Iowa Republicans want to ban SNAP recipients from buying meat, white bread,

The amount of stamps given is predicated on the size of the family. Stamps are given for kids. Yes, kids do not go to the office and pick them up. What point do you think you made? Some congresspeople tried to live on food stamps for a week or 2. They found it extremely difficult requiring lots of planning to make the food last until the end. If they only had that superior knowledge that you possess.

Okay, so? They don't give them to the children. They are given to the parents to spend on the children--that is if the parents choose to do so. Food stamps are supposed to be a supplement to you using your own money to buy food. I would say for a couple getting $210 in food stamps that spending another $200 would get you through the month just fine. That would mean no eating out, and menu planning around cheaper food items you prepare yourself.