In a biblical sense…

Luke 16:18

“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery.”

Trump lives in sin while his followers point a judgmental finger at homosexuals!
Also, I saw Trump as a fighter who would stand up to the left and the media. I saw ‘America first’ as a breath of fresh air. Frankly, I don’t care how many marriages he’s had or whatever. My vote for Trump was purely transactional in that sense.

And so far at least, I’ve gotten pretty much what I bargained for.
indeed. can you even imagine Obama or Bush taking on malign Chinese trade practices? no way..

they were dead-head establishment overseeing a slow decline in American economy/role
I don’t care how many woman Rump is married to... I’m just calling out the bangers for their hypocrisy.

The "hypocrisy" is on your shoulders, Jarod.

You had my finger hovering over the thank button lol.

Couldn’t agree more that Christians are bad about dividing themselves according to peripheral doctrines. Not sure what this has to do with Trump. Like many ‘fundies’ I didn’t vote for a preacher in Trump; rather, I saw someone who would get the economy back on track. A weak economy has lots of negative downstream effects [joblessness is associated with drug use and alcoholism etc].

Also, I saw Trump as a fighter who would stand up to the left and the media. I saw ‘America first’ as a breath of fresh air. Frankly, I don’t care how many marriages he’s had or whatever. My vote for Trump was purely transactional in that sense.

And so far at least, I’ve gotten pretty much what I bargained for.

Pull your head out of your ass!
It's Never been America First!
But Trump first!
Of course!He makes 10 times that much,with the secret service staying at his property.
But rubes like you swallow the bullshit whole!

So? You're not a capitalist then. Do your thing.
Secret Service is doing their job. They believe in capitalism I guess.