Inflation easing considerably

All they got left to complain about is the Presidents son being addicted to drugs and careless with his laptop.

Democrats discard the Constitution of the United and the constitutions of every State.
It is Democrats that caused the current economic depression.
It is Democrats that are racists and bigots.
It is Democrats that want fascism and communism.
It is Democrats that commit election fraud in 2020 sufficient to cause the election to fault, and again in 2022 for several elections.
It is Democrats that conducted the coup, converting the federal government into an oligarchy.
It is Democrats that are behind censorship within social media.
It is Democrats that want to ban and limit guns.
It is Democrats that want to dictate what car you buy, what light bulb you can buy, what toilet you can buy, who you must hire or fire, and that impose price controls (that never work).
It is Democrats that funded BLM and Antifa, violent factions that burned, looted, and pillaged cities.
It is Democrats that honor the criminal, from George Floyd to the thugs they release from prisons and are currently turning cities into hell holes.
It is Democrats that hate the police.
It is Democrats that are destroying the military.
It is Democrats that support corruption and thuggery.
It is Democrats that converted the FBI into a Gestapo.
It is Democrats that support killing your own offspring for convenience.
It is Democrats that support every imaginable sexual perversion, even encouraging self-mutilation through 'trans surgery'.
It is Democrats that support state encouraged euthanasia.
It is Democrats that want to take your property through 'endangered species' laws, even making up an 'endangered' animal, fish, or plant to do so.
It is Democrats that scream the planet is being destroyed because a naturally occurring gas in the atmosphere.
It is Democrats that want to return to Covid lockdowns, mask mandates, and 'vaccine' mandates.
It is Democrats that fear monger the flu every winter.
It is Democrats that figure they know how to raise your child better than you do.
It is Democrats that figure they know how to run your business better than you do.
It is Democrats that want civil war (stated also here on JPP along with their usual insults and trolling).

There is PLENTY to complain about!!!
The American economy is a disaster which has been propped up with near zero interest rates and massive dollar creation. But that is ending soon, and massive poverty will grip this nation as far as the eyes can see.

Here you are correct. Democrats (and the government) figure they can print their way to prosperity. The opposite is what actually occurs. Keynesian economics is nothing but this. This is the end result.
Interest rates are rising, but massive dollar creation continues.
lol....../whispers "Biden" in your nightmares.......he's the Queen of this inflationary cycle.....just like Carter was the last time......he wanted to be the reincarnation of Obama......instead he revisited us with the hell of Carter's many failures......

Oh yea...wonderful moments in time...

Biden and Congress ordering the Fed to print more money than it ever has. Democrats shutting down the economy by closing any business they deem to arbitrarily be 'nonessential'; along with it's resulting massive shortages, getting worse and worse.
Carter and his price controls on fuel, causing shortages.
Obama and his price controls on health insurance and used car ban, causing high prices and shortages.
Clinton and his oppression, driving industries to flee the United States, and his price controls on housing, causing eventually the crash of 2007.

and even going back to FDR, with his outright theft of gold, implementing the fiat dollar (causing inflation), and numerous social programs (communism), that are failing under their own weight.

And through it all Democrats lie and try to project their own problems on the Republicans and conservatives.
Wise economic management works

It has done so every time it’s done

Republicans don’t use math to do economics

Math always proves them wrong

So they will ignore these numbers and just lie and say it’s worse

The Republican Party needs to die for this nation to heal

Republicans watch their 401ks , 63.3% ROR under Trump, negative 19% under Biden. Since liberals are stupid and on state aid, they don't care about anyone else
Lets review:
Producer inflation up .3% not 2% predicted as food grew costlier offsetting gas which was down thanks to China.
Same guys who told us inflation was "transitory".
I expect inflation will ease sometime in 2023 or 4 but that's after massive job losses and further rate hiking by the Fed.

Still waiting, Chicken Little.
Where did post that? Copy and paste my words.

Millions dead WITH covid not FROM covid. I'd try to explain the difference but why? Youre a dunce.

There is no difference. A million people died who were not expected to.
Consumers grew more optimistic about inflation in November amid expectations that both food and energy price increases would be less severe in the coming year, according to a New York Federal Reserve survey released Monday.

The central bank’s Survey of Consumer Expectations indicated that respondents see one-year inflation running at a 5.2% pace, down 0.7 percentage point from the October reading.

That’s the lowest level for that reading since August 2021 — the early days of the inflation surge that has gripped the economy and pushed the Fed into a series of aggressive interest rate hikes that is likely to continue this week. The most recent annual inflation rate as gauged by the consumer price index was 7.7% in October.

In addition to the brightened short-term outlook, the inflation-rate projection for three years from now edged lower to 3%, down 0.1 percentage point from the previous month. A relatively new data series reflecting the five-year outlook declined by the same level, to 2.3%.

Your 401K is down by 30%. Prices are still double they were when the idiot Biden took office and took a wrecking ball to the economy and the deficits and debt, and then idiots like you cheer when gas prices drop 20 cents? Moron. :palm:

You believe the lies that they tell you. We have had inflation for many decades, no matter who was in office. This inflation is worse because Putin's war jacked up prices in energy and food. That is extremely obvious to any intelligent observer.
Sadly, the only real tool the government has to fight inflation is raising interest rates until the economy slows down. That results in unemployment. They cannot force companies to make smaller profits. That would also work.
You believe the lies that they tell you. We have had inflation for many decades, no matter who was in office. This inflation is worse because Putin's war jacked up prices in energy and food. That is extremely obvious to any intelligent observer.
Sadly, the only real tool the government has to fight inflation is raising interest rates until the economy slows down. That results in unemployment. They cannot force companies to make smaller profits. That would also work.

Didn't work for Jimmuh Carter.
You believe the lies that they tell you. We have had inflation for many decades, no matter who was in office. This inflation is worse because Putin's war jacked up prices in energy and food. That is extremely obvious to any intelligent observer.
Sadly, the only real tool the government has to fight inflation is raising interest rates until the economy slows down. That results in unemployment. They cannot force companies to make smaller profits. That would also work.

So it's Putin's fault not Brandon's. Notice that Putin didn't invade anyone while trump was president. Oh wait they were working together right?