Iran: Are We Attacking This Spring?

Ok, well you're certainly entitled to your opinion that these are "contingency" plans. You haven't proved that, and you can't. Nor is that all the media has been reporting.

I can't prove that we are going to attack Iran. That's why I never said I could. I said I now think Bush is crazy enough to do it, but I hope that he doesn't.

Come spring, we will find out.
oops. i meant feb 1, 1981! raygun just needed a few days to form the seat in the oval office to his ass before he ordered that one!
Bush I had already dealt with Iran to gruarantee the hostages freedom, even before the election. Just to be sure they were not released before raygun got into office.
"Bush I had already dealt with Iran to gruarantee the hostages freedom, even before the election. Just to be sure they were not released before raygun got into office."

I still laugh about that. They totally played Carter out on the Iran hostage situation.
"Bush I had already dealt with Iran to gruarantee the hostages freedom, even before the election. Just to be sure they were not released before raygun got into office."

I still laugh about that. They totally played Carter out on the Iran hostage situation.

Yeah, it was especially funny for the hostages.

Too bad your dad wasn't one of them. That would have made it even funnier.
"Yeah, it was especially funny for the hostages."

It was good that they were able to guarantee their safety and get them out. Carter failed at this for how long? Yeah, they played him at the end, but they got the job done.

"Too bad your dad wasn't one of them. That would have made it even funnier."

Fuck you Darla. You are a piece of shit and truly do not deserve to be breathing. Go play in traffic and prove Darwin correct.
Originally Posted by Superfreak
"Bush I had already dealt with Iran to gruarantee the hostages freedom, even before the election. Just to be sure they were not released before raygun got into office."

I still laugh about that. They totally played Carter out on the Iran hostage situation.

Here you are "laughing" over the statement made that Reagain "made sure the hostages were not released before he took office", which clearly denotes that the hostages were held longer than need be, or at the very least, that Reagan didn't care if they were. that to you, was funny.

Well newsflash freak, those hostages? They were all someone's father.

And if you find it funny that they could have been held longer for political beneft? Then it IS too bad one of them wasn't your father. :)
Newsflash Darla... they were able to work it out to guarantee the safety of the hostages and guarantee the release. What exactly did Carter accomplish?

Fuck you. It is too bad your parents didn't believe in abortion.
Originally Posted by Superfreak
"Bush I had already dealt with Iran to gruarantee the hostages freedom, even before the election. Just to be sure they were not released before raygun got into office."

I still laugh about that. They totally played Carter out on the Iran hostage situation."

Again, I must refer you to the post where you laughed over the very idea of using the hostages as political pawns, even though this clearly implies that they were held for longer.

It was awfully cold of you. Maybe you'll learn something from this. I hope so. Those hostages were human beings, and someone loved them.
...and actually both of my parents are pro-choice.

Now, they are awfully happy with the choice they made though!
"Now, they are awfully happy with the choice they made though!"

They are your parents... they feel obligated to tell you that. It is the rest of the world that would have been better had your mom opted to remove you from existence.
if carter had been reelected,the hostages would've been there another 4 years......

That's because Iran prefers republican presidents to democratic ones:

Iranian Goverment Prefers Bush over Kerry

Associated Press

"We do not desire to see Democrats take over." Historically, Democrats have harmed Iran more than Republicans, said Hasan Rowhani, head of the Supreme National Security Council, Iran's top security decision-making body.

"'We haven't seen anything good from Democrats,' Rowhani told state-run television in remarks that, for the first time in recent decades, saw Iran openly supporting one U.S. presidential candidate over another.

"'We should not forget that most sanctions and economic pressures were imposed on Iran during the time of Clinton,' Rowhani said of the former Democratic president. 'And we should not forget that during Bush's era — despite his hard-line and baseless rhetoric against Iran — he didn't take, in practical terms, any dangerous action against Iran.'"

The Iranian government blames the Clinton administration for imposition of economic sanctions, while viewing Bush’s opposition as largely rhetorical.

Though Iran generally does not publicly wade into U.S. presidential politics, it has a history of preferring Republicans over Democrats, who tend to press human rights issues.
"Now, they are awfully happy with the choice they made though!"

They are your parents... they feel obligated to tell you that. It is the rest of the world that would have been better had your mom opted to remove you from existence.

Oh I doubt "the rest of the world" would even notice one way or the other.

Well, it seems almost as if you haven't learned anything from this. You still seem to believe that only the lives you personally value, have any value. And that's it's ok to laugh at American hostages (or any hostages for that matter) being held for longer provided it is at the expense of a politician you dislike.

But I think that it will just take some time, and it will weigh on you. I'm an optimist by nature. I can't believe that someone can remain as stupidly cruel as you present yourself to be.
"Yeah, it was especially funny for the hostages."

It was good that they were able to guarantee their safety and get them out. Carter failed at this for how long? Yeah, they played him at the end, but they got the job done.


Carter failed at this for how long?

444 days. Which is a shorter period of time, than some the american hostages were held in Lebanon during the 1980s. And at least Carter never caved into or emboldened terrorists, by trying to bribe them into releasing the hostages - like Reagan did. Arms for hostages.

Yeah, they played him at the end, but they got the job done.

I don't think it was cool for the hostages to be held longer, so that Reagan could win.
Supplying an avowed enemy of the USA with arms is treason , I don't care how you try and spin it.

I still wonder why people disagree when I say that the Regan admin started the Neocon movement (bowell).
Supplying an avowed enemy of the USA with arms is treason , I don't care how you try and spin it.
As is consciously and deliberately arranging for American civilians to be held hostage for longer than necessary in order to further one's own political ambitions. As is introducing crack cocaine into the American black market in order to fund death squads.

Reagan was a unworthy to be an American citizen, in my estimation. He was, quite possibly, the worst president in history.
As is consciously and deliberately arranging for American civilians to be held hostage for longer than necessary in order to further one's own political ambitions. As is introducing crack cocaine into the American black market in order to fund death squads.

Reagan was a unworthy to be an American citizen, in my estimation. He was, quite possibly, the worst president in history.

Huh...odd reaction.

Some people are still laughing over it.
Regan also was good at cooking the books. He included military personnel in the unemployment figures and cut off the unemployment benefits when they got out. Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too ?

Regan consulted with satanic sooth sayers and made poplar the "God Bless" saying at the same time...