Insulting or attacking Kamala

Too funny. I'm not the one relegated to pronouncing "castle" as "cosso" ... and I can effectively pronounce my "r"s and my "t"s, thank you very much. Oh, and it's "math," not "maths." Mathematics is not a countable set any more than "physics" or "genetics." The reason the UK has no good food is because you can't effectively communicate any recipes. Maybe someday someone will perhaps use sign language to break through the UK's generally disfunctional communication malaise and convey that you should maybe consider refrigerating beer.

Oh, I see - you live in the Nineteenth Century sometime, eh? Must be odd to be drunk full-time on the frozen muck you like - can't be good for the stomach., though you at least avoid the dreadful taste Nowadays we have probably the best food in the world, better teeth than you have, and at least we're not yet as fat, because we don't eat seven meals at a time. The American illiteracies you prefer are put down to slavery and so on, obviously! I expect your great-grandchildren will be okay! :)
So, I'll ask again: why did Trump give up on Birtherism in 2016?
Trump is a businessman. It was a losing issue. What does he get by pursuing it? Nothing. At that point, no one could undo eight years and go back to 2008.

On the other hand, Americans were tired of the issue. There were Democrat voters in swing states who wanted to vote for Trump but his pressing of the certificate issue was annoying them.

For Trump, it was an easy decision: drop the issue, make Democrat voters happy and become President. It didn't matter what his personal opinion was, he announced what the voters wanted to hear ... and guess what ... Trump was elected.

Was he lying?
He was probably lying about believing Obama was born in the US. You'll notice he never claimed to have finally seen the original birth certificate. He just magically became "convinced" and just as quickly it was over.

Trump's advisors told him to drop it, so he did. So did everyone else EXCEPT for Democrats who keep bringing it up as though people like me who had unanswered questions had somehow attacked Obama.
Nowadays we have probably the best food in the world,
Count on a Brit to say something like that! How precious. Your expectations have gotten so low from centuries of eating crap that as soon as you first experience Fray Bentos you think you have the best food in the world!

... and at least we're not yet as fat, because we don't eat seven meals at a time.
You would if you had the great food we have. I can understand how Brits might be fine with choking down as little as possible given what they have.

I expect your great-grandchildren will be okay!
You expect correctly. They won't be relegated to conquering the entire planet looking for something to eat. Thank you for asking.
Nope but he did wear a big assed gold presidential medal.
There were Democrat voters in swing states who wanted to vote for Trump but his pressing of the certificate issue was annoying them.

He could just have shut up about it. This is the only instance I know where Trump publicly admitted he was wrong (of course, being Trump, he tried to wriggle out of it by falsely blaming Hillary).

He did this, you say, because Birtherism was annoying some Democrats? LOL!
He did this, you say, because Birtherism was annoying some Democrats? LOL!
I took the time to write a somewhat lengthy response and JPP froze up and it was lost.

The answer to your question is that yes, Trump has been working steadily to win over Democrat voters. You are questioning Trump's election strategy that I would remind you won him the Presidency. Democrat voters were bothered by the Obama birth certificate issue, just like you are to this day. The issue was a loser for Trump; he would have gained nothing by pursuing it beyond losing many of the Democrat votes he was trying to win.

Unions/Blue Collar. He started off his campaign directing his message to them.

Jews: Trump won over a lot of Jews by recognizing Jerusalem as the Israeli capitol and by moving the US embassy there.

Latinos: Mostly echoing the good news of the low unemployment numbers and leveraging the whole Goya thing.

Blacks: Trump has been hammering away at the black vote since 2015. He has done so much to steadily win over black voters that in June 2020 three polls had black support for Trump around 40% either "I support Trump" or "I strongly support Trump." When those poll results were released all the MSM rushed their spin doctors to do damage control, signalling panic on the Democrat side. When Trump garners unprecedented black vote in November, don't be caught off guard like you never saw it coming.




Yes, as am I.

In this case, forgery experts are not required. The flaws were so glaringly anachronistic that any layman can see it's a forgery.

Let's turn you into a Sherlock Holms. Are you aware that laser printers did not exist in 1961? Can you tell that Obama's birth certificate was printed on a laser printer? You can decisively conclude that what Obama "released" was not his original birth certificate just on that alone.

I already mentioned the kerning and the digital-native nature of the "certificate."

Many experts who worked in Hawaii hospitals stated that Hawaii didn't use standard 8.5"x11" paper for birth certificates ... and no one has disputed those claims.

Perhaps you heard of explanations for all of these. Otherwise, Obama's original birth certificate was never seen by any election official. The world has only gotten to see a forgery.


Do you really believe that? It is amazing how far rightys will go rather than simply admit they are wrong. You are a glaring example. The birthers have evaporated down to the few who like Trump, can never let go.
Do you really believe that? It is amazing how far rightys will go rather than simply admit they are wrong. You are a glaring example. The birthers have evaporated down to the few who like Trump, can never let go.
You are raving and some of your mouth froth is getting on your collar.

If you had not played hooky in highschool you might have been able to glean that I did not express any belief. I identified questions based on observations.

So, now it's your turn Mr. Puppet ... what have I written that is inaccurate?
The left set a new standard for how to insult or attack their political opponents when Trump announced his campaign in 2015. There are absolutely no limits when lefties attack or insult Trump, and lefties can gain instant fame and social credit if they set a new record for the most vile, ugly, ridiculous, or disgusting attack or insult. Lefties have set the standard for how to insult or attack political opponents, and they have set the standard for what is off limits.

No, we dont need to lower ourselves to lefty standards, but I fully intend to stop at nothing, just like lefties have done towards Trump. Slow Joe doesn't really know what is going on in the world around him, but Kamala still does. I have no intention to give her any special breaks or treatment because of her race or gender, I will insult and attack her like a lefty insults Trump.
