Income Gap

Me to I did not realize they had split up munis on tax status. But I just pay what the experts tell me to pay. don't own any munis that I know of.
Tiana... not to worry... it is relatively new... only been around since 1969. :D

It is still a good idea though.... as long as they fix the inflation problem.
"Go ahead, enjoy the owning while it lasts. It won't come around again for a long time."

I wouldn't call it owning.... I call it enlightening. I work with it every day. Most people don't. Intelligence is relative to the topic being discussed. That said, being a smart ass and rather evil I was forced to give you a hard time... at least for a little while. :burn:
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"Go ahead, enjoy the owning while it lasts. It won't come around again for a long time."

I wouldn't call it owning.... I call it enlightening. I work with it every day. Most people don't. Intelligence is relative to the topic being discussed. That said, being a smart ass and rather evil I was forced to give you a hard time... at least for a little while. :burn:

Enjoy it while it lasts...........
Back to educate you gerbers on a few things.
1. We are not in an inevitable decline despite USC's glass totally empty theory
ie. see microsoft, google, intel, cysco, apple, CHEVRON awe yeah
right we don't make anything.LOFL

2. Yes the economy is slowing, 2.5% after how many years of growth.
We are actually almost overdue for a recession and housing may cause it.

3. That said The best Europe or Asia big countries can do is about 70% of our per capita.

So Yes tax the ubber rich a little more if it tweeks your Unionized sole,
Again we spend to much not tax to little.
Recessions are scheduled events not effected by our actions.
Gee I wish I had a degree like you do ;)

Umm one of my main points on this thread has been. Lets talk about per capita wages instead of income Spin......Tens of billions fo bonuses to a select few really skews the percapita income figures.
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"The truth is the appetite for American goods isn't what it used to be."

That is probably due to the fact that we have become more service oriented as a country. We leave the manufacturing to those that can do it as efficiently as we can at a more economically viable price.

When you combine all European countries together, yes, they have caught us. That was the whole reason behind creating the EU and Euro to begin with. They wanted a direct challenger to the US dominance.

Our out of control spending has certainly hurt us and helped add to the decline in the value of the dollar. I personally think we will continue to see the US allow the dollar to decline.

Europe is falling behind the US. The US is the only developed nation that has a large enough population, enough immigration, and a fast enough growing economy to stay big in a world dominated by India and China.
US... true, we are consumer based. But if more manufacturing is done outside of the US, it means we drive up the trade deficit when we buy foreign produced goods. If consumer spending drys up (and I agree we are in for a downturn in consumer spending) then it will also tend to HELP the trade deficit as we will likely be buying less foreign goods (especially if the dollar continues to weaken.

The trade deficit isn't good, but the measures governments normally employ to fight it are worse.
Europe tops US in stock market value

By Tony Tassell

Published: April 2 2007 21:48 * Last updated: April 2 2007 21:48

Europe has eclipsed the US in stock market value for the first time since the first world war in another sign of the slipping of the global dominance of American capital markets.
European shares have outperformed the US, with their market capitalisation rising 160 per cent since the start of 2003 in dollar terms, said Thomson Financial. That compared with a 70.5 per cent rise for the US stock market. Over that time the euro has risen 26 per cent against the dollar.

Yep europe really sucks, so where does that put us ?
Nope. Not that one.

Did you hear his last one? He basically did a stand-up routine. I was stunned. His timing was on, hesitation at a minimum, and the jokes actually got a laugh from all involved. It was at the press thing, about two days ago or so...

Rove sucked, his jokes fell flat.

His speech today was definitely, Beavis and Butthead!
I believe it was the "Drama Queens" thread Froggie.

Of course as usual the emphasis in the thread changed a few times.
Europe tops US in stock market value

By Tony Tassell

Published: April 2 2007 21:48 * Last updated: April 2 2007 21:48

Europe has eclipsed the US in stock market value for the first time since the first world war in another sign of the slipping of the global dominance of American capital markets.
European shares have outperformed the US, with their market capitalisation rising 160 per cent since the start of 2003 in dollar terms, said Thomson Financial. That compared with a 70.5 per cent rise for the US stock market. Over that time the euro has risen 26 per cent against the dollar.

Yep europe really sucks, so where does that put us ?

A minor bump in stocks from a stock index belonging to a series of nations that have 100 million more people in total than the US and the US is now "falling behind"?
However you figure it , it is the first time in many many years that it has happened....And does signify a change. A 4 year period is a minor bump ?