imagine no religion

UOTE=Watermark;559117]Hatred towards concept, not hatred towards people. Why is religious though so precious? Why is it thought that it's improper to criticize it? When someone believes nonsense, you're supposed to tell them it's nonsense.

you're still exhibiting hatred....further, you just proved my point that no one posts like you claim you're posting like conservatives, yet here you are calling a "concept" evil with absolutely no basis for doing could call your stance toward the concept....partisan....just like some dems and repubs hate all things that their party doesn't "concept"'re doing with're painting it with a false wide brush

How? By encouraging rationality and humanism?

religion can and has done this, to deny that is stupid

I didn't say non-religious entities hadn't harmed the world. I just said that where religious entities have helped the world, they have helped it despite, not because, of their religion.

that is nonsensical....such a statement makes zero sense and is basically set up so that you can't be proved wrong because the statement is ludicrious to begin to with.....that is like saying science has helped the world, not because of science, but despite prove it....

if religion helped, then religion helped...they helped because of their religion, they would have be doing something completely unrelated to their religion for your statement to make sense....nice try skippy

I imagine it's something foolish like the other foolish things he spits out all the time.

great, so you will just continue to cherry pick out of context quotes because you think it helps your doesn't, it shows you have no idea what they said and that you're either appealing to authority or ad popular....

religion isn't evil watermark, religion in and of itself does nothing, it is the action of those who believe in the religion that carry out the evil....if you want to argue a diety or entity is evil, fine....

its telling that you don't pull out the so called evil concepts in the religions of the world as your base argument....why don't you give us one thing that jesus said was evil....afterall, christianity follows him....go further if you want, point out something in the bible that is evil that ONLY religions do, that no other people who do not adhere to religion have never done....
If people really followed their religion, they'd be strapping bombs onto their chests and shooting abortion doctors, executing homosexuals and people who apostasized from Islam, killing their children for talking back to them, invading nations and killing everyone but the young virgins, cutting off their wives hair for praying without their heads covered.

The only good anyone of a religious faith can bring about is by ignoring these edicts from their god.
another solid post from watermark. we are lucky to have such a member on our forums. you would all do better to appreciate him.
you have no evidence of this

Yes, the evidence is the history of man versus the history of every other species on the planet. The one thing man has that the others don't, is spirituality.... ergo; we wouldn't be what we are without spirituality.

no evidence.

No, you just ignorantly and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the evidence, it is there, I just presented it. The thing is, you have no evidence to support the contradicting view.

Such as... EVERY SOCIETAL CIVILIZATION EVER FORMED BY MAN, couldn't you fucking read it the first time? Just name me ONE long-standing society in the history of man, who have no spirituality whatsoever, yet is still functioning? Society crumbles without a spiritual foundation, it always has, it always will.
Yes, the evidence is the history of man versus the history of every other species on the planet. The one thing man has that the others don't, is spirituality.... ergo; we wouldn't be what we are without spirituality.

we have self awareness, empathy, a large cerbal cortext. We have many things other species do not have. You have provided no evidence that spirituality is the defining characteristic that has led to mankinds ability to "come down from the trees"

Additionally, in order to have spirituality, one needs to be self aware and aware of ones environment, ergo; we would have already needed to come down from the trees. Your argument that without spirituality we would still be living in caves is completely without merit.

No, you just ignorantly and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the evidence, it is there, I just presented it. The thing is, you have no evidence to support the contradicting view.
You have presented zero evidence.

Such as... EVERY SOCIETAL CIVILIZATION EVER FORMED BY MAN, couldn't you fucking read it the first time? Just name me ONE long-standing society in the history of man, who have no spirituality whatsoever, yet is still functioning? Society crumbles without a spiritual foundation, it always has, it always will.
name some of the fallen civilizations that fell because they lost their spirituality.
we have self awareness, empathy, a large cerbal cortext. We have many things other species do not have. You have provided no evidence that spirituality is the defining characteristic that has led to mankinds ability to "come down from the trees"

Additionally, in order to have spirituality, one needs to be self aware and aware of ones environment, ergo; we would have already needed to come down from the trees. Your argument that without spirituality we would still be living in caves is completely without merit.

