Infant mortality increases over 12% in Texas after near total abortion ban enacted in 2021: Study

I don't think desire to control female reproduction was ever really about the sanctify of life
It is not. It is about a bunch of impotent males, fearful of female sexuality, trying to force them to bear unwanted children as punishment for having sex usually outside of marriage. #PickMEEEE girls like Toxic and ExpressLame go along with it so boys will like them.
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Prolife! Nah not really

Infant mortality increased by 12.9% from 2021 to 2022 in Texas after Texas' near-total ban on abortion was enacted, according to a new study published today in JAMA Pediatrics. A total of 2243 Texas infants, or children under 1 year, died in 2022 compared to 1985 Texas infant deaths in 2021.

This study, "basically confirms what we've suspected for a long time," said Dr. Richard Ivey, a practicing OB/GYN in Houston. "We knew that infant mortality would go up, particularly with congenital anomalies," after the passage of the ban, he said.

The Texas Heartbeat Act, Texas' near-total abortion ban, was implemented in September 2021. The infant mortality rate, or deaths per 1000 live births, increased by 8.3% from 2021 to 2022. The increase in death rates of infants in 2022 erase gains made in Texas since 2017. This data is from before Roe vs. Wade was overturned two years ago.

The new Communist bullshit - not killing babies is killing babies..

Yeah, ONLY you Marxists could come up with that..
When I was teaching we had a mobile prenatal care unit (also provided bc and general care) that came to the HS parking lot to provide much Needed prenatal care. Infant mortality dropped significantly ..It's
shocking how many do not seek prenatal care at all... And even if they are advised don't follow through... Of course, because the program was so successful Government funding disappeared After a number of years..
Another story for the occasion 🤪
Abortion is murder

Life begins at conception ...Joe Biden
Lee, who has a Ph.D. in biochemistry from the Medical College of Wisconsin and training in cell and molecular biology from Harvard Medical School, told CNA that if Biden were to follow the science, “he would know that centuries of scientific discovery and technological advancement have provided proof that from the moment of conception, that is the creation of a new human life.”

“There is indisputable proof that life begins from the moment of conception when the sperm fertilizes the egg,” Lee told CNA, “because there is the creation of a new, totally distinct, integrated organism or a human being, which is going to be biologically distinct from all other life forms on this planet.”

You are one dumb goyim
And the infant murder rate in Texas dropped 99.5%

Your hyperbole smells like the bullshit that it is.


From the New England Journal of Medicine. Firearms are the leading cause of death in children and adolescents. Why aren't you sobbing in your Cheerios about THAT?

Another story for the occasion 🤪

The sudden desperation to post all these "while I was teaching" fairy tales is delicious, is it not? In the 14 years the skank has followed me around the cyberverse, this is the first time I have ever seen her divulge any details about her so-called career. My guess is that, once again, she's using a fake vocation to score cred on a political forum.

It ain't working. :rofl2:
Well, unless they're at a party with drunken MAGATs then it's okay to bang them and brag about it to their friends.
I don"t think Trump would have hesitated a nanosecond to pressure Stormy Daniels into getting an abortion, if he had gotten her pregnant from fucking without a condom.
The sudden desperation to post all these "while I was teaching" fairy tales is delicious, is it not? In the 14 years the skank has followed me around the cyberverse, this is the first time I have ever seen her divulge any details about her so-called career. My guess is that, once again, she's using a fake vocation to score cred on a political forum.

It ain't working. :rofl2:
People see right through her BS
I don"t think Trump would have hesitated a nanosecond to pressure Stormy Daniels into getting an abortion, if he had gotten her pregnant from fucking without a condom.
He would have happily "donated" to her another $130,000 to make it go away. I'm sure he's "murdered" several "babies" in his whorehound life.
A really sad story:
A premature baby girl was found abandoned along a Texas walking trail Saturday and authorities are trying to figure out who left her there.

A couple was walking with their child and dogs when they found the newborn baby on a bridge near a cul de sac in Katy, about 33 miles west of Houston. They called the sheriff’s office about the infant around 9 a.m. Saturday morning said Sgt. Juan Garcia with the sheriff’s office’s Child Abuse Unit at a press conference
The baby girl was “freshly born” and still had placenta attached to her body, he said.
I don"t think Trump would have hesitated a nanosecond to pressure Stormy Daniels into getting an abortion, if he had gotten her pregnant from fucking without a condom.
Trump didn't screw Daniels without a condom you moron. That woman will say or do literally anything for money including getting triple penetrated. She intends to make money on her story. Don't be such a dumbass.
The sudden desperation to post all these "while I was teaching" fairy tales is delicious, is it not? In the 14 years the skank has followed me around the cyberverse, this is the first time I have ever seen her divulge any details about her so-called career. My guess is that, once again, she's using a fake vocation to score cred on a political forum.

It ain't working

Not everyone is a welfare recipient like you. Some people have had fulfilling and meaningful careers like TOP has. And following you around 14 years ? :rofl2: Have you taken your anti paranoia medications today?
Not everyone is a welfare recipient like you. Some people have had fulfilling and meaningful careers like TOP has. And following you around 14 years ? :rofl2: Have you taken your anti paranoia medications today?
Right. We must be the only "welfare recipients" in the country with a retirement income twice the national wage-earners' average. But you go on pretending to be a "doctor" and a "nurse" while Toxic continues to use her pretend career as a bludgeon . It's working so great for you two bimbos so far; you're just so believable. :rofl2:
Not everyone is a welfare recipient like you. Some people have had fulfilling and meaningful careers like TOP has. And following you around 14 years ? :rofl2: Have you taken your anti paranoia medications today?
I think 30 years of teaching special education and coaching is pretty meaningful and fulfilling... I mention it often because i'm incredibly proud of what I accomplished... And my credentials are available online to anyone who wants to look at them... Ohio educator records are forever...:)