In My Opinion The Only Way.......

It's not bigoted for me to tell the truth about you or anyone else like you. If you don't like the truth, change it. If you refuse to change the truth about what you are, don't be shocked when your superiors tell you what you are.

Damn right you're inferior to me. It's your choice. We were born equal. You chose to be inferior.

Yeah, I've seen your "truth", you fucking bigot bitch. And it most likely came from your inbred white trash parents. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Superior? I shit things superior to you.
Still can't come up with a rational argument, huh commie?


Still stuck in the 50s, retro tard.

I kicked your ass, moron, and the best you have is cut and paste from the Declaration. Take your ball and go home, cretin. You're over your head here.


Still stuck in the 50s, retro tard.

I kicked your ass, moron, and the best you have is cut and paste from the Declaration. Take your ball and go home, cretin. You're over your head here.


You couldn't intellectually or politically kick the ass of a 3 year old commie! You're just a fucking leftist moron joke.