Inside the Racist Mind. Op-ED by Toure for Time

It wasn't in a post but a PM if you can't find it then that's your problem. You also didn't share any private info with me, I found that music site by myself. You were happy enough about it when I said that your music was actually quite good, you are only bitching now because you are fucking drama queen.

LOL. You were telling me something I already knew. I didn't need your approval, as much as you wanted to give it. And since you publicly embarrassed me, your apology should have been a "public" one. But I don't expect integrity from someone who operates "in the shadows", spreads gossip and personal info, and then, when exposed, resembles a "deer in headlights". Go away.
LOL. You were telling me something I already knew. I didn't need your approval, as much as you wanted to give it. And since you publicly embarrassed me, your apology should have been a "public" one. But I don't expect integrity from someone who operates "in the shadows", spreads gossip and personal info, and then, when exposed, resembles a "deer in headlights". Go away.

You embarrassed yourself because you can't remember what you've posted half the time. As for a public apology, I am employing white privilege to tell you to get stuffed!
You embarrassed yourself because you can't remember what you've posted half the time. As for a public apology, I am employing white privilege to tell you to get stuffed!

Non sequitur. It would help if you made sense, but, it's optional, of course. You don't need white privilege to tell me anything. White privilege allows you to be rude, uncompassionate, arrogant, disrespectful, haughty, and an asshole, with no explanations needed. You evidently don't understand the mechanism. Try going to Brixton, where they'll be more than happy to educate you. LOL
Thank you. All compliments, coming from you. You can hardly talk about anyone, seeing that you're dishonest yourself, pretentious, and arrogant beyond belief.
Run away? How can one run away in a political debate forum. I'm here. I simply choose not to engage those who are more interested in drama than substance, insults than debate, and performance art rather than dialogue. Given up? You didn't even try. Did you ever locate that formal apology you claimed you made?

You absolutely did not. I asked you to locate the post where you gave it, and you failed to do so. So, it's my understanding that it was a figment of your imagination.
And bitch please. You don't know me...because I shared some personal information with you, and you couldn't "hold water", does not mean we experienced a "kumbayah moment". An interchange of information doesn't amount to a friendship or any expected loyalties. I couldn't be friends with one so shallow.
Arrogance? If we looked up the term, your picture would be there.
I don't run away from shit. Every right winger here is scared to death of me. And so they resort to insults, rather than intellectual discourse, because they're so "poorly equipped" to deal with an intelligent, articulate, "well-read", no-holds barred, "gay", liberal black man. Shortcomings? I'm sure I have some, but you wouldn't know about them.
I saw "The Queen", and it revealed the callous and self-absorbed monarchy that is part and parcel to Brits, in general. I come from an illustrious family, with a rich history. You're not a bigger snob than I am.

Non sequitur. It would help if you made sense, but, it's optional, of course. You don't need white privilege to tell me anything. White privilege allows you to be rude, uncompassionate, arrogant, disrespectful, haughty, and an asshole, with no explanations needed. You evidently don't understand the mechanism. Try going to Brixton, where they'll be more than happy to educate you. LOL

"...privilege allows you to be rude, uncompassionate, arrogant, disrespectful, haughty, and an asshole, with no explanations needed..."

This ironic post by Poet, deserves to go down as the most ironic post in history; for two reasons:
1. He just described himself
2. He doesn't even realize he just described himself
"...privilege allows you to be rude, uncompassionate, arrogant, disrespectful, haughty, and an asshole, with no explanations needed..."

This ironic post by Poet, deserves to go down as the most ironic post in history; for two reasons:
1. He just described himself
2. He doesn't even realize he just described himself

exactly...the guy's name should be changed to irony
Non sequitur. It would help if you made sense, but, it's optional, of course. You don't need white privilege to tell me anything. White privilege allows you to be rude, uncompassionate, arrogant, disrespectful, haughty, and an asshole, with no explanations needed. You evidently don't understand the mechanism. Try going to Brixton, where they'll be more than happy to educate you. LOL

I have been to Brixton many times as well as Notting Hill.
I have been to Brixton many times as well as Notting Hill.
"Passing through" is not the same as "mixing with the locals", and letting your politics be known. Now we all know, you have not been that forthcoming, lest you would have reaped "the wild wind"...and you haven't the bollocks for that.
"Passing through" is not the same as "mixing with the locals", and letting your politics be known. Now we all know, you have not been that forthcoming, lest you would have reaped "the wild wind"...and you haven't the bollocks for that.

I have also been to St Paul's in Bristol, Moss Side in Manchester and Peckham in London. I doubt that you have even heard of them?
I have also been to St Paul's in Bristol, Moss Side in Manchester and Peckham in London. I doubt that you have even heard of them?

Poet's just phishing for anything - anything that he can try to use against you, in an attempt to make himself once again appear to be superior.
This is exactly how those with addictive personalities act.
I have also been to St Paul's in Bristol, Moss Side in Manchester and Peckham in London. I doubt that you have even heard of them?

I have heard of St. Paul's. But what is so striking about these locales? Are they places you can "mix it up", with black Brits, and talk about "white privilege", and things?
read poet's posts to see inside a racist mind.

And you're, of course, an idiot. What you are actually saying is that the white liberals here are so "fucked up" and "brain dead", that they would allow themselves to be manipulated by someone so hyper-intelligent, yet devious as me. Truth is, they're able to see beyond your ilk's right wing bullshit calls of reverse racism and actual racism, when it simply is a matter of holding up a mirror to your machinations and shenanigans, and showing you what it looks like. Liberals are far smarter than any conservatives, by definition.
So, call me a racist, until it "whitens your teeth"'s a desperate move, made by desperate nincompoops, who have no recourse.