Infrastructure Report by State

Minnesota and Washiungton state both get a C and Louisiana gets a D+. This is bullshit, Louisiana cant figure out how to put shoulders on state highways.

Ypu Bastard. Louisiana has a Highway from New Orleans to Shreveport now. Huey long talked about it. Some say it could never happen. A North-South road. BAM!
Bonneville Power Admin? Same as TVA only different. Public schools much?

"Why was the Bonneville Power Administration created?
​Congress created BPA in 1937 to deliver and sell the power from Bonneville Dam. ... During that time, Congress authorized BPA to sell and deliver power from more federal dams on the Columbia and its tributaries."

OK. Thanks.
I think this may be due to putting off maintaining/repairing the infrastructure over the years and at some point it reaches a breaking point (which it appears to be close to if I read the report correctly) so It is obvious that the costs will be astronomical to get everything up to date.
I think this may be due to putting off maintaining/repairing the infrastructure over the years and at some point it reaches a breaking point (which it appears to be close to if I read the report correctly) so It is obvious that the costs will be astronomical to get everything up to date.

I dont say they are wrong but the report is by civil engineers so there has to be a bit of self serving involved.
I think this may be due to putting off maintaining/repairing the infrastructure over the years and at some point it reaches a breaking point (which it appears to be close to if I read the report correctly) so It is obvious that the costs will be astronomical to get everything up to date.

They are doing a lot of road construction and repairs here in PA. They raised our gas tax .58c a gallon to pay for it. Now they want to assess a mileage tax. That's gonna put every delivery business out of business. Fucking democrats...
They are doing a lot of road construction and repairs here in PA. They raised our gas tax .58c a gallon to pay for it. Now they want to assess a mileage tax. That's gonna put every delivery business out of business. Fucking democrats...


How many times have you idiots made that kind of claim only to be proven to be utter shit for brains in the end?

You suck at everything in life dupe

How many times have you idiots made that kind of claim only to be proven to be utter shit for brains in the end?

You suck at everything in life dupe

you tried to defend it? do you not know what you say?

"Shortly after he became governor, Huey Long launched a major road-building program to transform Louisiana’s antiquated patchwork of dirt and gravel roads into a network of paved roads linking every part of the state. The new roads improved daily quality of life, reduced the cost of doing business, and facilitated commerce in the state."