APP - Incest v Homosexuality

It was a simple question. I am not baiting him into an argument of biblical semantics.

I doubt that's true....but in any event....the fundamental basis of our law reflects a biblically defined morality.....efforts to move away from that basis are a deterioration of law rather than an enhancement.....(now, let's see if you can keep away from the levitical codes and stick with the civil codes) guess is you jump straight to either shellfish or stoning....
I doubt that's true....but in any event....the fundamental basis of our law reflects a biblically defined morality.....efforts to move away from that basis are a deterioration of law rather than an enhancement.....(now, let's see if you can keep away from the levitical codes and stick with the civil codes) guess is you jump straight to either shellfish or stoning....

No, I am not going to jump in with Leviticus. The OT isn't the issue since Christ was crucified.

In fact, I have no intention of arguing biblical law at all. I was intending to discuss constitutional law.
Getting back to the OP:

You social libtards will do anything to deflect the discussion away from your hypocrisy. :)

I am not deflecting it away from anything. You broached a subject by asking questions and then telling everyone what "queer enablers" would say.

I am trying to start a discussion on the topic.
Well, you are a queer enabler.

do you allow your children to do things you don't agree with? and don't think i want to get personal about your children, rather, it is the only analogy i can think of with you....if you like, you can substitute your employees, but your authority of children is a bit more....

if you don't want to answer personally, then let's make it general...if a parent allows their child (say mid to late teens, the age they really start to make decisions) to play football....yet the parent does not believe in football, but understands their child's desire to that parent a football enabler?
Both are condemned by the Bible. Social liberals argue that queer marriage should be legal because the Bible shouldn't dictate our laws. They say that anal sex is healthy when done "properly". For them to be consistent, they also need to sanction incestuous marriage when one or both of the individuals is sterile.

Okay, done.
that overlooks the fact that in the single book of the Bible dealing with a slave and his owner, Paul asks the owner to treat the slave as his brother instead of as a slave.....

That's not close to the only reference to slavery. But in the same passage Paul commands slaves to honor their master, comparing it to the obligation to honor God.

Here is what your side has argued...

"[Slavery] was established by decree of Almighty is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts." Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America.

"There is not one verse in the Bible inhibiting slavery, but many regulating it. It is not then, we conclude, immoral." Rev. Alexander Campbell

"The right of holding slaves is clearly established in the Holy Scriptures, both by precept and example." Rev. R. Furman, D.D., Baptist, of South Carolina

"The hope of civilization itself hangs on the defeat of Negro suffrage." A statement by a prominent 19th-century southern Presbyterian pastor, cited by Rev. Jack Rogers, moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

"The doom of Ham has been branded on the form and features of his African descendants. The hand of fate has united his color and destiny. Man cannot separate what God hath joined." United States Senator James Henry Hammond. 3
do you allow your children to do things you don't agree with? and don't think i want to get personal about your children, rather, it is the only analogy i can think of with you....if you like, you can substitute your employees, but your authority of children is a bit more....

if you don't want to answer personally, then let's make it general...if a parent allows their child (say mid to late teens, the age they really start to make decisions) to play football....yet the parent does not believe in football, but understands their child's desire to that parent a football enabler?
An enabler is someone who openly advocates something, at a minimum by saying that it is OK.
An enabler is someone who openly advocates something, at a minimum by saying that it is OK.

By your definition, an enabler is someone who refuses to allow someone to be discriminated against based on something harmless.
And sell our daughters into slavery. And kill our neighbors that work on the Sabbath. And kill anyone that claims to participate in the Wiccan religion as they are a witch.
And sell our daughters into slavery. And kill our neighbors that work on the Sabbath. And kill anyone that claims to participate in the Wiccan religion as they are a witch.
You must be retarded to think that Christianity supports that. :lol:
The majority of incest cases involve a parent molesting a child. In that circumstance, there is no rational person who would campaign for legalization.

Since I haven't gotten an answer to my question about what sort of incest is being discussed, I can easily say that incest would not need to be legalized if we legalize gay marriage.

One key difference is that homosexuality (and even sodomy) is not illegal in the US. Incest certainly is.