"Incandescently stupid": Former DHS official says he had to "dumb" down classified

So is Biden, and Biden's apparently a much bigger one, what's your point?

So all these trials with Trump are the same for Biden? Where are Joes trials? What are the charges? Oh, there is nothing in court. It is all in the unimpeachable right-wing pro-Trump sites. That is exactly the same thing, or even worse.
Are you really unable to see the difference? You have right-wing crazy talk against Biden. You have real court cases against Trump. You should take time to understand the differences. They are huge and real.
Trump is the perfect Avatar for his base. Stupid and corrupt with no morals.


Labeling Trump a "fucking moron" was a RW thing. Jus' sayin'.

It was a thing for those who actually worked for him. They were amazed at how stupid and unknowledgeable he is. He has no curiosity. He does not read. He is of the same mental state he was in high school. He has stunted development.
It was a thing for those who actually worked for him. They were amazed at how stupid and unknowledgeable he is. He has no curiosity. He does not read. He is of the same mental state he was in high school. He has stunted development.

According to Dr. Mary Trump, Donald J. Trump has deep psychological problems. He shouldn't be allowed near a set of car keys much less the nuclear button.

Five shocking passages in Mary Trump's tell-all book
"This is far beyond garden-variety narcissism," his niece, who has a doctoral degree in clinical psychology, writes of Mr Trump. "Donald is not simply weak, his ego is a fragile thing that must be bolstered every moment because he knows deep down that he is nothing of what he claims to be."

She says the president was influenced by watching his father, Fred Trump Sr, bully her father Fred Trump Jr - who died from an alcohol related illness when she was 16 years old....

...Ms Trump blames the Trump family patriarch, Fred Trump Sr for much of the family's alleged dysfunction. She says Trump Sr, a New York City real estate mogul, "destroyed" Donald Trump by interfering in his "ability to develop and experience the entire spectrum of human emotion"....

...Ms Trump writes that her uncle had asked her to ghost write a book about him, called the Art of the Comeback, and provided "an aggrieved compendium of women he had expected to date but who, having refused him, were suddenly the worst, ugliest and fattest slobs he'd ever met"...
It appears that Trump is the idiot and the guy isn’t lying because other staff members have also remarked how stupid Trump is.

on the other hand.....the guy pointed out what a mistake it would be to handle Afghanistan the way Biden did.......and Trump was smart enought not to do it.......
According to Dr. Mary Trump, Donald J. Trump has deep psychological problems. He shouldn't be allowed near a set of car keys much less the nuclear button.

Five shocking passages in Mary Trump's tell-all book
Born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. Failed at everything he touched, but thinks he won because daddy bailed him out every time.

trump was NOT his father's first choice to join the family business. He wanted Fred Jr, who wasn't interested in having anything to do with his father's company
Like Joke or Obama were any better. Joke can't even read his que cards, while Obama was just a total slacker and didn't bother to read anything at all. He expected others to do his homework for him...
You are a fucking moron. Perhaps you should read. Better yet...link us to your evidence. Obama was known for scouring every page of his written briefings.

Or are you 'not interested' in this topic either, even though you litter it with posts?
Given what we know of Biden's personality off camera, that's very likely what they do with him. His staff doesn't even want to be in the room with him.

Like Biden's any better. He can't even manage to read his own que cards...
You are a fucking moron. Perhaps you should read. Better yet...link us to your evidence. Obama was known for scouring every page of his written briefings.

Or are you 'not interested' in this topic either, even though you litter it with posts?

Obama has skipped more than HALF of his daily intel briefings – as spies hit back after he blamed them for underestimating ISIS
Report from the Government Accountability Institute examined the president's public calendar every day since his first inauguration
He has skipped most of his briefings, attending just 42.1 per cent of them in person


Driving the allegation is a report by the Government Accountability Institute, a conservative research group, that analyzed the number of times a Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) was formally listed on Obama's schedule since the beginning of his term in 2009.

The group says it examined the publicly available records for the first 1,225 days of the Obama presidency - from Jan. 23, 2009 through March, 31 2012 - and found a PDB on just 536 of those days, or less than half the time.

In the first five months of 2012, a PDB was listed on Obama's schedule just 58 days, or 38 percent of the time, the report says.


Hell, even the WaPo says he didn't go to briefings or read them

Obama’s hypocrisy on intelligence briefings
Born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. Failed at everything he touched, but thinks he won because daddy bailed him out every time.

trump was NOT his father's first choice to join the family business. He wanted Fred Jr, who wasn't interested in having anything to do with his father's company

His biggest fear is to be seen as a loser and that's exactly how he'll end up; Trump the Loser but I'll always think of him as Trump the Nutjob President.

