In my mailbox this morning…

Hm. I can think of many. Canada? Now tell me why you think America is the greatest nation.



Hey, they have free euthanasia up there. You should take advantage.

I can tell you why America is a FUCKLOAD better than Canada.

Despite the best efforts of Quid Pro Biden and Heinrich Garland, we don't throw truckers in prison the way Benito Trudeau does. We don't kill off our elderly because they are too expensive to care for and really too much bother, the way Canada does. Our standard of living is VASTLY higher - not even close. Before Obama we weren't fractured along ethnic lines the way Canada is - but I guess we are now, thanks to the democrat filth. While Xi's Biden Regime is hard at work to change it, we still have freedom of speech - unlike Canada. Even though the MSM is part of the DNC - we have freedom of the press, Townhall and Newsmax don't face arrest the way opposition press does in Canada.
Oh look, CNN was fucking lying.

Must be a day ending in "Y"

The constitution guarantees the right to own a gun, yet federal inmates in prison are denied rights even those found in the Constitution.

Massive fraud makes the process invalid - that you're not smart enough to grasp this is why you're a democrat.

You're lying again about trump and I'm not smart? :rofl2:

We prefer the will of the live voters.

22 million illegitimate voter registrations in America. The fascist democrat Reich has spent $3 BILLION to stop cleaning of voter rolls.

You LOVE proxy voting because it's impossible to prove. 22 million votes for Biden never cast by a living person, sweet way to steal an election. Mail in ballots that don't have so much as a signature check. So easy for your Reich to overthrow the election - which is what you did.

Will of the voters? Trump, with 74 million votes exceeded the number of votes for Obama in either 2008 or 2012. The will of the people was Trump, and we ALL know it.

More proof you're an anti-American fuckwit, Down Under. Why do you hate the United States so much? Is an American serviceman the daddy who abandoned you and your mom?

Your fascination with Nazism is so extreme, it can only be seen as projection and a deep seated desire to be one. Sad.
You Nazis used an armed force to invade and occupy Seattle.

BUT no one did prison time for it - uber alles democrat. I mean, we can't hold democrats to laws that are meant to subjugate the enemy with....

Right dumber?
Your delusional hatred is over the edge of sanity, Down Under.
Why does this fucktard keep posting to me?

You're never coming off ignore again, Douche Duck.
You're an enemy of the United States of America. An unregistered foreign agent spreading lies and division against Americans. The CIA needs to put the Down Under cops on your wife-abusing, dingo-fucking dumb ass.

Run, my little dingo-fucker, run. All cowards run from good Americans. We have drones that can take you out from 10,000 feet up. It'll look like a heart attack. LOL
And who was this secretary referred by that at that time? And who was the Attorney General?

That looks like a convoluted bunch of red tape to me. :dunno:

Sure doesn't look like the president would be responsible for directly calling out the National Guard there.

Not without ordering two underlings or one underling to tell the other one to do it, anyway, and that would take time.

Both Trump appointees. LOL

Run from the facts, Matt. It's not like it's the first time for ya!

You never served in the military. You just wrote "contracts". LOL

Sure, in your world the boss is never in charge or held responsible.
You people are bizarre.

I totally get you think the reality of the Trump base is bizarre but there are countless videos with large Trump audiences being interviewed wanting Trump to be dictator and the Constitution ended.
Self determination is a long standing American value

Maryland doesn't want DC.
DC residents don't want to be part of Maryland, and they want their own representation as American taxpayers.

Why wouldn't Maryland want to increase the size of their state tax base?

It's not entirely up to the residents. Like Puerto Rico, it's also a matter of Article 4, Section 3, Clause 1 of the Constitution. Do you really think a majority of States would agree to admitting DC?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Of course, there are all those pesky Amendments that keep getting in the way of the usual right wing myopia when it comes to the Constitution. ( I mean, Paul Harvey? :rolleyes: GMAFB!)

Gotta give the little cusses credit for persistence, though.

You Fascist democrats have done away with the 1st, 4th, 9th, and 10th. And you're trying to corrupt the 14th to end free and fair elections as part of your war on democracy.

You consistently demonstrate your proud ignorance. Please look up the definitions of "fascist" and "democrats". Then you can enlighten the reading audience as to how the national and international media missed this world changing event when the list of Amendments you listed were dissolved, much less what was their replacements. We'll wait.
Found this little booklet in my work mailbox this morning. In fact it was in everyone’s mailbox.

Some will applaud and some will be appalled. Which will you be?

It must really bother you that trump said the constitution should be suspended. You don't have to answer that.
Both Trump appointees. LOL

Run from the facts, Matt. It's not like it's the first time for ya!

You never served in the military. You just wrote "contracts". LOL

Sure, in your world the boss is never in charge or held responsible.

Not sure how you got life so fucked up, but that's certainly the way you've got it.
I totally get you think the reality of the Trump base is bizarre but there are countless videos with large Trump audiences being interviewed wanting Trump to be dictator and the Constitution ended.

I'd say it's your side who want the constitution ended. Dictator? You're nuts!