

"This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it!” - John Adams
having no religion would make the world a whole lot better off. People would think rationally, and work on making this life better for everyone rather than being concerned with make believe heavenly rewards.
No religion would not make people more capable of thinking any more rationally than they already do.

Imagine even more people with 1/3 arguments all the time.
having no religion would make the world a whole lot better off. People would think rationally, and work on making this life better for everyone rather than being concerned with make believe heavenly rewards.

Not at all. If it weren't for religion, more specifically, human spirituality, we would likely still be sleeping in caves and swinging from trees in the jungle. If we miraculously did manage to form some semblance of a civilization, we would have destroyed ourselves without spiritual foundation. There is a profound reason mankind retained spirituality for all of his existence, it does play a vital role in our ability to civilize and form societal structures.

We can't really prove this conclusively, just as we can't prove a lot of things conclusively, but we can look at the preponderance of evidence. Every societal civilization ever formed by man, without a spiritual foundation, has failed. There is no isolated group of people who have zero spirituality, who have existed in that state for thousands of years, that just doesn't happen, hasn't ever happened in the history of man.
having no religion would make the world a whole lot better off. People would think rationally, and work on making this life better for everyone rather than being concerned with make believe heavenly rewards.

I look forward to a time when we can be moving towards a situation where religion was like, say, stamp collecting. Bringing satisfaction for some, purpose to others but have nothing whatsoever to do with life itself. Not taught in schools, not part of any governance. Not part of any constitution.
having no religion would make the world a whole lot better off. People would think rationally, and work on making this life better for everyone rather than being concerned with make believe heavenly rewards. all non religious people think rationally....too funny

yeah, they should all be concerned with only earthly rewards....

It's the religions themselves that are the problem, and that drive good people to evil things. Religion is, in itself, and in it's perfectly interpreted form, a source of evil.

don't ask're just being obtuse

its just science that is evil, it drives people to build nuclear bombs that kill hundreds of thousands....

not all religion is evil, such a statement shows your bigotry and ignorance...but i don't even know to take you seriously, this is probably more of the KILL ALL CONSERVATIVES watermark....yeah, all religions is evil, as if no non religious people are evil....

what is evil about it?

I hope for the day when no one alive believes in God. Religion is dangerous, and should be considered child abuse. Religion deserves no respect, for it has caused only harm to the world, and I shall give it none.

"This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were no religion in it!” - John Adams

you're doing nothing but exhibiting hatred...which is evil

you're the dangerous one, and you're also a liar, religion has not solely caused harm to the if non religious entities or people haven't harmed the world....

you keep siting the old guys....tell me...what does obama say about religion

and btw....your john adams quote is taken out of context....

more dishonesty exhibited by watermark in this thread about religion in which he claims only religion is bad....
No religion worked out beautifully for the USSR. And the Chinese seem to be better off ever since the CCP lifted the ban on religion.

Yurt - why the fuck would you get offended by Watermark, the one guy who's opinion on anything doesn't matter or count?
No religion worked out beautifully for the USSR. And the Chinese seem to be better off ever since the CCP lifted the ban on religion.

Yurt - why the fuck would you get offended by Watermark, the one guy who's opinion on anything doesn't matter or count?

i'm not offended....just showing his idiocy and that he is displaying the things he claims religion is responsible for

No religion worked out beautifully for the USSR. And the Chinese seem to be better off ever since the CCP lifted the ban on religion.

Yurt - why the fuck would you get offended by Watermark, the one guy who's opinion on anything doesn't matter or count?

They just replaced religion with communism and nationalism, which are similar in their spreading of evil. Religion/evil cannot be abolished by force.

It was ignorance on the part of Lenin to think that he could force the people to think rationally, and ignorance on the part of Marx to think that people would just hold hands, get in a circle, and embrace goodness.
you're doing nothing but exhibiting hatred...which is evil

Hatred towards concept, not hatred towards people. Why is religious though so precious? Why is it thought that it's improper to criticize it? When someone believes nonsense, you're supposed to tell them it's nonsense.

you're the dangerous one,

How? By encouraging rationality and humanism?

and you're also a liar, religion has not solely caused harm to the if non religious entities or people haven't harmed the world....

I didn't say non-religious entities hadn't harmed the world. I just said that where religious entities have helped the world, they have helped it despite, not because, of their religion.

you keep siting the old guys....tell me...what does obama say about religion

I imagine it's something foolish like the other foolish things he spits out all the time.