Iowa Republicans want to ban SNAP recipients from buying meat, white bread,

Repubs love the wealthy and deify them. They hate the poor and demonize them. It seems they know their place. They will accept whatever the powerful and wealthy decide to do. Their judgments come when they think they have power over the poor. They will direct them on how to spend the 7 bucks a day they get for food. They will talk about their education and abilities. It is fun to blame people for how they wind up. Trump is a disgusting human being with very few values other than money They want him to be president.
gosh you're an idiot.

Food stamps, right now pays an average of $210 a month in round figures. If you were to match that, that works out to about $14 a day in food. That's about $3 for breakfast and lunch and $8 for dinner. You can vary that some. You can make good meals for that amount for two people. With dependents, the amount given goes up so that remains valid.

It is because recipients are mostly stupid idiots and / or drug addled morons that they can't get enough food on food stamps. Thus, we need a program to force those on drugs to stop and everyone in the program to attend--on a continuing basis--classes to learn (have it pounded into their think skulls and pea brains?) how to budget their money and feed themselves.

If they can't manage that, then fuck 'em.
Wow, that is some seriously obnoxious judgmental shit.

People on food stamps may include minimum wage earners, active military, retirees and disabled of any age or education. The majority are children.

Furthermore, I don't know about where you live but one can hardly feed two people two meals for $3. It is a stupid supposition,
yet your entire argument is based on it.

The premise of the OP is horrible, thoughtless, counter-productive and inhumane.

The party is stupid to allow it's members to expose disdain for the most vulnerable of us and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Thanks for letting us know that you are a thoughtless, selfish, amoral piece of shit.
Wow, that is some seriously obnoxious judgmental shit.

People on food stamps may include minimum wage earners, active military, retirees and disabled of any age or education. The majority are children.

Furthermore, I don't know about where you live but one can hardly feed two people two meals for $3. It is a stupid supposition,
yet your entire argument is based on it.

The premise of the OP is horrible, thoughtless, counter-productive and inhumane.

The party is stupid to allow it's members to expose disdain for the most vulnerable of us and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.

Thanks for letting us know that you are a thoughtless, selfish, amoral piece of shit.

So? What's wrong with requiring those receiving public assistance from having to take mandatory training to better themselves? What's wrong with society demanding that they show they can productively learn and use what is given them by society?

Or, are you claiming that we should just hand them money and not worry about what they do with it?
So? What's wrong with requiring those receiving public assistance from having to take mandatory training to better themselves? What's wrong with society demanding that they show they can productively learn and use what is given them by society?

Or, are you claiming that we should just hand them money and not worry about what they do with it?

Your basic assumption that they are lesser people and require your fabulous insights is insulting. The poor work hard but jobs do not pay enough. That is due to min wage being so low. How are you better? It does not show here.
Every buck in snaps creates 1.70 in the economy.
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So? What's wrong with requiring those receiving public assistance from having to take mandatory training to better themselves? What's wrong with society demanding that they show they can productively learn and use what is given them by society?

Or, are you claiming that we should just hand them money and not worry about what they do with it?

Your basic assumption that they are lesser people and require your fabulous insights is insulting. The poor work hard but jobs do not pay enough. That is due to min wage being so low. How are you better? It does not show here.
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So? What's wrong with requiring those receiving public assistance from having to take mandatory training to better themselves? What's wrong with society demanding that they show they can productively learn and use what is given them by society?

Or, are you claiming that we should just hand them money and not worry about what they do with it?
How much is that going to add to the cost of the SNAP program to aide maybe 5% of the recipients?

Stupid idea is stupid.

Why don't you worry about corporate welfare?
It is much more expensive and truly unneeded.

Don't they teach compassion and empathy at your Sunday morning Peacock parades?
Your basic assumption that they are lesser people and require your fabulous insights is insulting. The poor work hard but jobs do not pay enough. That is due to min wage being so low. How are you better? It does not show here.
Every buck in snaps creates 1.70 in the economy.

This is totally wrong! What I am saying is that those on public assistance should have to put in effort to learn how to get off public assistance. If they can demonstrate they know how and are applying those skills, great! If they don't have them, they are required to attend classes and training to learn how. If they can't or won't, and there aren't extenuating circumstances like a diagnosed disability or something, they lose their public support. Too bad for them.

Piss testing or the like for drug use should be mandatory. You are using, you get dropped. That includes alcohol and pot.

