Actually, it’s people who do have a skill set, work hard for their employer only to see large bonuses go to the CEO and they aren’t equally compensated for making that CEO and stockholders money.
Jealousy: The root cause of socialism: resentment against a person enjoying success or advantage; anger, fear of losing something or someone to a rival.
What does your jealousy demonstrate? The "denarius" (coin of the realm) is your God. You pretend to be interested in equal pay for equal work, but what you are really about is SELF INTEREST.
When working for someone there is an implied agree to work for so much. Its much like the parable of the vineyard workers. The man that owned the vineyard needed workers. He hired some at different parts of the day and told them they would receive a bonus if they could get the harvest in before it ruined. The end of the working day came....the owner paid each a bonus, he paid everyone the same bonus regardless of the time they actually started.
Some became jealous, "We were here first we should get a greater bonus...than those that came at the last hour of the day..." The response of the owner? I did not stipulate how the bonus would be agreed to work for so much per hour, the bonus was a reward.
In the end....we all receive the same reward, non of us are promised anything special....WE ALL DIE, we can't take it with us. You should live by your word and contract...either real or implied and treat others as you yourself would be treated.
SOCIALISM is based upon the concept of jealousy and envy. You are railing against capitalism....and if truth be told, capitalism is what sustains your own life.
The Christian is taught to give unto Caesar what is Caesar's.....and give that which is of God, unto God. As long as "FREE WILL" exists upon earth there can never be any real man and man alone is capable of directing his own destiny.
In order for any "ISM" to will must be removed from the equation. FREEDOM and SOCIALISM mix about as well as water and oil. Example: Obama order for socialized medicine to work one must lose his/her freedom to choose and direct their own health care needs. Socialism is about "Totalitarianism"......not freedom. Equality is but a false flag banner waved around to present the appearance of a noble cause.
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