IPCC Report

How is it incorrect?

Yes - we're one of the leaders. But if we're the only one who reduces significantly (again - this is what is being discussed), it will make very little difference if China, India, Japan & the rest continue to increase, as they are.

What is incorrect? I'm all ears. Draw upon that extensive experience you have studying alternatives.
One would only require a slight knowledge of arithmetic to prove you incorrect. Since your argument is so weak that a small child could defeat it, I am too embarrassed for you to answer.

You have fallen so far Oncellor. Why?
When you say "we don't have the will", are you talking about just Americans, or do you mean the entire world? This is only mild curiosity on my part, as I have reached my saturation point. The "progressives" constantly trumpet a litany terminal illnesses the planet faces(especially if we vote for conservatives). We have now evidently devolved to the point where despite evidence to the contrary, we are the same violent, racist, sexist, greedy capitalist robber baron environmental rapists we were 100 years ago. So screw it. Let China or Russia tackle this. I'm going to take my gas guzzler out for a spin because there's still a lot of environment out there to rape.

Actually I am talking about the owners of the fossil fuel companies. Were they to change from oil companies or coal companies or natural gas companies to energy companies, everything would fall into place quickly and the energy companies could keep their customers, infrastructure, market control and profit. They could readily accomplish this change with reasonable investments in alternative energy from their excess profits.

No jobs are lost at all since oil production turns from fuel to manufacturing stock, which can be recycled indefinitely Without out the ease of manufacturing allowed by having oil available as a chemical feed stock, manufacturing would revert to far less efficient methods, leading to ridiculous consumer cost increases. That is why burning oil and coal must be ended as soon as possible, to leave sufficient manufacturing stock for the future of humanity.

Unfortunately, short-sighted greed and violent, racist, sexist, greedy capitalist robber baron environmental rapists still exist and in fact are at the height of their power right now, as they were a century ago.
The last decade has seen the execution of the largest theft ever in the history of mankind. The very rich literally took most of the money and they are still collecting it at full speed.
Why? you think they will go on a pollution spree just because we aren't polluting? Weird.

Uh, no. Their emissions would go up, because they have always gone up. Why in the world do you think they'd all of a sudden go down?

I don't think their actions would be affected by America one way or the other.
For 2 "experts" on this topic, you 2 don't know that much.

China's emissions increased so much in the last decade that they completely outpaced ANY of the gains made by Kyoto.

Think about that a bit, before responding. And only respond if you have something intelligent to say.
For 2 "experts" on this topic, you 2 don't know that much.

China's emissions increased so much in the last decade that they completely outpaced ANY of the gains made by Kyoto.

Think about that a bit, before responding. And only respond if you have something intelligent to say.

Are you serious right now? There was no Kyoto. We didn't even sign it so how could any gains have been made under it?
China has the most to gain in the long run and they know it. There is a lot more of them, Onecell and they are a lot smarter than you.
That is why they are putting more effort into getting off fossil fuels than anyone else in the world, including and especially us. By the time we realize our mistake in not making
alternative energy a "Manhattan Project", it will be far too late and the Chinese will own the alternative energy markets. As to their own use? Yes their needs have skyrocketed, propelled by American's incessant desire for cheap goods.

While they built some coal power plants, they also built the world's largest power station and it uses zero (0) no fossil fuel at all, in fact it is powered entirely by the force of gravity alone.
They will continue these type of groundbreaking advances and eliminate the coal burning plants as in-efficient, it is simply a matter of time. We are a little ahead of them on the closing the coal burning plants yet they are miles ahead of us in other, larger more long tern areas.
Judging by Rune & tekky's comments, it seems obvious that some think America exists in some sort of vacuum on the planet. That if we just go carbon free, hurricanes will die down, there won't be droughts, et al.

We live on a great big world, guys & gals. We all share an atmosphere together.
Judging by Rune & tekky's comments, it seems obvious that some think America exists in some sort of vacuum on the planet. That if we just go carbon free, hurricanes will die down, there won't be droughts, et al.

We live on a great big world, guys & gals. We all share an atmosphere together.

Sorry thing, but you simply are not qualified to judge.
You pay no attention to the facts pointed out to you and simply keep parroting the same, already disproven lies, like a small child.
Sorry thing, but you simply are not qualified to judge.
You pay no attention to the facts pointed out to you and simply keep parroting the same, already disproven lies, like a small child.

That's actually what you keep doing.

You, tekky & Darla seem to think that America going cold turkey can have an effect. The other thread has an article that states that China's growth will overshadow any paltry difference we can make in 4 years.

How do you justify such an illogical stance?
That's actually what you keep doing.

You, tekky & Darla seem to think that America going cold turkey can have an effect. The other thread has an article that states that China's growth will overshadow any paltry difference we can make in 4 years.

How do you justify such an illogical stance?

You are completely out of your mind.

At best (if at all) there will be a very gradual transition. You really are a fucking moron thing.
You should check the list of emissions leaders sometime.

Anyway, I realize it's egg on your face, but that's all I was referring to. You're wrong about pretty much everything.

So far you have provided zero evidence that I am wrong about anything.
It is you who is incorrect, and have been all along.
You are completely out of your mind.

At best (if at all) there will be a very gradual transition. You really are a fucking moron thing.

Going cold turkey is what prompted you to post the article about being off carbon by 2030.

What I'm trying to tell you, but which you're way too stupid to comprehend, is that even this kind of effort would not change global warming one iota.
Going cold turkey is what prompted you to post the article about being off carbon by 2030.

What I'm trying to tell you, but which you're way too stupid to comprehend, is that even this kind of effort would not change global warming one iota.

Only an omniscient being could make such a statement. Since you are now claiming god like powers, I am going to give up reasoning with you further, as a complete and non-productive waste of time. Good bye Oncelor, old friend. Your former self will be missed.