APP - Incest v Homosexuality

Fuck, I think its fucking hilarious that these fucking arguments are still going the fuck on. And in the fucking APP, no less... Oh, shit.
Both are condemned by the Bible. Social liberals argue that queer marriage should be legal because the Bible shouldn't dictate our laws. They say that anal sex is healthy when done "properly". For them to be consistent, they also need to sanction incestuous marriage when one or both of the individuals is sterile.

If any kind of sex or marriage is banned purely out of regards to some sort of sexual purity, I would argue that it is wrong. It is true that a cult of sexual purity has been built around incestuous marriage, but it is also true that marriage between first-order relatives is wrong for practical reasons as well. Because their children have high risks of deformity. The difference between incest and homosexuality is the difference between logic and emotion, purity and fairness.
Are you saying that our laws should be based on the bible? Are you saying that, after reading the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, that you actually believe we should pattern our laws based solely on biblical scripture?

Its funny how S&M uses an avatar of a same sex marriage proponent while making this thread.

Its like using Ron Jeremy triumphantly as an avatar while condemning porn.