In Trump's America "Christian" is no longer a religious faith

yes governments use religion to make their people calmer and more malleable. But the strife and conflict between religions loses that advantage. Religions are businesses that seek to grow by expansion, whatever they have to do.
Humanity is not craving that. it is schools that religion use to create that need. They ask the questions and supply the answers. They create these questions in kids who do not have the answers. They lack the knowledge and authority to resist. They are so easy to propagandize. It is cruel.

I can agree that they mold children as they see fit, but I don't see much difference between that and political ideology. Progressivism makes a lot of assumptions that are unproven, for example.

There is a common assumption that diversity is always a good thing. I've seen plenty of evidence to the contrary. It's often assumed that all cultures are equally valuable to society. Again, I've seen plenty of evidence against that.

People often assume that men and women are equal. I'm not sure how men and women should be viewed as equal overall except in the case of rights. Beyond that, men and women are very different, and one is often better on average than the other on a given trait or capability.

So the basis of a lot of progressivism is deeply flawed, but it is thoroughly ingrained in society at a young age. It's often pushed in much of academia -- particularly in sociology. So are things like oppression narratives -- many of which are factually incoherent.

So religion comes from a lot of angles -- not just on the supernatural/traditionalist side. And because it is present in education, it shows that young adults are pretty impressionable in their own right.

The way I see it, any form of parenting usually has some element of molding/propagandizing. And when parents don't bother to mold their children, media and others will do it for them.
I can agree that they mold children as they see fit, but I don't see much difference between that and political ideology. Progressivism makes a lot of assumptions that are unproven, for example.

There is a common assumption that diversity is always a good thing. I've seen plenty of evidence to the contrary. It's often assumed that all cultures are equally valuable to society. Again, I've seen plenty of evidence against that.

People often assume that men and women are equal. I'm not sure how men and women should be viewed as equal overall except in the case of rights. Beyond that, men and women are very different, and one is often better on average than the other on a given trait or capability.

So the basis of a lot of progressivism is deeply flawed, but it is thoroughly ingrained in society at a young age. It's often pushed in much of academia -- particularly in sociology. So are things like oppression narratives -- many of which are factually incoherent.

So religion comes from a lot of angles -- not just on the supernatural/traditionalist side. And because it is present in education, it shows that young adults are pretty impressionable in their own right.

The way I see it, any form of parenting usually has some element of molding/propagandizing. And when parents don't bother to mold their children, media and others will do it for them.

Define value to society. You talking about money and production? If you are taking knowledge, religions are anathema to that. They do not want scientific advancement, They are the book burners.
But it does not compare to political backgrounds. people are not using the propaganda techniques on their kids. kids learn by overhearing.
Define value to society. You talking about money and production? If you are taking knowledge, religions are anathema to that. They do not want scientific advancement, They are the book burners.
But it does not compare to political backgrounds. people are not using the propaganda techniques on their kids. kids learn by overhearing.

There's plenty of propagandizing in both school and through media. And yes, politics can often be anathema to facts, or at least very selective in what facts to reveal.

The value aspect I referenced when mentioning culture is that not all cultures are equal. Even leftists agree with this idea whether they want to admit it or not. A leftist clearly does not believe that Nazism is of equal value to society as Jewish culture. Most people, whether leftist or not, see the lack of value from Nazi culture and the wealth of value from Jewish culture.

Cultures can be ranked according to how compatible they are with the mainstream of a given society, and their potential for contributing to various aspects of society can be calculated. Statistics can also reveal which cultures best integrate with the mainstream and which cultures contribute most to crime.

Value among cultures can be measured in terms of industriousness, respect for women's rights, respect for gay rights, and scholastic achievement. So, progressivism does have some values that are worth promoting, but it just has certain other ones that aren't supported by reality.

Science is, in principle, about the gathering of facts and advancing our understanding of many things, but it is not unaffected by politics and groupthink. We see the most politicization in things like climate science and the social sciences (particularly psychology and sociology).
You cannot prove a fictional creature does or does not exist. Show me proof that the Easter Bunny does not exist. There has never been physical evidence or real data proving either exists. You can believe if you want. Your youth training is very effective. Religions have spent 2000 years perfecting it and they all do it. Get to kids when they are young and stay on them. it works. Muslims have schools. Catholics have schools. Nearly all religions use the same propaganda techniques and they work very well.
I reject the whole concept. I know what they are doing. If a god existed he surely would have made a world announcement and all would change. There would be no religious wars. There would be no religious strife. It would be well within the power of a god to do. The fact he has not proves he does not exist. God would be an instrument of peace, not war.\
The whole idea of god insults logic and science.

