Invading America

Kamala Trump

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Check out this Interview of Daniel Estulin By Alex Jones.
Serious shit.
AJ: And then we see articles in the New York Times a week after this and we got this from Tucker too, that oh the UN’s got to get more aggressive in enforcing peace and start invading countries.

DE: Exactly. Well one of the things about invading nations again it wasn’t mentioned per se but it was one of the topics during coffee conversations the necessity in the future to invade the United States or at least take on the United States patriots for trying to defend the nation against the New World Order—

AJ: Now stop right there from your sources – and again folks I’ve talked to Tucker. I’ve talked to others. The source we’ve got is a great reporter who works with Tucker. Tucker’s got a sterling record on these forecasts. You’re saying American patriots that are fighting this was brought up at Bilderberg?

DE: I’m sorry, what did you say again? Could you repeat that please?

AJ: Specifically repeat what you said and give us more details.

DE: What I said is that these people are playing around with the idea that when war comes - because again I have never seen such a aggression as at this year’s conference against me, against Jim. I mean these people they followed me around. I live in Madrid. So I flew from Madrid to Italy and Italy I caught a connecting flight to—

AJ: It’s got to make them angry.

DE: Very, very angry. They pulled me off the plane in Milan. Nine cops got on the plane plus four Interpole guys got on the plane. They pulled me off. They questioned me for two and a half hours. They know who I am. They have my photograph. They’ve had my photographs for the last 13 years. They told me that probably I would not be able to get into Germany because the Shangian Treaty doesn’t apply to me because I’m not a European citizen, I’m a Canadian citizen. I got into Germany. Before I got on the plane I called a few friends of my Italian journalists who made enough noise that the German foreign ministry had to come out in public to say that they had no idea who I was or why I was coming to Germany but needless to say they were not going to arrest me—

AJ: But I want to go back though because you said that sources said they’re wondering how to deal with “American Patriots” that aren’t going along with this agenda. Tell us everything you know.

DE: Well the idea again is these people are getting very, very violent and they’re getting very aggressive and they’re getting very serious. The plans are going as fast they would have like to and one of the things again it was not a discussion of one of the key topics at the Bilderberg conference but it was an afternoon chat—

AJ: You’re talking about spies. People serving coffee. What they hear in the little sidebars.

DE: Well actually we got it from the intelligence people. So I tend to believe them first of all—

AJ: Okay specifically tells us what you got from those guarding the Bilderberg.

DE: What we got from these people is that in the future there will definitely be a conflict between the New World Order the Bilderbergers and the American Patriot movement and as the United States forces the Army, the Marines, the Reserves, the National Guard most likely will not fire on their own citizens. They do need to bring in the United Nations to fight against the American Patriots and to take over the country.

AJ: This is bone shattering. You’re telling me that one of your sources in there told you this?

DE: We got it from several sources.

AJ: And regardless even if that several sources, even if their security people are trying to scare us it shows that they are talking about us and they’re being given these orders to say this so either way it’s a confirmed report.

DE: These people are very, very serious and they’re getting very, very angry. I’ve never seen such pressure cooking—

AJ: Listen that’s because their program is falling apart.

DE: Well it actually is falling apart—

AJ: Do you know that in the last month the attacks on my show from 100 quarters and major magazines and newspapers is just unbelievable. I mean we can really see this happening.

DE: I want to just take a second out and tell you Alex I think you have one of the best programs in America and I’m a faithful listener and devoted fan of everything that you do.

AJ: I didn’t know that. Well I’m honored sir. I’ve got to get you back on for several hours sometime. There’s so much to cover but any other bombshells you want to drop on us.

DE: Let me see again empowering the United Nations until it becomes (inaudible) as well as a de facto world government and advancing this globe by creating a direct United Nations tax on world citizens by taxing people of the world as was said by Jim Tucker has already mentioned in the American Free Press and his reports on the Bilderbergers and I think he must have talked to you about it as well on your show.

AJ: They’re opening calling for a world tax right now.

DE: They are exactly.

AJ: But you say they’re getting very upset. That’s what I’m seeing. I think their whole program is in trouble.

DE: Well it is in trouble but I think – I’m not exactly sure because I don’t live in the United States but I think they’re way behind schedule and they’re getting angry and I’m not exactly sure it has anything to do with Rockefeller getting very, very old and if there’s anyone behind him who’s ready to take over the whole movement but for whatever reason these people are getting very angry. They’re getting vicious.

AJ: Well that’s what Jim has said is that they’re getting old and they want to see their plan come to fruition.

DE: Oh they do. It will definitely not be in Rockefeller’s lifetime but I have never seen such anger directed at us in the 13 years that I’ve been covering this and talking to the Jim in the 30 years that he has been doing this—

AJ: Well that’s because it’s all over the news now. They can’t cover it up anymore.

DE: I hope so.
"Four Interpol guys". That's interesting, since Interpol doesn't have any of its own agents or officers.
"Four Interpol guys". That's interesting, since Interpol doesn't have any of its own agents or officers.

Wow. You've proved the bilderbergers don't exist. You'll be hailed as a hero.

So when interpol achieves an effect on anything or takes an action, how does it do that thing?
Wow. You've proved the bilderbergers don't exist. You'll be hailed as a hero.

So when interpol achieves an effect on anything or takes an action, how does it do that thing?

Member countries use their police or other law enforcement officers.
A new world order of some shape is inevitable. all we can do is try and shape it to our advantage.
If it is not already too late. We are all particiapnts in the new world order already.
WE will have to fight ourselves as much as anyone else.
A new world order of some shape is inevitable.

No it's not. Believing that is just part of your brainwash.
all we can do is try and shape it to our advantage.
Nope. We can fight to maintain our own national sovereignty, and government devoted to the needs of it's people instead of the needs of multinational corporations.
If it is not already too late. We are all particiapnts in the new world order already.
WE will have to fight ourselves as much as anyone else.

Again with your blame the victim bullshit. We can also start by replacing our leaders with non-liars who will educate them about the hazards of foreign entanglements and dependancy, and those who believe our judiciary system should make decisions based on our laws instead of international law.

If I have to, I'll restart the American Separatist movement.

You just keep puffing on internationalist pole, pole-puffer.
Americans are so apathetic, what is it going to take to turn her around?
Americans are so apathetic, what is it going to take to turn her around?

Stop feeling we deserve it, for one. This goes back to the identity manipulation that is going on in our universities. Believing americans deserve to be destroyed is being presented as enlightenment.
What a terrible thing to say, I hope you are never the old person you describe!
Well, I hope I am. If I live past 54 I have beat every male in my family for at least 5 generations.

Of course I'm not an alcoholic, so I think I'm likely to do that... But I'm not buying any mothballs.
Wow. You've proved the bilderbergers don't exist. You'll be hailed as a hero.

So when interpol achieves an effect on anything or takes an action, how does it do that thing?

I wasn't trying to prove or disprove anything about the Bilderbergers.

Interpol is basically an intelligence-gathering/dissemination organisation, it has a policy arm as well. Every country (and it's usually the federal or national law enforcement organisation in a country) signed has liaison officers or sections.
But a secret society running everything is interesting. They're not very good it. You reckon they could do a better job?