Gorillas and chimps have self-awareness, empathy, and a large cerebral cortex. The only two things we have that other species don't, is spirituality and humanity.

You have presented zero evidence.

Yes I have, you are too biased and closed-minded in your opinions to see the evidence.

name some of the fallen civilizations that fell because they lost their spirituality.

All of them! Now, name one that has never had spirituality, yet is still around, and stop dodging the question!
A Gorillas cortex and brain is not as developed as a humans. They cannot reason the way we do. They are not AS aware as us. AT ALL. If you taught a monkey to pray that's not going to change shit dixie. It's so lol and spurious for you to claim the only thing that separates us is spirituality. This is just more retardspeak.

Concerning spirituality and civilizations:

when rome fell, the citizens still believed in jupiter and were still spiritual people. Later emperors even embraced christianity. In fact, nearly one hundred years after constantine embraced christianity, the western empire fell. Coincidence??? O_o

In fact, we could say that many, if not all civilizations that have fallen, were spiritual. The greeks still believed in their pantheon, and they fell, the assyrians fell while being spiritual, the persians fell. The ottoman empire fell.

Seems these so called spiritual nations don't have much of a track record.

You still have provided zero evidence that spirituality is connected any way to the rise or fall of any civilization. zero.
Yes, the evidence is the history of man versus the history of every other species on the planet. The one thing man has that the others don't, is spirituality....

The one thing?

ergo; we wouldn't be what we are without spirituality.

Pure non-sequitor.

No, you just ignorantly and stubbornly refuse to acknowledge the evidence, it is there, I just presented it. The thing is, you have no evidence to support the contradicting view.

Whether or not believing in no God would cause society to crumble (and it has no in Japan, despite the fact that over 80% of the population is atheist) is not relevant to the question of whether god exists.

Such as... EVERY SOCIETAL CIVILIZATION EVER FORMED BY MAN, couldn't you fucking read it the first time? Just name me ONE long-standing society in the history of man, who have no spirituality whatsoever, yet is still functioning? Society crumbles without a spiritual foundation, it always has, it always will.

Who cares?
This is so retarded. Animals don't have science either. They don't have civilization. They don't have language. There are so many thing I could list here. It's just an amazingly bone-headed argument.
Religion is gay.

Anyone who needs to posit an all powerful sky being to convince you of things is a liar.

We don't need god for morality, especially if he's a racist who plays favorites.
I post like a conservative. My posting IS evil, because CONSERVATIVES ARE EVIL, and I POST LIKE THEM.

if you were only more imaginative and witty you could be Dixie's it is you serve more as ballast for Taich.......
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If people really followed their religion, they'd be strapping bombs onto their chests and shooting abortion doctors, executing homosexuals and people who apostasized from Islam, killing their children for talking back to them, invading nations and killing everyone but the young virgins, cutting off their wives hair for praying without their heads covered.

The only good anyone of a religious faith can bring about is by ignoring these edicts from their god.

really....all religions require this....let's see some proof watermark....

i noticed you ran away from my challenge

its telling that you don't pull out the so called evil concepts in the religions of the world as your base argument....why don't you give us one thing that jesus said was evil....afterall, christianity follows him....go further if you want, point out something in the bible that is evil that ONLY religions do, that no other people who do not adhere to religion have never done....

its clear that the reality is, the people who follow religion are no more evil than those who don't....people who believe in religion and those who don't have committed evil....and you know it, thats why you can't answer what specific evils have only religious people committed that are more heinous than any other evil committed by non religious people....

what cracks me up most about your argument, is that you call religion EVIL....if it wasn't for religion, you wouldn't have a concept of evil