Investigations into the 2020 U.S. Presidential Elections

False authority fallacy. Bulverism fallacy. There is no evidence of a negative. Attempted negative proof fallacy. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Sock. The Democrat party is a conspiracy. It is no theory.

I never made any election fraud by Democrats disappear. Something cannot disappear that never existed.
There are no vaccinations for Covid in the United States, Sock. A mRNA injection is not a vaccine. It's a treatment. Covid does not kill. Paradox V.

Anecdotes are not a proof.

Attempted proof by contrivance fallacy.

There isn't one in the United States.

He should.

The Democrat party is a conspiracy.

Conspiracy theory fallacy.

Are you happy Trump is going to pardon all those convicted Democrats that staged the January 6 insurrection?
Ken Block was charged by Trump to find the fraudulent votes that Trump claimed.
Of course. It's totally reasonable to assume that Trump held a scavenger hunt, probably as a fund-raiser, right?

He found that Trump was wrong and the election was fair and honest.
You suck at formal logic, and your delivery leaves a lot to be desired.

Trump paid for 3 companies to find the election was fraudulent and they could not find it.
Do you write for a tabloid?
Are you happy Trump is going to pardon all those convicted Democrats that staged the January 6 insurrection?
Great news! There was no Jan-6 insurrection, and Martin Luther King didn't engage in insurrections either.
Great news! There was no Jan-6 insurrection, and Martin Luther King didn't engage in insurrections either.

You/Into the Night told us it was Democrats disguised as MAGA.

Martin Luther King did not try to block the congressional election count through violence
Niether did the peaceful protesters on Oct 6th.

Nobody cares about the peaceful protestors. It was the ones who assaulted police officers, threatened VP Pence, vandalized the Capitol, and prevented Congress from counting the electoral votes that people object to--the ones convicted of seditious conspiracy.
Nothing has been proven false and no one has recanted. Actually, people keep coming forward.

Rudy recanted, "2000" Mules producers recanted, and Fox recanted. Check their defamation lawsuits.

You can prove some of the accusations false yourself with a little research. Find one county with more votes than registered voters. Trump claimed no president had ever won both Ohio and Florida and lost the presidency--check Richard Nixon.

Find one dead person who voted who was dead BEFORE the vote.

So far, none of the accusations have been proven true.
More and more of the accusations are being proven false and recanted by the accusers

Void argument fallacy. You cannot make the evidence of election fraud by Democrats just disappear, Sock. It is not someone making an accusation. It is evidence. I have already shown some of it to you. Argument of the Stone fallacy. Pivot fallacy. Attempted negative proof fallacy.
Rudy recanted, "2000" Mules producers recanted, and Fox recanted.
Giuliani did not recant what you are claiming he recanted. I don't know who Mules is. Fox News was happy to announce whatever the DNC ordered after the formerly conservative/honesty-leaning outlet transitioned to being just another dishonest, Marxist-leftist propaganda outlet. Besides, the Fox News "recant" was a sham arrangement ensuring Murdoch would be reimbursed any "fines" and "damages."

You can prove some of the accusations false yourself with a little research.
Nope. The election was stolen and it cannot somehow be proven otherwise. Months before the scheduled election, right here on JPP, I explained how the election was going to be stolen. On election night, and over the subsequent days, I watched it happen. After Trump's count had actually dropped and the criminals had plenty of time to stuff sufficient Biden votes into machines, I paid close attention to all the eye witnesses provide their testimony of what I had fully anticipated and naturally, I was not surprised at all that there were thousands of such witnesses who came forward. Then there was the video that removed any last shred of doubt.

Your argument is falling on deaf ears.

So far, none of the accusations have been proven true.
This isn't math. Life is not a closed functional system. Learn what a proof is.
Nobody cares about the peaceful protestors.
True. What is of concern to leftists is conflating infiltrating violent DNC thugs with peaceful protesters.

It was the ones who assaulted police officers, threatened VP Pence, vandalized the Capitol ...
Those were the DNC's infiltrators who turned violent on cue. I have already explained many times how this can be verified.

--the ones convicted of seditious conspiracy.
Incorrect. None of the violent DNC infiltrators were convicted of anything. All of those convicted were totally peaceful. It is an earmark of exactly the kind of tyrannical government of which we need to rid ourselves.

There were many videos of actual violence (not mere protest chanting). None of those captured on video as perpetrating violence were ever prosecuted; they were instead paid for their service. Again, all those convicted were entirely peaceful, which is what earned them their convictions.