Intense songs.

THIS MAN SINGS HIS ASS OFF! Bet you dollars to donuts the birth rate skyrocketed the year after this was released! Ahhh, the days of classy records!

translation: Matty can't refute or disprove the link that substantiates my assessment. Denial and school yard retorts is all he has. So be it.

Fucktard: Metallica was written off for pressing charges against Napster users in around 1996-1998.

Before that they were revered. They shot themselves in the foot. Nobody gives a fuck about your Taylor Swift fan braindead idiots. (and you)

Fucktard: Metallica was written off for pressing charges against Napster users in around 1996-1998.

Before that they were revered. They shot themselves in the foot. Nobody gives a fuck about your Taylor Swift fan braindead idiots.

stop babbling! What you said has NOTHING to do with what I stated or the link I provided. GTFU, Matty. Not every one is going to like what you do, or ignore what you ignore. And since I've posted NO "swiftee" stuff, much less even hinted that I like her stuff, I can only surmise you're just lashing out in a inebriated state. Whatever. At least we agree on some music.
stop babbling! What you said has NOTHING to do with what I stated or the link I provided. GTFU, Matty. Not every one is going to like what you do, or ignore what you ignore. And since I've posted NO "swiftee" stuff, much less even hinted that I like her stuff, I can only surmise you're just lashing out in a inebriated state. Whatever. At least we agree on some music.

You wouldn't know intense if it kicked you in the face like lightning, breaking your jaw and making you eat through a straw for 8 weeks, you mushy faggot fuck!

You still wouldn't know what the fuck was going on. Yes, you are that fucking oblivious. In b4 you post Barry Manilow.
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