Investigations into the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections

"Expert Hacks Georgia Voting Machine in Court, Revealing Potential Election Vulnerabilities"

"However, Halderman’s findings, which were validated by the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) in June 2022, tell a different story. He indicated that a malicious actor could wreak havoc on an election"

There's your parroting of MSM lies, and then there's the truth.
Yea. You posted this nonsense months ago as if it proved something.
Yea. You posted this nonsense months ago as if it proved something.

Maybe that's one of the bookmarks lost in my hard drive failure, but I just had to look for it. I knew it was there, though. :awesome:

One may lose bookmarks and things, but not the knowledge they've acquired.
Maybe that's one of the bookmarks lost in my hard drive failure, but I just had to look for it. I knew it was there, though. :awesome:

One may lose bookmarks and things, but not the knowledge they've acquired.
I HATE when I know I had a link for something, but I just can't find it.

Then, Google searches give you pages of garbage when you're looking for the old link.
I haven't seen any evidence for your assertion.

That article doesn't even mention Sheriff Dar Leaf.

:rolleyes: It doesn't have to, because (wait for it) your good Sheriff is essentially :bdh:

It's the same tired ass nonsense that the MAGA flunkies and sycophants pulled after the 2020 election; state after state, city after city, town after town ... and they ALL FAILED WITH THE SAME TACTICS/CLAIMS.

Wasting taxpayers time and money (or that of the blinders wearing suckers that donate to this con game) and tying up the courts with the SOS. They are persistent little cusses, though.... I'll give them that. All in the hopes that just the idea will persuade more folk to put that orange faced POS back in office. Pathetic.
Nothing but comical to think that here we are three plus years away, and despite the mountain of evidence that has been pressed to the contrary, many on the right still buy, believe, and echo the Big Lie

And when someone says they aren’t part of the Trump cult then starts a thread citing Gateway as their source you know they are flat out lying

Here's the question that seems to be beyond the so called "liberal biased" MSM to ask when the right wing wonks and flunkies start braying this tired ass mantra: IF there was so much corruption in the voting system to elect Biden, then why are the same critics willing to accept ALL THE CONGRESSIONAL WINS BY THE GOP USING THE SAME EXACT SYSTEM around that time?

They bray and whine that the system is STILL open to why not invalidate all the GOP wins?

The sound you hear in the distance are the exploding heads and gnashing of teeth of our resident MAGA mooks, who realize that the BS responses they are about to post are just that, BS. But since the alternative would be to concede a point and admit error, they'll have to accept looking the fool parrot the party line. Let's watch. :corn:
Here's the question that seems to be beyond the so called "liberal biased" MSM to ask when the right wing wonks and flunkies start braying this tired ass mantra: IF there was so much corruption in the voting system to elect Biden, then why are the same critics willing to accept ALL THE CONGRESSIONAL WINS BY THE GOP USING THE SAME EXACT SYSTEM around that time?

They bray and whine that the system is STILL open to why not invalidate all the GOP wins?

The sound you hear in the distance are the exploding heads and gnashing of teeth of our resident MAGA mooks, who realize that the BS responses they are about to post are just that, BS. But since the alternative would be to concede a point and admit error, they'll have to accept looking the fool parrot the party line. Let's watch. :corn:

Obviously that points to a lot of ballots with only Biden circled because they were pressed for time after realizing Trump won by a landslide and Democrats didn't have enough ballots pre-cheated.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Here's the question that seems to be beyond the so called "liberal biased" MSM to ask when the right wing wonks and flunkies start braying this tired ass mantra: IF there was so much corruption in the voting system to elect Biden, then why are the same critics willing to accept ALL THE CONGRESSIONAL WINS BY THE GOP USING THE SAME EXACT SYSTEM around that time?

They bray and whine that the system is STILL open to why not invalidate all the GOP wins?

The sound you hear in the distance are the exploding heads and gnashing of teeth of our resident MAGA mooks, who realize that the BS responses they are about to post are just that, BS. But since the alternative would be to concede a point and admit error, they'll have to accept looking the fool parrot the party line. Let's watch. :corn:

Obviously that points to a lot of ballots with only Biden circled because they were pressed for time after realizing Trump won by a landslide and Democrats didn't have enough ballots pre-cheated.

