APP - Incest v Homosexuality


Loyal to the end
Both are condemned by the Bible. Social liberals argue that queer marriage should be legal because the Bible shouldn't dictate our laws. They say that anal sex is healthy when done "properly". For them to be consistent, they also need to sanction incestuous marriage when one or both of the individuals is sterile.
Both are condemned by the Bible. Social liberals argue that queer marriage should be legal because the Bible shouldn't dictate our laws. They say that anal sex is healthy when done "properly". For them to be consistent, they also need to sanction incestuous marriage when one or both of the individuals is sterile.

But you have also used procreation as a main reason for marrying, which could be seen that you might demand that all marriages who are childless to be ended and that once a couple is no longer able to produce children, then they should be forced to divorce also.
But you have also used procreation as a main reason for marrying, which could be seen that you might demand that all marriages who are childless to be ended and that once a couple is no longer able to produce children, then they should be forced to divorce also.
Procreation is the main reason why society recognizes the institution of marriage. That doesn't mean that couples who choose not to have children shouldn't be married.
Procreation is the main reason why society recognizes the institution of marriage. That doesn't mean that couples who choose not to have children shouldn't be married.

Then you just removed one of your complaints as to why same sex marriages shouldn't be allowed.

Slowly but surely, you're beginning to see the light.
Both are condemned by the Bible. Social liberals argue that queer marriage should be legal because the Bible shouldn't dictate our laws. They say that anal sex is healthy when done "properly". For them to be consistent, they also need to sanction incestuous marriage when one or both of the individuals is sterile.

Not even close to the same thing. There are numerous reasons why incest is not acceptable. One is the huge increase in the likelihood of birth defects.

But lets continue this one step farther. Are you saying that our laws should be based on the bible? Are you saying that, after reading the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, that you actually believe we should pattern our laws based solely on biblical scripture?
Not at all. Slowly you're realizing your mis-characterizations of my positions.

Just using your own comments, to better understand you.

In previous posts you didnt support homosexual marriage; because they could not reproduce.

Then you made this comment:
Procreation is the main reason why society recognizes the institution of marriage. That doesn't mean that couples who choose not to have children shouldn't be married.

Which removes one of your arguments against gay marriage.
I made no mis-characterization.
Just using your own comments, to better understand you.

In previous posts you didnt support homosexual marriage; because they could not reproduce.

Then you made this comment:

Which removes one of your arguments against gay marriage.
I made no mis-characterization.

I can see that you're still mis-characterizing. Awesome. :good4u:

In you favorite debate site, Logical Fallacies, you will find one called "Slippery Slope". Read it and get back to us.

But lets clarify what you are talking about. Are you exclusively referring to a requirement to allow sterile siblings or sterile 1st cousins to marry?
I also notice you haven't answered whether or not you think our laws should be based on the bible.
Both are condemned by the Bible. Social liberals argue that queer marriage should be legal because the Bible shouldn't dictate our laws. They say that anal sex is healthy when done "properly". For them to be consistent, they also need to sanction incestuous marriage when one or both of the individuals is sterile.
The Bible approves of slavery. By that logic should slavery be legal?
Getting back to the OP:
Both are condemned by the Bible. Social liberals argue that queer marriage should be legal because the Bible shouldn't dictate our laws. They say that anal sex is healthy when done "properly". For them to be consistent, they also need to sanction incestuous marriage when one or both of the individuals is sterile.

You social libtards will do anything to deflect the discussion away from your hypocrisy. :)