In my mailbox this morning…

You mean two ‘tiers’ of justice? No shit, sherlock. When did you figure that out?

Yeah, an armed force that day may well have killed more people than actually were, including Congressmen. Maybe even Pence and Pelosi, who they were looking to kill. And much more likely to have pulled off that attempted coup.

Thank goodness Trump’s attempt to remove the metal detectors failed. He wanted guns because he knew they would be used on someone other than him.

You Nazis used an armed force to invade and occupy Seattle.

BUT no one did prison time for it - uber alles democrat. I mean, we can't hold democrats to laws that are meant to subjugate the enemy with....

Right dumber?
You Nazis used an armed force to invade and occupy Seattle.

BUT no one did prison time for it - uber alles democrat. I mean, we can't hold democrats to laws that are meant to subjugate the enemy with....

Right dumber?

Deflection. Signaling your failure.

Trifecta loser.
Yes, I misspelled. I apologize. Two tiers of justice. One mob who destroyed private and public property, police cars
and a precinct, get the benefit of the VP rallying for their bail money, while the others get no bail and 20 years.

An armed force wouldn't have shot anyone. It wouldn't have happened.

You're nuts!

The democrat Brown Shirts at CHAZ shot and killed 7 people.

Knifed 2 others to death.

But no worries, no one went to prison.
Naw, the two tiers of justice involve the haves and the have nots. Your heroes have tons of resources, including all the money you’re sending to a “billionaire” to pay for his defense.

Right. More guns NEVER result in more shootings. (That was sarcasm, dimwit)

dumber - your name fits you.

Law in America has been raped and murdered by your party. The Brown Shirt terrorists your party dispatched in 2020 burned, looted, and murdered from coast to coast. No federal charges against any of the Brown Shirts and the state charges are few and far between, generally misdemeanors. Over a TRILLION dollars in damages, yet neither Bar nor Himmler could come up with any charges against any of the Brown Shirts. Why? Two reasons, Wray was in charge of the Stasi and the Brown Shirts were following party orders.

A vastly different "law" was imposed for the Reichstag Fire. Those rioters are enemies of the party.

Brown Shirts are good rioters, Americans protesting a rigged election are bad rioters - Sieg Heil.

Look, you're not sentient - you're an artificial stupidity subroutine. You don't think - you can't think. You are a programmed pile of shit, ChatKKK or something. Your filthy party has ended the rule of law and the Constitution.
If you condone murder, treason, and violent coups, dumbfuck, it’s probably just fine.

Oh? Like this, ChatKKK bot?

I’m curious as to why you would think anyone would be appalled?

I am appalled anytime anyone degrades or challenges Democracy and telling me it should be replaced by God's laws.

A vocal, voting, and moral majority is not MOB RULE! Democracy is NOT MOB RULE. And to say it is is ludicrous and irresponsible.

I certainly do not feel like I am part of any mob.

Paul Harvey was a White Evangelical Supremacist and a HOLIER-THAN-THOU SHIT-STIRRER PREACHING FROM A LOFTY PERCH!

He was a part of America's HATE RADIO!

He is no different than VOLSROCK or TEXTDRIVER in terms of how consistently he used BLACK CRIME AND MINORITY CRIMES as the subject of his daily POLITICALLY AND RELIGIOUSLY BIASED and ANTI-DEMOCRACY broadcasts!

Paul Harvey was a hatemonger and just as much responsible for the creation of someone like a Donald Trump Fascist to come along and attempt to destroy Democracy as we know it- than anyone else I can think of beside Rush Limbaugh!
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You stupid fucks always get a chuckle out of me when you toss around meaningless labels like that. As if you had any fucking clue what you’re talking about.

From your posts. You don’t.

You are programmed to "chuckle," ChatKKK bot?

I didn't know Artificial Stupidity Subroutines were that sophesticated.

You are in fact a Nazi.

You have a scapegoat - Der Juden, the hated whites
You are collectivists demanding the state control the means of production
You are totalitarian, demanding absolute dictatorship by your Riech
You oppose civil rights, denying the right of speech and assembly to enemies of your Reich.

You are a Nazi - pure fact.
I am appalled anytime anyone degrades or challenges Democracy and telling me it should be replaced by God's laws.

A vocal, voting, and moral majority is not MOB RULE! Democracy is NOT MOB RULE. And to say it is is ludicrous and irresponsible.

I certainly do not feel like I am part of any mob.

