imagine no religion

A Gorillas cortex and brain is not as developed as a humans. They cannot reason the way we do. They are not AS aware as us. AT ALL. If you taught a monkey to pray that's not going to change shit dixie. It's so lol and spurious for you to claim the only thing that separates us is spirituality. This is just more retardspeak.

I hate to tell you this, but you just made my point. Initially, you claimed that humans are not still swinging from trees in the jungle because we have a large cerebral cortex, self-awareness, and empathy. Gorillas actually have a larger cerebral cortex than humans, are very self-aware, and have often exhibited empathy. Chimps share 96% of our DNA. So these things are also present in lower primates, and your reasoning for why man is no longer in the jungle, simply fails. We must look for something unique to man, something that man has that other primates do not have... what could that possibly be? Hmmmm? Maybe it is spirituality? Nahh, that couldn't have a thing to do with why man is more aware, more developed, and can better reason.

Concerning spirituality and civilizations:

when rome fell, the citizens still believed in jupiter and were still spiritual people. Later emperors even embraced christianity. In fact, nearly one hundred years after constantine embraced christianity, the western empire fell. Coincidence??? O_o

Actually, when Rome fell, it was in devastating moral decline, and had been for many years. Many scholars believe the decay of morality in Rome, the corruption and decadence, was precisely what caused the empire to crumble. Bad example for you to use, again, because it supports MY point, not yours.

In fact, we could say that many, if not all civilizations that have fallen, were spiritual. The greeks still believed in their pantheon, and they fell, the assyrians fell while being spiritual, the persians fell. The ottoman empire fell.

Well, that is because most civilizations can't even be formed without some spiritual basis and foundation. The fact that most (if not all) were spiritual, should be clear enough evidence to even a closed-minded fool like you, but you just refuse to accept facts. If I had stated that all civilizations based on spiritual foundations were successful, you would have a point here, but that isn't what I stated, is it? No... I asked you to give me an example of a long-standing civilization which had no spirituality, and you can't.

Seems these so called spiritual nations don't have much of a track record.

You still have provided zero evidence that spirituality is connected any way to the rise or fall of any civilization. zero.

You just proved it! You admit that most all civilizations have some spirituality, you can't give even ONE example of a long-standing civilization without spirituality. You haven't defined what could have brought man out of the jungles, everything you cited is also present in lower primates. The only unique and distinct difference in terms of behavioral attributes, is human spirituality.

Now you can refuse to accept the facts, and continue to insist I haven't presented evidence, and you can try to twist the argument around to the opposite of what I've said, but you are just plain wrong and have proven yourself wrong in your very own words. I rest my case!
Chimps share 96% of our DNA. So these things are also present in lower primates, and your reasoning for why man is no longer in the jungle, simply fails. We must look for something unique to man, something that man has that other primates do not have... what could that possibly be? Hmmmm? Maybe it is spirituality? !

No. It's that other 4%, dipshit. :good4u:
No. It's that other 4%, dipshit. :good4u:

It is interesting to note, when scientists were mapping the human genome, they were able to determined the entire composition of the human species with the exception of .004% The foremost scientist in this field commented to his colleagues... I guess this does leave room for the possibility of a soul, doesn't it?

Maybe that other 4% is a result of man comprehending spirituality? You see... I keep seeing two distinctly unique and powerful attributes found in humans, and not found anywhere else in nature. Man's ability to achieve, imagine, create, rationalize... what we refer to as "humanity" and all it encompasses. No other creature on the planet even shows signs of having that capacity for thought. It is a unique thing that humans have, that no other creature has. And, man's connection with spirituality. Again, something unique and powerful we have, that others don't. Logic and science would say, you must at least examine the possibility that these two distinct attributes are related, if not, profoundly related, and dependent upon each other.

BUT.... You guys being Atheists who want to refute God or anything that might possibly suggest a God... can't bring yourself to break those shackles in your mind, and set yourself free of your own prejudice. Therefore, you will forever remain in ignorance. I am at a distinct advantage here, because I am a lot like you, I can't just "have faith" and "believe" in something, I have to see evidence. When it comes to spirituality, I don't simply "believe" in something greater than man, I know something greater than man, I have felt the power of it, I have witnessed the results of it first hand, and know of many others who have as well. I don't have to have "faith" in it because I have experienced the results of it. I don't know if it is an "energy" or "entity" or "deity" or anything else... but I know some force does guide us and effect our lives. To argue with me that human spirituality serves no purpose in our lives, is just about as silly an argument as you could ever make. Your mother doesn't exist, and you believing in her existence serves no purpose in your life! ---how stupid would that argument be to you?
It is interesting to note, when scientists were mapping the human genome, they were able to determined the entire composition of the human species with the exception of .004% The foremost scientist in this field commented to his colleagues... I guess this does leave room for the possibility of a soul, doesn't it?

Maybe that other 4% is a result of man comprehending spirituality? You see... I keep seeing two distinctly unique and powerful attributes found in humans, and not found anywhere else in nature. Man's ability to achieve, imagine, create, rationalize... what we refer to as "humanity" and all it encompasses. No other creature on the planet even shows signs of having that capacity for thought. It is a unique thing that humans have, that no other creature has. And, man's connection with spirituality. Again, something unique and powerful we have, that others don't. Logic and science would say, you must at least examine the possibility that these two distinct attributes are related, if not, profoundly related, and dependent upon each other.

BUT.... You guys being Atheists who want to refute God or anything that might possibly suggest a God... can't bring yourself to break those shackles in your mind, and set yourself free of your own prejudice. Therefore, you will forever remain in ignorance. I am at a distinct advantage here, because I am a lot like you, I can't just "have faith" and "believe" in something, I have to see evidence. When it comes to spirituality, I don't simply "believe" in something greater than man, I know something greater than man, I have felt the power of it, I have witnessed the results of it first hand, and know of many others who have as well. I don't have to have "faith" in it because I have experienced the results of it. I don't know if it is an "energy" or "entity" or "deity" or anything else... but I know some force does guide us and effect our lives. To argue with me that human spirituality serves no purpose in our lives, is just about as silly an argument as you could ever make. Your mother doesn't exist, and you believing in her existence serves no purpose in your life! ---how stupid would that argument be to you?

possibly ? Maybe ?

Shut up, fool.