In a biblical sense…

If Trump gets the economy rocking who cares if he skims a little off the top lol?

It isn't like he's received THOUSANDS of dollars from either Iran or elsewhere overseas, like certain past Presidents.

The Bible is the word of God.
God exists because the Bible says so.
This is the ultimate manifestation of circular logic.

Why do we even mention the word "Biblical" on this forum?

It's like forming political beliefs based on Mickey Spillane's My Gun Is Quick.
Evangelicals: tRump great, homosexuals bad.

Luke 16:18

“Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from her husband commits adultery.”

Adultery mentioned in the 10 commandments. Homosexuality... not mentioned!
If God abhors homosexuals, does he not abhor adulterers?

The 10commandments.

Depends. Does the homosexual or the adulterer have the Magic R?

I'd say homosexuality and adultery are both fine as long as we're talking about people who vote Republican.
He was not an active adulterer, he did it once and apologized. Rump is living with his mistress, in a biblical sense. They want to discriminate against homosexuals because of the Bible.... but ignore what Rump is doing even if what he is doing is against the 10 Commandments.
”He did it once...” That’s slmost as dumb as your lie that “illegals don’t vote.”
In a biblical sense…

Is Rump’s third marriage, the one to the ”First Lady” valid? Can a fundamental consider them legally married, or are they committing adultery in the White House?

Kinda kills off the democrat's lying accusation that ALL Republicans want to make America a biblical theocracy, huh? How did a lefty find out what was in the Bible?
Trump is the first atheist President in a long time. Nobody at the church he claimed membership of ever saw him there and he blew his attempt at reading the bible. Trump is absolutely not religious and he must hate all that golf time he gives up to fake it. Trump has the same respect for religious law as he does for other laws,none. He does not hide who he is, he just lies about it and those who want to believe can convince themselves he is telling the truth.
Yeah I'd have a problem with that! Obama did NOT get the economy rocking!

These are my favorite posts. The denial of fact is so clear and damning. Obama came in to office with jobs being shed by the millions. Homes were foreclosed at an incredible rate Banks went down and businesses were shutting by the millions. The economy was moving to a second great depression. Obama put the economy on firm ground and it continues on the exact same trajectory. How stupid do you have to be to not see the facts? I know there is a mind game Repubs have that can allows them see the truth through a prism of distortion and believe what Republicans say. But the facts still exist, even though you do not know them.
”He did it once...” That’s slmost as dumb as your lie that “illegals don’t vote.”

Why would illegals vote? They come here for better jobs and better lives. Would you risk that to vote in an election that you know very little about or do not really care about? Does anyone think that would make sense? other than you, I mean.