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Investigate the investigators? Why not?
Is there really any good reason why the Attorney General William Barr shouldn’t investigate the people who were involved in the Trump collusion & obstruction investigation? Why shouldn’t the American folks have their AG take a real good look at what evidence those old Obama Department of Justice folks had to institute what turned out to be a witch hunt like our President said it was? Is there anybody here on JPP who can make a rational and reasonable argument against investigating the investigators? I’d love to see that argument.
Is there really any good reason why the Attorney General William Barr shouldn’t investigate the people who were involved in the Trump collusion & obstruction investigation? Why shouldn’t the American folks have their AG take a real good look at what evidence those old Obama Department of Justice folks had to institute what turned out to be a witch hunt like our President said it was? Is there anybody here on JPP who can make a rational and reasonable argument against investigating the investigators? I’d love to see that argument.