:whoa: So according to your "logic", EVERY state & local race was a GOP landside in 2020 and to date. But, the insidious Dem Party just "ran out of fake ballots" to elect the Dem, Progressive and Independent know, like the ones that made the more recent "red wave" into a receding "red ebb".

That's your "theory", Matty? Hmm, given that even Dump's own Attny. Gen. told him that there was NO EVIDENCE of voter fraud, nor did NUMEROUS attempts of various MAGA "independents" could prove such in a court of law, or that even Dump appointed judges on the Circuit Courts decided that THERE WAS NO VOTER FRAUD (what, 60 times?).... I'd say your "theory" is nothing more than an insipidly stubborn "piss in the wind", and has a snowball's chance in hell of even making it to a legal court.

Thanks for doing EXACTLY as I predicted, Matty. Why don't you call Mike Lindell with your theory? If he can "Go Fund Me" enough bucks for a video, I'm sure you'll get a credit. :laugh:
Obviously that points to a lot of ballots with only Biden circled because they were pressed for time after realizing Trump won by a landslide and Democrats didn't have enough ballots pre-cheated.

Do you have any idea how stupid a post that is?
I have volunteered for election work in the past. Fake ballots cannot work. If any rightys vote instead of just cry about elections they know they vote in an assigned precinct. You are assigned a specific precinct to vote in and your name is in the precinct log book. When you vote, you are marked as voted. That means one vote per person. People cannot vote in precincts where they are not logged in the book. Tons of fake ballots cannot be counted. It just does not work.
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Do you have any idea how stupid a post that is?
I have volunteered for election work in the past. Fake ballots cannot work. If any rightys vote instead of just cry about elections they know they vote in an assigned precinct. You are assigned a specific precinct to vote in and your name is in the precinct log book. When you vote, you are marked as voted. That means one vote per person. People cannot vote in precincts where they are not logged in the book. Tons of fake ballots cannot be counted. It just does not work.

In what state?
For a while now, I've been suspicious of the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections. This, despite the fact that I -wanted- Trump to lose. I've seen a fair amount that leads me to believe that election tampering probably took place. Recently, I found an article that at the Gateway Pundit introducing me to a Sheriff named Dar Leaf that I found interesting.

I brought it up in a thread whose subject had nothing to do with the 2020 Presidential Elections, and so when I got a response to it, decided that it would be better to transfer it to a new thread whose topic is in fact said Presidential Elections. So here's where that conversation was:

I'm not a "MAGA minion". As I've said many times, I turned against him before he was even elected President back in 2016. I wouldn't have voted for Hillary either if I were American, but I considered her to be the "lesser of evils".

When allegations of voter fraud first surfaced shortly after Biden was declared the winner in 2020, I was skeptical to the point that I didn't think it was worth checking out. But the allegations just kept on coming, and so I started to look into the evidence. I certainly believe that election injustice had happened before, specifically in the 2000 elections, where I believe Al Gore should have won and I acknowledged that it didn't just have to happen to democrats. At this point, I believe that Trump may well have lost due to election injustice.

I decided to do a search on Dar Leaf to see if there was any more news on how his endeavour to uncover election injustice was going. Turns out, there is. Here's another article on him from yesterday:

Sheriff in Michigan's Barry County vows to fight subpoena for election probe records | ArcaMax

You can, ofcourse, just dismiss all of Sheriff Dar Leaf's efforts as "consistent repetition" or some such. Perhaps you would care to enlighten me and anyone else reading as to what you believe is being repeated? I mean, I'd certainly agree that a lot of efforts have been made to provide evidence that the 2020 elections weren't properly run in various places, but I think we can agree that the important thing should be, do those allegations have merit? As I said, at first, I didn't think so, but the more information I learned on the subject, the more I've been come to believe the opposite.