Trump Reacts to Being Called a 'Loser' by Fox News Analyst
Former President Donald Trump speaks on June 13, 2023, in Bedminster, New Jersey. The 2024 GOP presidential primary candidate on Thursday clapped back at Fox News analyst Brit Hume over his remark that “the case can be made that [Trump's] a loser."

During his appearance, Hume argued that "the case can be made that [Trump's] a loser because since he got elected in 2016, he's compiled a string of them.

"Either he or his supported candidates have lost too many races," Hume added in response to a question from Edson about the Republican Party's losses in the 2018, 2020 and 2022 elections.

A day after Hume's appearance, Trump took to Truth Social to attack Hume's statements, writing that the commentator "has really gotten it wrong!"

"First of all, he never thought I would win in 2016, & some things never change," the former president wrote. "In 2020 I got more votes than any sitting President in history, by far. Biden didn't get 80 million votes. The Election was Rigged ... [Hume] likes to say I lost, but I didn't, & my Endorsements almost all won!"
Obama has skipped more than HALF of his daily intel briefings – as spies hit back after he blamed them for underestimating ISIS
Report from the Government Accountability Institute examined the president's public calendar every day since his first inauguration
He has skipped most of his briefings, attending just 42.1 per cent of them in person


Driving the allegation is a report by the Government Accountability Institute, a conservative research group, that analyzed the number of times a Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) was formally listed on Obama's schedule since the beginning of his term in 2009.

The group says it examined the publicly available records for the first 1,225 days of the Obama presidency - from Jan. 23, 2009 through March, 31 2012 - and found a PDB on just 536 of those days, or less than half the time.

In the first five months of 2012, a PDB was listed on Obama's schedule just 58 days, or 38 percent of the time, the report says.


Hell, even the WaPo says he didn't go to briefings or read them

Obama’s hypocrisy on intelligence briefings
Reaches back to 2008 and Obama because he has nothing on Biden?
Obama has skipped more than HALF of his daily intel briefings – as spies hit back after he blamed them for underestimating ISIS
Report from the Government Accountability Institute examined the president's public calendar every day since his first inauguration
He has skipped most of his briefings, attending just 42.1 per cent of them in person


Driving the allegation is a report by the Government Accountability Institute, a conservative research group, that analyzed the number of times a Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB) was formally listed on Obama's schedule since the beginning of his term in 2009.

The group says it examined the publicly available records for the first 1,225 days of the Obama presidency - from Jan. 23, 2009 through March, 31 2012 - and found a PDB on just 536 of those days, or less than half the time.

In the first five months of 2012, a PDB was listed on Obama's schedule just 58 days, or 38 percent of the time, the report says.


Hell, even the WaPo says he didn't go to briefings or read them

Obama’s hypocrisy on intelligence briefings
For Obama, the PDB process paints a portrait of a methodical president who's often disdainful of raw, unfiltered intelligence in favor of more analytical perspective. He encourages dissenting opinions. He's interested in "open source" intelligence — including press accounts and, increasingly, social media — in addition to old-fashioned spycraft and intercepted communications.

NSC spokesman Tommy Vietor as explaining why his boss has skipped more than half his daily intelligence meetings since taking office – including every day in the week leading up to the attacks on our diplomatic facilities in Egypt and Libya: Obama, they say, doesn’t need briefers because he is just so much smarter than everyone else. As Vietor put it to me in an email, “Unlike your former boss [President Bush], he has it delivered to his residence in the morning and not briefed to him.”
The White House takes pride in the fact that Obama’s PDB is “not briefed to him” – because, they say, he is “among the most sophisticated consumers of intelligence on the planet.” That hubris brings to mind this revealing quote from a September 2008 New York Times profile of Obama:
memos for Trump

Miles Taylor, who served as chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security under Donald Trump, shared how he often had to oversimply national security reports for the former president.

"This fifty-page memo that we would normally give to any other president about what his options are is something Trump literally can't read. The man doesn't read. We've gotta boil this down into a one-pager in his voice," Taylor told podcast host Brett Meiselas on Tuesday. "And so I had to write this incandescently stupid memo called something like, 'Afghanistan, How to Put America First and Win.' And then bullet by bullet, I summed up this highly classified memo into Trump's sort of bombastic language because it was the only way he was gonna understand," Taylor added. "I mean, I literally said in there, 'You know, if we leave Afghanistan too fast, the terrorists will call us losers. But if we wanna be seen as winners, we need to make sure the Afghan forces have the strength to push back against these criminals.' I mean, it was that dumb and that's how you had to talk to him."


Ohh, a Trump hater flinging shit - how unique...

Go kill yourself - you Jew hating Nazi pig.
A so called billionaire begging for loose change

He never likes spending his own money. It's amusing to watch what he'll do for cash. Putin is all about power but Trump is all about money. That's why a national leader can literally buy Trump. I think he's pissed at Xi because Xi wouldn't give him enough political payola. Not even his own estate along the Great Wall or apartment in the Forbidden City.