In praise of our new press secretary

The Luftwafffe didnt treat the SS as enemies either. So what?

There was a serious divide between the regular German military and the SS. The regular German military predated the Nazis, and got to where they were by military achievements. The SS got to where they were by loyalty to the Nazis. This divide flared up in the coup attempt that followed the assassination attempt on Hitler.

Are you claiming that the Washington Times, and FoxNews are picked for loyalty to the Democratic Party? Really? When even right wing news sources are too liberal for you, it shows that you are really out there.
Speaking of crazy town, how is the kraken doing?

Sister Stench's kraken died, and the promised Storm didn't even produce a raindrop. :laugh:

Except she never does and then circles back again, she is a hot mess, and not very knowledgeable!

Actually, Psake has proven very good at getting back to reporters with answers. The Biden Administration has been calmly competent. It is the previous administration that was a mess.
She handles the task like a natural. Trumplican press secretaries and surrogates all looked like they are being held hostage.
Roll the tape and watch 'em blink out "torture"
Jen would never have worked for trump, he only hired Lying Bitches especially the last one.

Exactly, nobody with any integrity would wear those shoes. It would suck ass to be the guest of honor at the turkey shoot, like Retrumplican surrogates.
Actually, Psake has proven very good at getting back to reporters with answers. The Biden Administration has been calmly competent. It is the previous administration that was a mess.
It’s wonderful! I thoroughly enjoy her pressers.
Let’s put it this way lol.

If Jen had the same job but for Trump, the News Fakers would have eaten the poor girl alive.

Damn, if only the right had some representation in the news. Psaki calls on all people and answers all questions. She often says "any more questions" at the end and there are none. She shows how different this admin treats people. Trump was a very flawed man who had grievances with everyone, friend and foe. He poisoned the entire government. His press sectys were pugnacious and aggressive like he is. Trump makes everything adversarial.
It’s wonderful! I thoroughly enjoy her pressers.

We all know no one person has all the answers. Psake does not pretend she does. Instead, she finds the answer. It takes a little bit of time, but not that long.

It is what a competent person does, which is why trump worshippers are confused.
Sergeant Schultz, the new Press Secretary... She knows nothing, She sees nothing, she says nothing... But she'll circle back to you.

Sergeant Schultz, the new Press Secretary... She knows nothing, She sees nothing, she says nothing... But she'll circle back to you.

Once again, I seem to living on a different planet than many Trump supporters.

I see the opposite. With any of the pressers under Trump, PS's always seemed to be avoiding the topic - suspicious of the media and thinking everything was a "gotcha." They were evasive and protective of any real information.

Psaki isn't like that. Everything is transparent and out there, and she's smart & informative. It's hilarious that "circle back" has become a thing w/ conservatives. It's fairly rare, and speaks to the honesty. She's not going to riff on an issue that hasn't been fully vetted internally yet - that's not the job of a PS, and it's more consistent w/ what we've seen in previous admins.
It's so refreshing, and it reminds me of how things used to be under "normal" administrations - both Republican and Democrat.

First, just getting back to regular press briefings. That should really be a minimum obligation we put on the WH - to always be communicating. They're there to serve us, and should be reporting to us as most of us would report to our bosses or management.

But Psaki brings such intelligence & honesty to the role. Desperate conservatives have immediately called out the "I have to circle back" comment that we see on 1 out of every 50 or so questions. Please. PS's aren't omniscient, and if there is a new issue that hasn't been fully vetted in the Oval, they shouldn't riff on it.

Most importantly, she doesn't treat the press like the enemy. If you watch the pressers, it's not softball city - the media is SUPPOSED to be tough, and the WH is supposed to be accountable. But there is a different tone and level of information when the WH doesn't feel threatened by the media, and when there is a mutual respect for each other's jobs and responsibilities.

It's something that always existed prior to Trump - not just in Dem admins.

Well said and agreed. It's a terrific change for the better.

Jan is still getting used to the job, but she's done very well so far.