In a biblical sense…

The poster fails to realize we don’t condemn homosexuals, and I am not Christian, so it is their hypocrisy, not mine. It also isn’t all Christians, just the fundamentalists.

Hypocrite. You judge people in here all the time...selectively.
The lesson is hate the sin, but love the sinner.
The poster fails to realize we don’t condemn homosexuals, and I am not Christian, so it is their hypocrisy, not mine. It also isn’t all Christians, just the fundamentalists.

Interesting that you don't seem to think this discussion belongs in the forum which was specifically designed for these kinds of debates.
Why do you gratify his inflammatory trolling, Ms. Stretch? Nothing you say will have the slightest effect on him.

Focus on the fact that this thread was A. posted solely for reaction, and B. improperly posted in the most heavily-trafficked thread to maximize that reaction.

It is clearly a "religion" thread. We'll have to wait I suppose to see if they follow the rules and move it.
In the meantime if truth can be posted to counter the lies, the message may be for someone reading this who is only visiting, not even signed in.
Only God knows. God works in mysterious ways. :cool:
He lives under Grace where there is repentance, love, mercy and forgiveness for those who call upon the Name of the Lord. This matter is between him and God
I don't judge his soul, your soul, or ANYONE'S soul.
And, when I vote for any politician, I am not voting for a pastor or choir leader.

I don't think Trump is in Grace,because his God isn't YHWH,but Trump!
So adultery is okay?

Or this part does not matter?

Luke 16:18

“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery.”
She’s another CINO. A cherry picker.
He cheated with each new wife,while still married to the old wife.

Luke 16:18

“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery.”
He lives under Grace where there is repentance, love, mercy and forgiveness for those who call upon the Name of the Lord. This matter is between him and God
I don't judge his soul, your soul, or ANYONE'S soul.
And, when I vote for any politician, I am not voting for a pastor or choir leader.

And that does not apply to homosexuals?
In the meantime if truth can be posted to counter the lies, the message may be for someone reading this who is only visiting, not even signed in.

Given the traffic this site receives, I doubt it, Ms. Stretch. Playing the left's trolling game is fruitless, IMO.