So far nobody has been able to post a gun control law that does not limit or undermine one's right to bear arms.
Tell us about your sawed off shotgun. That does not limit your right to bear arms?
So far nobody has been able to post a gun control law that does not limit or undermine one's right to bear arms.
All of the situations that you have presented here violate gun laws, but that is not what I asked for. I asked which gun laws do not "limit or undermine" one's right to bear arms, right there in the opening post. I can see that you have no intention of citing any such laws, so our time here is up. Post whatever crap you like, but I won't respond to you anymore on this thread until I see you post a law as described in the opening post.
Just the opposite, illiterate racist cunt.
Barrel strokers think that ANY law that restricts ANYTHING about guns is a violation of their Constitutional rights. A bunch of ignorant morons.
From the Heller decision. The majority opinion:
“Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the opinione historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56.”
Find a literate person to explain that to you.
What gun "control" laws do not "limit" or undermine one's right to bear arms?
The point is, illiterate racist cunt, you don’t have an unlimited right to carry any gun, any time, any where. You never did. Despite your ignorant “shall not be infringed” bullshit. And the courts have consistently upheld that fact.
...deleted irrelevant portion and insults...
Exactly, in fact, no Constitutional right is absolute, they all can, and are, limited, even Scalia stressed such in the Holder case
I am not aware of any gun control laws that do not "limit or undermine" the right to bear arms, which is why I started this thread. So, which gun law are you citing that does not "limit or undermine" one's right to bear arms as I asked in the opening post? So far, you have not cited a single one.
Every example limits your right to bear arms. Sorry that you’re too fucking stupid to recognize that.
You’re question as to what law “does not” limit the possession of guns is the height of stupidity. But that’s your MO. Being fucking stupid.
You have the right to carry your gun anywhere, anytime, subject to property laws, and even the effect of those laws are limited.
Rights are "INALIENABLE." any gun law without the validation of an amendment to the Constitution therefore is a violation of "INALIENABLE" constitutional rights and an invalid unconstitutional law, regardless of what any court decision says. Honest folks of just principles & integrity, know this full well. "An armed people are a free people."
As long as they are in a well-regulated militia.
Thanks for proving my point. What you just admitted was that you DON’T have the right to carry any weapon, any time and anywhere.
You have the right to carry your gun anywhere, anytime, subject to property laws, and even the effect of those laws are limited.
So far nobody has been able to post a gun control law that does not limit or undermine one's right to bear arms.
Infringe means to limit. Everywhere you are prohibited from obtaining a certain weapon or prohibited from carrying it is an infringement.You have the right to carry your gun anywhere, anytime, subject to property laws, and even the effect of those laws are limited.
That is not infringement. That is two rights being balanced. You have the right to own property too. You have also a certain right to ban guns on your property if you choose to do so. That doesn't apply to all cases, however.
You have the right to carry your gun anywhere, anytime, subject to property laws, and even the effect of those laws are limited.
That is not infringement. That is two rights being balanced. You have the right to own property too. You have also a certain right to ban guns on your property if you choose to do so. That doesn't apply to all cases, however.
WRONG. To infringe means to reduce the right to self defense by government passing laws that directly do so.Infringe means to limit.
WRONG. People have a right to their property. That is not infringement by government.Everywhere you are prohibited from obtaining a certain weapon or prohibited from carrying it is an infringement.
Inversion fallacy.Why is English so difficult for you?
...deleted mindless chanting...
WRONG. To infringe means to reduce the right to self defense by government passing laws that directly do so.
WRONG. People have a right to their property. That is not infringement by government.
Inversion fallacy.