"Incandescently stupid": Former DHS official says he had to "dumb" down classified

It appears that Trump is the idiot and the guy isn’t lying because other staff members have also remarked how stupid Trump is.

The guy in the OP is not the first one to point out that Trumpty-Dummy needed to have everything condensed and explained in simple terms to him. And to think that this nation's extraordinary weaponry was at the command of a mental and emotional toddler.
Donnie was never very bright. "Dumbing down" is a regular thing for him.
Like most bullies, he relies on bluster.

Because nobody had ever challenged him in the business sector, he was grossly unprepared for the scrutiny typically endured by POTUS.

Which is why his cabinet morphed into 'Yes' men/women as his tenure festered.

The quote in the OP is hilarious. You can just hear trump's voice during the delivery of the dumbed down version of the reports. We already knew that staff was required to provide a daily 'happy folder' to get trump into a good mood.
"I mean, I literally said in there, 'You know, if we leave Afghanistan too fast, the terrorists will call us losers. But if we wanna be seen as winners, we need to make sure the Afghan forces have the strength to push back against these criminals.'

it's a pity she wasn't still there writing memos for Biden.....
It isn't a "defense of Trump," you retard, it's a statement of fact that many competent executives want the executive brief. They recognize they don't know or understand every nuisance of what's in the report. They need brief conclusions and overall understanding in a general sense. That way they can make reasonably informed decisions rather than get bogged down in the weeds of detail.
Maybe recent Republican Executives.

Dubyah for sure, and trump didn't even have the attention span to view the illustrated version of the PDB.

Obama spent the day reading every word in the briefings. He had no problem 'understanding every [sic] nuisance' (lmao) of what was in the report.

Is it your claim that a POTUS cannot ask questions?
The fact you get so upset when it's pointed out you're a Trumper is amusing, Terry. Sure, you hate Liberals more than you love Trumpers, but the evidence of your own posts proves you support Trumpism despite your disclaimers.
Clearly, he's just tired of the 'nuisance' of the issues.
Yes, Biden is. If I were an executive and was handed say, a 50 to 100 page briefing on something, I'd want the executive brief of one or two pages too. If I need more detail, I can ask. Reading some massive equivalent of a master's thesis is not something I want to do 20 or 30 times a day. It's far too much information. Top executives should be making strategic and broad decisions on policy and direction. It's for subordinates to get into the details.

It's utterly asinine for a top executive to be micromanaging their subordinates. I have read that's what Biden often does. He's an idiot. You are an idiot.
LOL. You make it sound like briefings are just tossed on the desk as the staff exits the office.

The issue is the hyperbole used to keep trump's attention on the issues.

Threatening the appearance of being a 'loser' in order to urge trump in a direction is laughable.
Clearly, he's just tired of the 'nuisance' of the issues.

Agreed. If he can't make money on something, he loses interest.

So? Trump wanted the executive brief rather than the full blown report. What's unusual about that? I guess other presidents just took the full report and circular filed it instead...

You can't expect Trump to read reports while watching Gilligan's Island reruns!
Yes, Biden is. If I were an executive and was handed say, a 50 to 100 page briefing on something, I'd want the executive brief of one or two pages too. If I need more detail, I can ask. Reading some massive equivalent of a master's thesis is not something I want to do 20 or 30 times a day. It's far too much information. Top executives should be making strategic and broad decisions on policy and direction. It's for subordinates to get into the details.

It's utterly asinine for a top executive to be micromanaging their subordinates. I have read that's what Biden often does. He's an idiot. You are an idiot.

Deflection from Trump
Maybe recent Republican Executives.

Dubyah for sure, and trump didn't even have the attention span to view the illustrated version of the PDB.

Obama spent the day reading every word in the briefings. He had no problem 'understanding every [sic] nuisance' (lmao) of what was in the report.

Is it your claim that a POTUS cannot ask questions?

Like Joke or Obama were any better. Joke can't even read his que cards, while Obama was just a total slacker and didn't bother to read anything at all. He expected others to do his homework for him...
LOL. You make it sound like briefings are just tossed on the desk as the staff exits the office.

Given what we know of Biden's personality off camera, that's very likely what they do with him. His staff doesn't even want to be in the room with him.

The issue is the hyperbole used to keep trump's attention on the issues.

Threatening the appearance of being a 'loser' in order to urge trump in a direction is laughable.

Like Biden's any better. He can't even manage to read his own que cards...
memos for Trump

Miles Taylor, who served as chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security under Donald Trump, shared how he often had to oversimply national security reports for the former president.

"This fifty-page memo that we would normally give to any other president about what his options are is something Trump literally can't read. The man doesn't read. We've gotta boil this down into a one-pager in his voice," Taylor told podcast host Brett Meiselas on Tuesday. "And so I had to write this incandescently stupid memo called something like, 'Afghanistan, How to Put America First and Win.' And then bullet by bullet, I summed up this highly classified memo into Trump's sort of bombastic language because it was the only way he was gonna understand," Taylor added. "I mean, I literally said in there, 'You know, if we leave Afghanistan too fast, the terrorists will call us losers. But if we wanna be seen as winners, we need to make sure the Afghan forces have the strength to push back against these criminals.' I mean, it was that dumb and that's how you had to talk to him."


I love that description of him. One of the best I ever heard.