Insulting Liberals

No, it's long before Mason's time. Chaz mentioned someone posting as Yoda from the past. I think it might be the M.I.A. USFreedom911.

Sock Puppeteers are notoriously thin-skinned idiots and cowards. Mason is an excellent example of the personality type.

Most people have played with sock puppets at one time or another but those who habitually use it to attack others and/or beef up their own ideas are truly deplorable people who should never be trusted.
Sock Puppeteers are notoriously thin-skinned idiots and cowards. Mason is an excellent example of the personality type.

Most people have played with sock puppets at one time or another but those who habitually use it to attack others and/or beef up their own ideas are truly deplorable people who should never be trusted.

Mason has several kindles and has an account signed in on each one. I'm pretty sure you can sign in with the same account on multiple devices though. Of course, some places might require captcha which is a pain in the ass. He's not a bad person you just ruffled his feathers a bit and you two got in a spat. It's just like me and Yurt here. He definitely gave me a rough time. I bet you could keyword recipe ban or Jaded Dragon and find some of the lunacy. He had the shark avatar.
Mason has several kindles and has an account signed in on each one. I'm pretty sure you can sign in with the same account on multiple devices though. Of course, some places might require captcha which is a pain in the ass. He's not a bad person you just ruffled his feathers a bit and you two got in a spat. It's just like me and Yurt here. He definitely gave me a rough time. I bet you could keyword recipe ban or Jaded Dragon and find some of the lunacy. He had the shark avatar.

In "The Matrix" deja vu meant the code had been altered. :)

Nonetheless, how can a person be forgiven for an egregious wrong if they never try to apologize and make right? The only excuse would be mental illness since that person is not in control of their own mind and would not responsible for their comments and virtual actions.
In "The Matrix" deja vu meant the code had been altered. :)

Nonetheless, how can a person be forgiven for an egregious wrong if they never try to apologize and make right? The only excuse would be mental illness since that person is not in control of their own mind and would not responsible for their comments and virtual actions.

He definitely won't unless you did too. In the context of how you were behaving, he really thinks you meant it that way. It's more just being stubborn towards a misunderstanding. I would have given a half-apology if I was in your shoes. Basically, sorry if you feel that way but you're completely wrong.
This forum is chock full of liberals that like to just insult instead of address threads, some of them cant even read and the love to keep telling you how intelligent they are knowing no one can notice what isnt there, liberals are so full of shit.

Pay attention, you cant insult me because I couldnt care less what you think
I think I'm doing a bloody good job playing the Devil's advocate and getting these twits panties' knotted. lmao

(And that goes for idiots who identify as "conservatives" as well - idiocy and heated rhetoric knows no ideological boundaries, apparently).

But in brutal honesty, the fact that we are in a day and age where "groups" as freakish and idiosyncratic as "incels", for example, are able to exist and demand some kind of "recognition" is definitely a sign of the fall of Rome, and one doesn't have to play the role of a "fascist" to make such a case...
He definitely won't unless you did too. In the context of how you were behaving, he really thinks you meant it that way. It's more just being stubborn towards a misunderstanding. I would have given a half-apology if I was in your shoes. Basically, sorry if you feel that way but you're completely wrong.
Thanks for attempting to intercede and explain.

The fact I did nothing wrong except express an opinion on the use of sock puppets tells me he's all booster, no payload.

Disagreed. The fact remains he fabricated a point of view and tried to have me banned over it. He even posted so and laughed about it.
They just suck, the ones that insult are just wankers that know they cant win the debate with facts

Liberals are a conglomeration of single issue voters...whether its

I want abortion on demand and everyone else to pay for it

I want taxpayers to pay for 8 yr olds to have transition sex change therapy

I want Socialized medicine so someone else pays for my health insurance

I want Gay rights because im gay

I want open borders for more democrat votes

The list goes on

Your list is one of lies and bullshit. Typical of the RW morons on this forum.