Insulting Liberals


New member
This forum is chock full of liberals that like to just insult instead of address threads, some of them cant even read and the love to keep telling you how intelligent they are knowing no one can notice what isnt there, liberals are so full of shit.

Pay attention, you cant insult me because I couldnt care less what you think
This forum is chock full of liberals that like to just insult instead of address threads, some of them cant even read and the love to keep telling you how intelligent they are knowing no one can notice what isnt there, liberals are so full of shit.

Pay attention, you cant insult me because I couldnt care less what you think

Its the cruelty that stands out to me, the decision win at any cost , the propensity for evil even as they are sure that they are like Gods, saving humanity.

It is the insanity.
This is a really cool circle jerk thread. Here's my advice. Say something substantive, and you'll get a substantive reply in return. I haven't seen that either of you is capable of that. Prove me wrong. Try starting a thread where you don't label 'the libs' or whine about some perceived outrage that is spun out of whole cloth. Say something, ANYTHING that's interesting. I won't hold my breath.
This is a really cool circle jerk thread. Here's my advice. Say something substantive, and you'll get a substantive reply in return. I haven't seen that either of you is capable of that. Prove me wrong. Try starting a thread where you don't label 'the libs' or whine about some perceived outrage that is spun out of whole cloth. Say something, ANYTHING that's interesting. I won't hold my breath.

It does not tend to work this way....I have seen so many posts with several good points that get a response from a lefty of the sort "You are a moron"...nothing else.
Give me a break.

This thread is an extreme partisan perspective. There are TONS of insults on this board - but from BOTH the left and right. It really doesn't balance one way or the other.
Its the cruelty that stands out to me, the decision win at any cost , the propensity for evil even as they are sure that they are like Gods, saving humanity.

It is the insanity.

They just suck, the ones that insult are just wankers that know they cant win the debate with facts

Liberals are a conglomeration of single issue voters...whether its

I want abortion on demand and everyone else to pay for it

I want taxpayers to pay for 8 yr olds to have transition sex change therapy

I want Socialized medicine so someone else pays for my health insurance

I want Gay rights because im gay

I want open borders for more democrat votes

The list goes on
This is a really cool circle jerk thread. Here's my advice. Say something substantive, and you'll get a substantive reply in return. I haven't seen that either of you is capable of that. Prove me wrong. Try starting a thread where you don't label 'the libs' or whine about some perceived outrage that is spun out of whole cloth. Say something, ANYTHING that's interesting. I won't hold my breath.

You still trying to impress me lol....shhhh you cant. All youve done wanker in every post to me is to insult me in one way or another. You dont get to make demands about what I post either.
This forum is chock full of liberals that like to just insult instead of address threads, some of them cant even read and the love to keep telling you how intelligent they are knowing no one can notice what isnt there, liberals are so full of shit.

Pay attention, you cant insult me because I couldnt care less what you think


And you are here whining about the DEMOCRATS BEING CRITIC TO DONALD TRUMP?

I'm not sure who started the shit-slinging contest between Republicans and Democrats- BUT IT HAS ESCALATED TREMENDOUSLY COMING OUT OF DONALD TRUMP'S MOUTH OVER THE LAST 5 YEARS.

It does not tend to work this way....I have seen so many posts with at least five good points that get a response from a lefty of the sort "You are a moron"...nothing else.

Nope. Your 'good points' are things like 'A black guy shot someone, where is the outrage' or some such nonsense. Let's look at the titles of the thread from Trump supporters that are on the front page:

BLM declares looting okay.
Two threads about a CNN poll which are immediately devolve into how bad polls suck.
Biden Cringefest with Cardi B (yeah, that sounds substantive)
Insulting or attacking Kamala - a whiny thread about how badly Trump has been treated
Multiple threads about a a man being beaten by looters. I guess so we can be outraged at black people.
Children being indoctrinated by the left - another whiny thread about non-existent socialism
Trump campaigns in Minnesota and Wisconsin - actually a thread about how Biden isn't on the campaign trail
Democrats don't want you to see this.
There is nothing there. Today someone actually started a thread about how mail carriers were going to steal Republican ballots, complete with a tweet video from some nutter.

And you want me to take you guys seriously? How about discussing the need for comprehensive immigration reform, instead of ten threads about some illegal that ran over a kid. How about a serious policy discussion about taxation and the impact on the economy instead of 'Biden will turn your cities into shitholes'? You aren't capable. You prove it every single day. You totally lack any substance. You are here to scream at the sky. And you defend a horror of a human being in Donald Trump. Why? Because your goal is to 'trigger the libs'. It is what it is.
This forum is chock full of liberals that like to just insult instead of address threads, some of them cant even read and the love to keep telling you how intelligent they are knowing no one can notice what isnt there, liberals are so full of shit.

Pay attention, you cant insult me because I couldnt care less what you think

Stop trolling. That will end it.

And you are here whining about the DEMOCRATS BEING CRITIC TO DONALD TRUMP?

I'm not sure who started the shit-slinging contest between Republicans and Democrats- BUT IT HAS ESCALATED TREMENDOUSLY COMING OUT OF DONALD TRUMP'S MOUTH OVER THE LAST 5 YEARS.


It is both funny and pathetic. "Stop saying mean things about Trump!!!!!!!"
They just suck, the ones that insult are just wankers that know they cant win the debate with facts

Liberals are a conglomeration of single issue voters...whether its

I want abortion on demand and everyone else to pay for it

I want taxpayers to pay for 8 yr olds to have transition sex change therapy

I want Socialized medicine so someone else pays for my health insurance

I want Gay rights because im gay

I want open borders for more democrat votes

The list goes on

They dont believe in facts, they dont live in reality so many of them, they are insane.

And you are here whining about the DEMOCRATS BEING CRITIC TO DONALD TRUMP?I'n not sure who started the shgit-sling contest between Republicans and Democrats- BUT IT HAS ESCALATED TREMENDOUSLY COMING OUT OF DONALD TRUMP'S MOUTH OVER THE LAST 5 YEARS.


Take your blaming trump for everything somewhere else, I aint buying it YO...

Liberals have always been self aggrandizing insulting smacked ass's long before trump hit the political scene

The left ignores, denies and deflects every point made about their party or their politicians with some form of ORANGE MAN BAD...check out the squad of anti americans Ilmar Omar, Talib, Pressley and AOC...Maxine Waters..
The list is HUGE...Adamn SCHITT and Nadler a real pile of shit gentlemen he is right.

Trump has every right to stick it to the press and the left who commited crimes from the start to deny him the presidency and have done nothing but lie and rage and insult him.

Oh and btw my thread wasnt about trump it was about the liberals on this forum and their weak attemp to try and insult me...which they cant
LOL, you start a thread to say you aren't bothered by someone insulting you. Irony noted.
It does not tend to work this way....I have seen so many posts with several good points that get a response from a lefty of the sort "You are a moron"...nothing else.

Oh, btw, here is your valuable contribution to the discussion:

'NYC livery driver charged with raping 12-year-old girl beat her unconscious first: DA'

What exactly was the point of posting that? What kind of discussion were you interested in having? Answer: You weren't interested in a discussion at all. It was just rhetoric.