It is also utter bullshit that welfare grows the economy. The source your link uses: (yes, I looked it up and read it) refers to page 13 where there is a line item in a table "Temporary Increase in Food Stamps" with a 1.71 as a "Fiscal Stimulus Multiplier" given without any details. I call bullshit! The guy is making that crap up on the fly without offering a shred of evidence anywhere else in his paper.

Also, note the word "Temporary" in that. The people at ATD are playing fast and loose with their facts which really means they're lying their asses off.
How much is that going to add to the cost of the SNAP program to aide maybe 5% of the recipients?

Stupid idea is stupid.

Why don't you worry about corporate welfare?
It is much more expensive and truly unneeded.

Don't they teach compassion and empathy at your Sunday morning Peacock parades?

Why is it "stupid?" Is it because you'd have to start going to those classes? What's wrong with making people fiscally and socially responsible? Dragging corporate welfare in is just a red herring. Separate problem, separate solutions.

I don't give a shit about compassion and empathy, and neither do you. If you did, you'd be paying to save starving children in wherever for $25 a month with all of your extra money.
This is totally wrong! What I am saying is that those on public assistance should have to put in effort to learn how to get off public assistance. If they can demonstrate they know how and are applying those skills, great! If they don't have them, they are required to attend classes and training to learn how. If they can't or won't, and there aren't extenuating circumstances like a diagnosed disability or something, they lose their public support. Too bad for them.

Piss testing or the like for drug use should be mandatory. You are using, you get dropped. That includes alcohol and pot.

It is also utter bullshit that welfare grows the economy. The source your link uses: (yes, I looked it up and read it) refers to page 13 where there is a line item in a table "Temporary Increase in Food Stamps" with a 1.71 as a "Fiscal Stimulus Multiplier" given without any details. I call bullshit! The guy is making that crap up on the fly without offering a shred of evidence anywhere else in his paper.

Also, note the word "Temporary" in that. The people at ATD are playing fast and loose with their facts which really means they're lying their asses off.

It is true. Your bias is clear. Half the people on food stamps are children. I guess they could pick crops. You do not know enough to be ashamed of your hate for the poor.
Why is it "stupid?" Is it because you'd have to start going to those classes? What's wrong with making people fiscally and socially responsible? Dragging corporate welfare in is just a red herring. Separate problem, separate solutions.

I don't give a shit about compassion and empathy, and neither do you. If you did, you'd be paying to save starving children in wherever for $25 a month with all of your extra money.
It is stupid because you want to increase the cost of the program because a select few people get a freebie they don't deserve. Idiot.

The program is so minute that only concrete thinkers such as your fret about it.

It isn't a good solution.
It is stupid because you want to increase the cost of the program because a select few people get a freebie they don't deserve. Idiot.

The program is so minute that only concrete thinkers such as your fret about it.

It isn't a good solution.

Stats and Facts About Food Stamp Abuse (Editor’s Choice)

The cost of trafficked food stamps is between 1 and $4.7 billion annually
One in ten retailers is exploiting food stamp benefits
90% of small retail shops are targets for retailer trafficking
New York and California have the most food stamp investigations
Food stamp investigations have increased by 30%
Taxpayers in Florida have lost $12 million due to food stamp exploitation $12 million due to food stamp exploitation

Report: $4.5 Billion in Food Stamps Benefits Improperly Spent

If we were spending between $1 and 2 billion a year to make damn sure people were using food stamps properly or being taken off the program because they couldn't demonstrate they were, it'd be a net gain for the government.
Why is it "stupid?" Is it because you'd have to start going to those classes? What's wrong with making people fiscally and socially responsible? Dragging corporate welfare in is just a red herring. Separate problem, separate solutions.

I don't give a shit about compassion and empathy, and neither do you. If you did, you'd be paying to save starving children in wherever for $25 a month with all of your extra money.

There are many reasons why some people either have jobs that don't pay well or they got laid off. Also many of them have children so SNAP helps to supplement with whatever income they have. The higher the combined incomes is, the lower the benefit will be.
Children don't receive food stamps, their parents do. Their parents can go to class and demonstrate they aren't on drugs, and know how to budget their food money and actually feed their kids.

The amount of stamps given is predicated on the size of the family. Stamps are given for kids. Yes, kids do not go to the office and pick them up. What point do you think you made? Some congresspeople tried to live on food stamps for a week or 2. They found it extremely difficult requiring lots of planning to make the food last until the end. If they only had that superior knowledge that you possess.