Inalienable Rights And Things That Are Not

The notion of an inalienable right endowed by the Creator as expressed in the Declaration is, ultimately, a religious belief. As such it has no Constitutional standing and is not an axiom of liberal (much less Marxist!) ideology.

Healthcare, like clean water or public education, is an entitlement (not a right) established under law. The law giveth and the law can taketh away.

#1 "a creator" isn't necessarily a "religious" belief. Even Atheist have to admit, (if they're honest), that somebody or something created them even if they only recognize that to be their parents. And as far as religion being recognized positively in the Constitution we only have to look at the 1st amendment, ("the free exercise thereof").

#2 You'll need to explain the difference between a right and an entitlement in the context you're using them. Your claim is ambiguous at best. Fresh air and water are natural blessings. Healthcare requires the actions/work of others, how does one acquire the entitlement for that?