Insulting Liberals

Oh, btw, here is your valuable contribution to the discussion:

'NYC livery driver charged with raping 12-year-old girl beat her unconscious first: DA'

What exactly was the point of posting that? What kind of discussion were you interested in having? Answer: You weren't interested in a discussion at all. It was just rhetoric.

Not to be insulting, really, but most of what Hawkeye posts is silly and worthless.
Take your blaming trump for everything somewhere else, I aint buying it YO...

Liberals have always been self aggrandizing insulting smacked ass's long before trump hit the political scene

The left ignores, denies and deflects every point made about their party or their politicians with some form of ORANGE MAN BAD...check out the squad of anti americans Ilmar Omar, Talib, Pressley and AOC...Maxine Waters..
The list is HUGE...Adamn SCHITT and Nadler a real pile of shit gentlemen he is right.

Trump has every right to stick it to the press and the left who commited crimes from the start to deny him the presidency and have done nothing but lie and rage and insult him.

Oh and btw my thread wasnt about trump it was about the liberals on this forum and their weak attemp to try and insult me...which they cant

You are what is referred to as a Political hack. You are filled with hatred for people who do not agree with you politically.

Your motto- "Hooray for us- BOO THEM!"


You think politics is a Blood Sport! It's not!

You think politics is all about just what you want! It's not!

If you find that insulting- GREAT!
They dont believe in facts, they dont live in reality so many of them, they are insane.


It's fucking hilarious watching you idiots react to DONALD TRUMP'S LOSING STRATEGY!

Donald Trump is leading you idiots, along with many other idiots help- LIKE YOURS- to a Democrat LANDSLIDE victory in November!


It does not tend to work this way....I have seen so many posts with several good points that get a response from a lefty of the sort "You are a moron"...nothing else.

Well it could work @ least half-way, that is as far as you...... You can't control others, you can control what you say & do..........:thup: (That applies to all of us)
This forum is chock full of liberals that like to just insult instead of address threads, some of them cant even read and the love to keep telling you how intelligent they are knowing no one can notice what isnt there, liberals are so full of shit.

Pay attention, you cant insult me because I couldnt care less what you think

The old blind eye shtick mixed with you doing what you're complaining about, eh? Since you're from 2013 this just seems like trolling. You should know the ropes here and how to handle the rough and tumble. If you want to judge intellect and reading compression maybe don't have every one of your contractions missing an apostrophe. Now grow up.
This forum is chock full of liberals that like to just insult instead of address threads, some of them cant even read and the love to keep telling you how intelligent they are knowing no one can notice what isnt there, liberals are so full of shit.

Pay attention, you cant insult me because I couldnt care less what you think

Who the fuck is this cum gargler?
It does not tend to work this way....I have seen so many posts with several good points that get a response from a lefty of the sort "You are a moron"...nothing else.

So are you attempting to imply you have not seen the same from someone on the other side??:|
They just suck, the ones that insult are just wankers that know they cant win the debate with facts

Liberals are a conglomeration of single issue voters...whether its

I want abortion on demand and everyone else to pay for it

I want taxpayers to pay for 8 yr olds to have transition sex change therapy

I want Socialized medicine so someone else pays for my health insurance

I want Gay rights because im gay

I want open borders for more democrat votes

The list goes on
This forum is chock full of liberals that like to just insult instead of address threads, some of them cant even read and the love to keep telling you how intelligent they are knowing no one can notice what isnt there, liberals are so full of shit.

Pay attention, you cant insult me because I couldnt care less what you think

This forum is chock full of liberals that like to just insult instead of address threads, some of them cant even read and the love to keep telling you how intelligent they are knowing no one can notice what isnt there, liberals are so full of shit.

Pay attention, you cant insult me because I couldnt care less what you think

Define "chock full"? By my count, there's only three but the RWNJs have over five.
They just suck, the ones that insult are just wankers that know they cant win the debate with facts

Liberals are a conglomeration of single issue voters...whether its

I want abortion on demand and everyone else to pay for it

I want taxpayers to pay for 8 yr olds to have transition sex change therapy

I want Socialized medicine so someone else pays for my health insurance

I want Gay rights because im gay

I want open borders for more democrat votes

The list goes on

I know you're a troll but you've just answered your own unasked question. :laugh:
Actually the right-wing narrative is capable of making those "liberals" appear that way. You took the bait.

Or, put another way, I stated the obvious...