Paul Harvey was a White Evangelical Supremacist and a HOLIER-THAN-THOU SHIT-STIRRER.
You have the ability to throw the material in the trash. I guess I just don’t get worked up about stuff like this.
Nope. You fail to acknowledge (purposely deflect) the fact that some of the more violent Portland rioters fared far better than 1/6 rioters did.
Heroes? I've had only one hero in my life and he passed away 10 years ago. I send no politician money. Don't be so stupid.

Once again, you fail to address my point. There would have been no riot if Pelosi allowed the National Guard to secure the capitol. That's a fact, dimwit.

No one at the Portland riots faced federal charges, despite attacking a FEDERAL court, setting it ablaze in an attempt to murder those inside.

Yet the Commandant of the STASI - Christ Wray - saw no reason to arrest or even investigate anyone - Sieg Heil.
It clearly appears you do, you wanted Trump installed despite the will of the voters.

We prefer the will of the live voters.

22 million illegitimate voter registrations in America. The fascist democrat Reich has spent $3 BILLION to stop cleaning of voter rolls.

You LOVE proxy voting because it's impossible to prove. 22 million votes for Biden never cast by a living person, sweet way to steal an election. Mail in ballots that don't have so much as a signature check. So easy for your Reich to overthrow the election - which is what you did.

Will of the voters? Trump, with 74 million votes exceeded the number of votes for Obama in either 2008 or 2012. The will of the people was Trump, and we ALL know it.
Washington, DC isn't a state, Matt. Get a clue, son. The President controls the DC National Guard.
By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States and the National Guard of the District of Columbia under the Constitution and laws of the United States.....Subject to the direction of the President as Commander-in-Chief, the Secretary may order out the National Guard under title 39 of the District of Columbia Code to aid the civil authorities of the District of Columbia.

Are you man enough to thank me for correcting you or will you just throw out your typical Matt-style bullshit and change the subect?

And who was this secretary referred by that at that time? And who was the Attorney General?

That looks like a convoluted bunch of red tape to me. :dunno:

Sure doesn't look like the president would be responsible for directly calling out the National Guard there.

Not without ordering two underlings or one underling to tell the other one to do it, anyway, and that would take time.
You have the ability to throw the material in the trash. I guess I just don’t get worked up about stuff like this.

I added more to my earlier comment, Please read.

If Anti-Democracy rhetoric doesn't get people worked up- I do not know what should!


And, right now, Democracy is on the chopping block!


The United States is the world's leader in Democracy, and many nations followed our leadership and example, and are now looking for the United States to remain the World's Best example of it- AND TO PROTECT AND FIGHT FOR IT AT ANY COST- HERE AND ABROAD!

And I just hope that the 100's of thousands of Americans and millions of people around the world that shed their blood to preserve Democracy didn't die for nothing!
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We prefer the will of the live voters.

22 million illegitimate voter registrations in America. The fascist democrat Reich has spent $3 BILLION to stop cleaning of voter rolls.

You LOVE proxy voting because it's impossible to prove. 22 million votes for Biden never cast by a living person, sweet way to steal an election. Mail in ballots that don't have so much as a signature check. So easy for your Reich to overthrow the election - which is what you did.

Will of the voters? Trump, with 74 million votes exceeded the number of votes for Obama in either 2008 or 2012. The will of the people was Trump, and we ALL know it.

Most secure election in history.
And who was this secretary referred by that at that time? And who was the Attorney General?

That looks like a convoluted bunch of red tape to me. :dunno:

Sure doesn't look like the president would be responsible for directly calling out the National Guard there.

Not without ordering two underlings or one underling to tell the other one to do it, anyway, and that would take time.

Trump fiddled for 3 hours, watching the riots live on TV, with glee, and did nothing.
I added more to my earlier comment, Please read.

If Anti-Democracy rhetoric doesn't get people worked up- I do not know what should!


And, right now, Democracy is on the chopping block!


The United States is the world's leader in Democracy, and many nations followed our leadership and example, and are now looking for the United States to remain the World's Best example of it- AND TO PROTECT AND FIGHT FOR IT AT ANY COST- HERE AND ABROAD!

The Democrat party doesn't care about Democracy or the general welfare of Americans, all they care about is winning, obviously.

The free speech bullshit provided to you by the right wing conspiracy sites.

Guilty of sedition. Beyond a reasonable doubt. See ya’ in a few years, traitors!

I understand that you are programmed to call freedom of speech "bullshit." You hate all civil rights, as all democrats do.

Nazi to English dictionary:

Sedition: Any speech or thought that is contrary to the goals and objectives of the ruling democrat party. See "Thought Crime."
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