There was no election in 2020. Too many State never chose their electors.
Ken Block was charged by Trump to find the fraudulent votes that Trump claimed. He found that Trump was wrong and the election was fair and honest.
Trump paid for 3 companies to find the election was fraudulent and they could not find it.
You are a MAGA,

You can't make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Sock. You can't make people's judgement of that evidence just disappear either. MAGA isn't a person, Sock.
Anything from Gateway Pundit is not creditable journalism.
You don't get to decide who is credible for everybody, Sock. Omniscience fallacy.
As far as accusations about Dominion Fox News already admitted on air in different programs by different hosts that it has no evidence all the lies it reported are true and had to pay hundreds of millions for defamation.
FOX is owned and operated by Democrats, Sock. Dominion machines have demonstrated methods of distorting a count, Sock. Those commands can even come from over the internet.
Rudy also admitted his accusation about the woman and her daughter cheated while counting ballots in Atlanta was a lie and paid a defamation judgment.
Georgia never chose any electors, Sock.
The deSousa production 2000 Mules also admitted they had no evidence the accusations they made were true.
No, they didn't Sock.
That wipes out almost all the accusations made by the election fraud supporters.
Nowhere near it, Sock. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Sock. Don't claim I never showed some of it to you. That's just an argument of the Stone fallacy.
Bottom line: when it gets to a court of law and is examined thoroughly, it will fall apart just like all the other Goebbels influenced attempts. Seems you missed some things in your research BECAUSE THIS IS OLD NEWS. FYI:

Fact Check: Did Michigan Police Uncover 2020 Democratic Election Plot?
Published Aug 16, 2023 at 10:22 AM EDT

Most of it never got to a court of law. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Sock.
Ken Block covered Wisconsin, not Michigan. Furthermore, even in Wisconsin, Ken Block brings up something that seems to be cause for concern:

Wisconsin does not provide voter registrant's date of birth
Wisconsin posed a significant challenge to me when trying to assess if dead voters cast any of the mail ballots in 2020. The state provides no piece of a registrant’s date of birth, making it impossible to uniquely identify a voter and perform this check. I can say with certainty that dead voters played no role in Trump’s loss in the other swing states, but I cannot say so for Wisconsin.


Forget the false vote fraud claims. Here's the real reason Trump lost Wisconsin. | jsonline

The President is not elected by popular vote.
Wisconsin never chose any electors.
There was no election in 2020.
You said this: "I've seen a fair amount that leads me to believe that election tampering probably took place."

My statements were to show increasing evidence the voter fraud accusations were false with no evidence to support it.

I periodically read Gateway Pundit. Anyone who does can tell it is partisan trash.

"The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right[SUP][2][/SUP] fake news website.[SUP][1][/SUP] The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.[SUP][34]"

In September 2021, Google demonetized the site for publishing misinformation.[SUP][38][/SUP][SUP][39][/SUP][SUP][40"[/SUP]

False authority fallacy. Bulverism fallacy. There is no evidence of a negative. Attempted negative proof fallacy. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Sock. The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.
Nothing but comical to think that here we are three plus years away, and despite the mountain of evidence that has been pressed to the contrary, many on the right still buy, believe, and echo the Big Lie

And when someone says they aren’t part of the Trump cult then starts a thread citing Gateway as their source you know they are flat out lying

There is no evidence of a negative. Attempted negative proof fallacy. Buzzword fallacy. Argument of the Stone fallacy. Bulverism fallacy. Inversion fallacy.

You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Sock.
You can recognize a Trumper by their attitude about Covid vaccinations and deaths.
There are no vaccinations for Covid in the United States, Sock. A mRNA injection is not a vaccine. It's a treatment. Covid does not kill. Paradox V.
My doctor told me
Anecdotes are not a proof.
he can tell a person he needs a kidney transplant or cancer treatment and the person will gladly have the procedure.
Attempted proof by contrivance fallacy.
But, if he tells him to get a Covid vaccination,
There isn't one in the United States.
the patient treats him like he knows nothing about medicine or is part of some conspiracy.
He should.

The Democrat party is a conspiracy.
You don't get to decide who is credible for everybody, Sock. Omniscience fallacy.

FOX is owned and operated by Democrats, Sock. Dominion machines have demonstrated methods of distorting a count, Sock. Those commands can even come from over the internet.

Georgia never chose any electors, Sock.

No, they didn't Sock.

Nowhere near it, Sock. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Sock. Don't claim I never showed some of it to you. That's just an argument of the Stone fallacy.

Everything you say above is false. You must be using Gateway Pundit for your news.