Inhumanity & School


Sometimes I wonder how anyone escapes high school intact. Add the easy availability of guns, and I am actually surprised we don't have more of these things.

"Long before he killed 32 people in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history, Cho Seung-Hui was bullied by fellow high school students who mocked his shyness and the strange way he talked, former classmates said.

Once, in an English class, the teacher had the students read aloud and, when it was Cho’s turn, he just looked down in silence, Davids recalled in an interview with The Associated Press. Finally, after the teacher threatened to give him a failing grade for participation, Cho started to read in a strange, deep voice that sounded “like he had something in his mouth,” Davids said.

“As soon as he started reading, the whole class started laughing and pointing and saying, ‘Go back to China,’” Davids said"
What is it about the teenage brain, that makes them so cruel?

I know this is a generalization, but in my experience little kids aren't that cruel with respect to other kids. Even kids who may be a little different. And certainly most people, by the time their in the 20s, have at least the social skills to not laugh out loud at someone with a wierd accent.

What happens in those years between age 13 and age 18?
What is it about the teenage brain, that makes them so cruel?

I know this is a generalization, but in my experience little kids aren't that cruel with respect to other kids. Even kids who may be a little different. And certainly most people, by the time their in the 20s, have at least the social skills to not laugh out loud at someone with a wierd accent.

What happens in those years between age 13 and age 18?

I don't have the answer Cypress.
"What happens in those years between age 13 and age 18?"

I am going with hormonal changes. Just my guess, but that is around the age that you really start to see the differences development. Joe is shorter than Steve and gets picked on because he is smaller or Sally is an A cup when Sarah is a C... etc... It is also the universal age category where they KNOW EVERYTHING. :D
"What happens in those years between age 13 and age 18?"

I am going with hormonal changes. Just my guess, but that is around the age that you really start to see the differences development. Joe is shorter than Steve and gets picked on because he is smaller or Sally is an A cup when Sarah is a C... etc... It is also the universal age category where they KNOW EVERYTHING. :D

And parents become very stupid for some reason ;)
I was shy, bullied and a loner in school. But I killed no one till Uncle Sam made me.

Most don't. I highly doubt it is ever the only cause. I think it's often a contributing factor. You have to have a really evil little mix brewing in order to get this result. Made an outcast in school, being laughed at by the entire class on a regular basis, then you'd maybe add in some other damage, parents, abuse, isolation, alienation, sexual abuse, there's a long list of other possible contributing factors.

My point is not to absolve him, or to negate the horror of what happened to his many victims. But when I saw him and heard him, I didn't see what so many have said they saw. i didn't see a "monster". I saw a highly damaged human being. And the first thing I wondered, after hearing him, was, "how badly was this kid tormented in high school?" I had already, before hearing him, figured childhood abuse. There's more than one cause here, of that you can be sure.
Agreed Darla. I was "Double promoted" , skipped 5th grade, was too smart for my own good.....So younger than my counterparts, smaller, etc....I guess this taught me not to be too smart....
Most children are naturally curel and highly competitive. They have to be taught better.
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I was picked on in middle school quite a lot. I was a kid that was full of rage. In high school I started working out and bulked up. I got into fights a lot since I felt more confident in retalliating against those who made fun of me. I started to develop a propensity for violence and even began taking a perverse pleasure in it. It began to corrupt my soul.

In fact another student wanted me to get me riled up and attack an enemy of his so he made up stories that he was talking shit. I went to his house and started hitting him as soon as he came out. I learned later that I was being used as almost a form of amusement in this way.

I decided to change my life. I decided to take on a pacifistic ethos and to accept that I never have the right to harm another for any reason. Those who seek power over others thourgh violence will destroy themselves.

Cho did not learn this lesson early enough and became a full blown monster. But he is not unique in this way. Every class has a few of them.

I even once overheard a student in my high school once exclaim "That one day he was going to bring a gun to school and just blow everybody away."
My best friends son was killed by a schoolmate . Darn transplant kid from NY, shot him in the back of the head. Kid is now in prison , tried as an adult.
I could see why the kid was that way after seeing how his parents acted.....
They left the area before they were shot, My friends son was soccer team captian and very popular. Actually a nice kid for a teenager...

My sis teaches at VA tech.... Darn crazy kids.....

One interesting fact 1,100 college students commit suicide each year, should we outlaw college because it causes suicide ?
What happens in those years between age 13 and age 18?

It's cool to be an asshole.

No way. It's got nothing to do with "cool".

For me, cool was being the starting defensive tackle on the football team. I thought that made me cool. I didn't really like the jocks, but it gave me a cool factor. Cool, for me was being in a garage rock band, and thinking I could impress other kids with my lame guitar riffs. Cool, to me, was being able to chug the beer bong faster than anyone else.

Picking on kids, an laughing at foreigners has nothing to do with cool. It has to do with self esteem. Anytime a human being has to tear down or degrade another human being, its all about self esteem. I think.

Something happens in those teenage years. They're ackward years. And I think, that awkwardness and confusion translates into self esteem issues for a lot of teens. That's when the pack mentality kicks in. If you can be part of the group that's laughing at the poor asian kid, you feel better about yourself - in terms of one's lame esteem issues.

Anyway, that's my guess. I'm sure its more complicated than that.
Thats you Cypress. Many people in their teens think they elevate themselves to a cool group by being mean to those not as popular.
I was picked on in middle school quite a lot. I was a kid that was full of rage. In high school I started working out and bulked up. I got into fights a lot since I felt more confident in retalliating against those who made fun of me. I started to develop a propensity for violence and even began taking a perverse pleasure in it. It began to corrupt my soul.

In fact another student wanted me to get me riled up and attack an enemy of his so he made up stories that he was talking shit. I went to his house and started hitting him as soon as he came out. I learned later that I was being used as almost a form of amusement in this way.

I decided to change my life. I decided to take on a pacifistic ethos and to accept that I never have the right to harm another for any reason. Those who seek power over others thourgh violence will destroy themselves.

Cho did not learn this lesson early enough and became a full blown monster. But he is not unique in this way. Every class has a few of them.

I even once overheard a student in my high school once exclaim "That one day he was going to bring a gun to school and just blow everybody away."

I understand.

Could you imagine if we all started telling our high school horror stories? Damo would have to call in a team of psychiatrists.
I can remember the entire class singing, "John, John Whitley is a worm, John, John Whitely is a worm" over and over again to this poor boy who was a bit strange.

IT was a horrable thing to do but the entire class, except John did it.
I can remember the entire class singing, "John, John Whitley is a worm, John, John Whitely is a worm" over and over again to this poor boy who was a bit strange.

IT was a horrable thing to do but the entire class, except John did it.

It was a horrible thing. You have to feel a little bit better though, when you grow up and realize that most of the kids who were made fun of the worst, were terrible geeks. Terrible geeks grow up to be smart, and very well off financially. I like to think that the majority of them had the last laugh, regardless of the damage inflicted upon them.
It was a horrible thing. You have to feel a little bit better though, when you grow up and realize that most of the kids who were made fun of the worst, were terrible geeks. Terrible geeks grow up to be smart, and very well off financially. I like to think that the majority of them had the last laugh, regardless of the damage inflicted upon them.

Id like to know what happened to John Whitley, in retrospect he was a nice sensative and smart kid.