Inside the Racist Mind. Op-ED by Toure for Time

And you're, of course, an idiot. What you are actually saying is that the white liberals here are so "fucked up" and "brain dead", that they would allow themselves to be manipulated by someone so hyper-intelligent, yet devious as me. Truth is, they're able to see beyond your ilk's right wing bullshit calls of reverse racism and actual racism, when it simply is a matter of holding up a mirror to your machinations and shenanigans, and showing you what it looks like. Liberals are far smarter than any conservatives, by definition.
So, call me a racist, until it "whitens your teeth"'s a desperate move, made by desperate nincompoops, who have no recourse.

i thought i was on ignore....for the 25th time....

calling you a racist is truth. nothing desperate about it. you should really take a step back and review your posts in an objective light. you might learn something.