No doubt why Christiananality pedophilia has fabricated misnomers of immaculate conceptions. Can't prove it nor disprove it from some "man is God" megalomaniacal super ego point of view; which in itself avoids any science & logic that insults their compulsive - obsessive acceptance of fact.
Religions are corporations seeking money and power. The Trump admin proved that perfectly. They quit pretending and showed they are after more money and more power that they think they can get it through Trump's ignoring religion. The gospel of wealth has never gotten such a break. They can say whatever they want, it won't be as bad as what Donny says, It is nearly impossible for them to embarrass themselves.
Well, if we're being blunt about things, plenty of Americans wonder why you would willingly hand over your sovereignty to Brussels, but then again, the Welsh are used to being slaves and subjects.

That's why we won at Bosworth and got rid of English control of Britain by setting up the Tudors. We could always beat any English who weren't more than ten to one, but the Normans gave us trouble - they took about six weeks over England and a couple of hundred years over us, you know, skulking in castles till we went home. I see why you vote for the Fatman by this offering of yours: the reason, evidently, is total ignorance. My Country, alas, voted for Brexit, by the way! :) Same cause, plus a lot of bloody English settlers.
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Success is what I'm going for. Ambition is a good thing for society in general, as long as that ambition doesn't involve trying to control everyone else. That would be the problem with politics.
The trouble is that American capitalist 'success' means stealing from everyone else, presumably to pay for a showy funeral. Seems a lot of crap for nothing worth having. As to politics-as-career, it is entirely squalid.
The trouble is that American capitalist 'success' means stealing from everyone else, presumably to pay for a showy funeral. Seems a lot of crap for nothing worth having. As to politics-as-career, it is entirely squalid.

Stealing, eh? The ones who obsess over stealing are the socialists and progressives -- always trying to use the state to tax people more.
it's white identity politics

Conservatives reject Christianity Today's position on impeachment, because it's about power, not morality or faith

Even amid the holiday pressures to turn away from the news cycle, it was enough to capture public attention: On Thursday, the day after the House formally impeached Donald Trump, Christianity Today, the flagship publication of evangelical America, published an opinion piece by editor in chief Mark Galli, arguing that Trump should be removed from office. In an essay that bends over backward to accommodate Republican talking points, Galli nonetheless argued that Trump is "a near perfect example of a human being who is morally lost and confused" and begs evangelicals to consider "what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior."

Galli, however, is under no illusions that his speaking out will move the needle with white evangelicals. He told CNN, "I don't have any imaginations that my editorial is going to shift their views on this matter."

Sure enough, a group of 177 evangelical leaders — led by Liberty University's head Jerry Falwell Jr., recently in the news for "accidentally" emailing revealing photos of his wife to multiple people and being photographed drinking and dancing in a nightclub, behavior forbidden to his students — released a letter denouncing Galli and complaining that he "questioned the spiritual integrity and Christian witness of tens-of-millions of believers."

keep your kikey hate to yourself.
Religions are corporations seeking money and power. The Trump admin proved that perfectly. They quit pretending and showed they are after more money and more power that they think they can get it through Trump's ignoring religion. The gospel of wealth has never gotten such a break. They can say whatever they want, it won't be as bad as what Donny says, It is nearly impossible for them to embarrass themselves.

The Christian magazine editor-in-chief, Mark Galli, wrote: “The facts in this instance are unambiguous: the president of the United States attempted to use his political power to coerce a foreign leader to harass and discredit one of the president’s political opponents.​
“That is not only a violation of the constitution; more importantly, it is profoundly immoral.”​

Isn't this exactly what power Christianity attempts to utilize to coerce nonbelievers & opponents to harass & discredit ?​
That is not stealing.

It's state coercion, so yes, technically, it's legal, so it's not considered stealing.

It's a bit like how the state can kill a bunch of people overseas and call it war instead of mass murder.

The principles are pretty similar, however.
these crazy globalist luciferians want to legalize many awful things.

nambla. north american man boy love association. yes it's real.
Stealing, eh? The ones who obsess over stealing are the socialists and progressives -- always trying to use the state to tax people more.

When did any capitalist every produce anything, kid? You really are brainwashed, aren't you? The capitalist state is no use whatever to working people, obviously.